July 30, 2020 - Loyna's Cetari!

Now that Otroe has had his fun, it's my time to shine. I've used my whale-spent time researching on Scria rather than messing around with potatoes, unlike some people. I bring you my great findings:

calico adultachromatic adultalbino adult
blonde adultblack adulttrance adult
cream babysilver babyamber baby
lemon adolescentindigo adolescentrose adolescent

The new Cetari Creatu!

This Creatu is a part of the Scria species, but is quite rare. Due to how limited it is, I've decided to only give this Creatu out to the most dedicated residents of Scria - those who have frequently visited my Shrine and can bring me Three Blessed Elemental Creatu in exchange for each Cetari Creatu Egg. 


The Cetari is a new, Evolving Season Creatu.
The seasons shown here in order are: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
These new Evolving Season Creatu are unique in a few ways:
They have a changing Natural color that automatically evolves with the Rescreatu seasons.
Cannot have applied effects.
Cannot change color via Natural Colored Jelly Beans.
Cannot change color via Enchanted Springs.
Eggs do not fail when fully incubated.
Eggs do not spoil.

You must be a resident of that specific planet to visit the Guardian Loyalty Quest.

Lastly, I'm sure you're excited to hear from Adagu and Palora on what's going on with Relcore and Atquati. 

Adagu is should have an announcement for you in the coming days. Unfortunately, it seems Palora has been feeling quite eel - whoops, I mean, quite ill - but she should have information about Atquati soon!

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July 29, 2020 - The Feiron Arrives + Loyna's Cetari!

I bring the best of news! We've discovered a secret hideout FULL of potatoes which were being launched all over the planets by that rascal Malcolm! He says he meant no harm. His intention was to give everyone 'free' potatoes, and then provide them with launchers so they could also 'enjoy' the fun. Personally, I think this was a greedy venture by him to sell launchers, and we're going to be keeping an eye out for more suspicious behavior. Seeing as we haven't had any injuries, we've let him go with a stern warning. This does mean, however, that we are no longer being punishingly pestered by potatoes.

albino adultcalico adultachromatic adult
black adulttrance adultamber adult

And with that problem solved, I can present my findings:

The new Feiron Creatu!

This Creatu is a part of the Reiflem species, but is quite rare. Due to how limited it is, I've decided to only give this Creatu out to the most dedicated residents of Reiflem - those who have frequently visited my Shrine and can bring me Three Blessed Elemental Creatu in exchange for each Feiron Creatu Egg.


The Feiron is a new, Evolving Season Creatu.
The seasons shown here in order are: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
These new Evolving Season Creatu are unique in a few ways:
They have a changing Natural color that automatically evolves with the Rescreatu seasons.
Cannot have applied effects.
Cannot change color via Natural Colored Jelly Beans.
Cannot change color via Enchanted Springs.
Eggs do not fail when fully incubated.
Eggs do not spoil.

You must be a resident of that specific planet to visit the Guardian Loyalty Quest.


Hello! I am glad to see you have all received Otroe's message so well. I am Loyna, Guardian of the planet Scria. I have some great news to share with you about a newly discovered Creatu on Scria, the Cetari. Unfortunately, Otroe seems to have stolen my thunder for today, so I'll let him have his few moments of fame. Check back in with me tomorrow to find out more!


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July 28, 2020 - Otroe has an update!
Hello there! I have a lot more information to provide you on these new Creatu which have been appearing on every planet. Below is what Reiflem's unknown Creatu looks like at all ages.
However, it doesn't end there! The following is the Natural color description from first reported sightings back in Spring...
Yet, with Fall quickly approaching in Rescreatu, some of the sightings of this Creatu report it having even different shades.
After managing to get one of these Creatu myself and taking it with me into a colder environment, it has reacted yet again! It seems these strange new Creatu might be changing color as the seasons progress!
Now, what of the other new unknown Creatu from the other planets? It seems those are also changing color with the seasons!
Unfortunately, this is all I have for you today. I've figured out the main suspect in this Preposterous Potato Pummeling, and have to tend to that immediately. I need to go and catch this rascal in the act!
However, in the meantime, the other Guardians are currently dedicating long hours to sort these new Creatu out. Loyna seems to be especially whale-versed on her planets new Creatu and should be providing an update tomorrow!

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July 26, 2020 - Scuba Time

"Why, howdy there, stranger. There seems t' have been some kinda mistake. I've been lumbered with a whole load o' scuba gear an' I ain't got no use for it! Here's an idea, why don' I give ya some for helpin' me out with m' quest?"

For the next couple of weeks, Cassie will randomly award parts of a scuba gear kit to those who help out with her clothing quest! 

With summer heating up, you'll definitely want to have a full set of scuba gear on hand in case you need to cool off in the crisp waters of Atquati. There are four pieces to collect, so no time to waste! 

Head over to see Cassie and find out what your first task will be!

Don't miss our previous update regarding the Vintage Golden Bag!

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July 26, 2020 - Vintage Golden Bag!
Vintage Golden Bag

The mystery contents of the Vintage Golden Bag have been solved, and it is now on sale in the Cash Shop for 200 CP!

The list of items that can be found inside this bag is located in the bags description, or at this link.

The items in this bag were hand picked from all items on Rescreatu to only contain rare, sought after, and otherwise hard to get items. As Premium Pack items and other old Cash Shop and event items were now almost impossible to obtain, newer users did not have much opportunity to get these items. We feel this is a good compromise to release a small number of these to allow newer users to obtain them; but still have the items keep most of their value.

The items in this bag are subject to change at any time based on supply and rarity.

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