August 19, 2020 - Palora's Big News!

Hello there! I know you've all been waiting for my big news. I feel I finally have enough information on this Creatu to present it to you:

blonde adultalbino adultcalico adult

ginger adultachromatic adulttrance adult

black adolescentcream adolescentsepia adolescentindigo babyrose babylime baby

The new Guilbyss Creatu!

This Creatu is a species of Atquati but it is quite rare. Due to how limited it is, I've decided to only give this Creatu to the most dedicated residents of Atquati - those who have frequently visited my Shrine and can bring me Three Blessed Elemental Creatu of Atquati in exchange for each Guilbyss Creatu Egg. 

Guilbyss Creatu EggGuilbyss Creatu EggGuilbyss Creatu Egg

Visit my Loyalty Quest via the Quests Page.

The Guilbyss is a new, Evolving Season Creatu.

The seasons shown here in order are: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

These new Evolving Season Creatu are unique in a few ways:

They have a changing Natural color that automatically evolves with the Rescreatu seasons.

Cannot have applied effects.

Cannot change color via Natural Colored Jelly Beans.

Cannot change color via Enchanted Springs.

Eggs do not fail when fully incubated.

Eggs do not spoil.


To visit a Guardian's Shrine or Loyalty Quest, you must be a resident of that Guardian's planet.


Residence permits from the cash shop will allow you to change your planet of residence, or you can use an aura candle for a temporary 24-hour residency change.

Now that each of us has revealed our Creatu, the Guardians have something new to focus on, and we must divert our attention there immediately. Who knows when we'll have an update? Whenever that time is, you know that owl be here to speak with you.

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August 16, 2020 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Pachico! Congratulations! The winning pot was 47,607,250 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing. Remember, the starting pot is always 25,000,000TU, so grab your tickets for a chance to win!

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August 12, 2020 - News from Adagu


I hear that you have all been enjoying the new Creatu recently revealed by Otroe and Loyna. As for me, I have been ensuring that all my information is correct before sharing my news. Now that my facts are in order, I am proud to present my newest discovery:

ginger adult

blonde adultalbino adult

calico adolescentachromatic adolescent

sepia babyblack baby

The new Viarindi Creatu!

azure adultlemon adult

indigo adolescentlime adolescent

magenta babyamber baby


This Creatu is a species of Relcore but it is quite rare. Due to how limited it is, I've decided to only give this Creatu to the most dedicated residents of Relcore - those who have frequently visited my Shrine and can bring me Three Blessed Elemental Creatu of Relcore in exchange for each Viarindi Creatu Egg.  



Visit my Loyalty Quest via the Quests Page.




The Viarindi is a new, Evolving Season Creatu.

The seasons shown here in order are: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

These new Evolving Season Creatu are unique in a few ways:

They have a changing Natural color that automatically evolves with the Rescreatu seasons.

Cannot have applied effects.

Cannot change color via Natural Colored Jelly Beans.

Cannot change color via Enchanted Springs.

Eggs do not fail when fully incubated.

Eggs do not spoil.


To visit a Guardian's Shrine or Loyalty Quest, you must be a resident of that Guardian's planet.


Residence permits from the cash shop will allow you to change your planet of residence, or you can use an aura candle for a temporary 24-hour residency change.

 I hear that poor Palora has made a full recovery. She has been using her time to gather information, so you can expect her news to leapfrog mine any day soon!

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August 9, 2020 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was XAllurcore! Congratulations! The winning pot was 45,685,375 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing. Remember, the starting pot is always 25,000,000TU, so grab your tickets for a chance to win!

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August 3, 2020 - Atquati Info + Other News
Some information has been leaking from Atquati regarding the mysterious Creatu Palora has been investigating. Maybe she will have some news in the coming days when she starts feeling well?
Various outdated games and shops have been removed. We will have new games soon to replace those that have went missing. The items in the shops will be redistributed as necessary.
Should you have any stock in a shop that no longer exists, please ensure you sell it off before the end of the month as the stocks will be removed at that time.

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