
July 26, 2020 - Vintage Golden Bag!
Vintage Golden Bag

The mystery contents of the Vintage Golden Bag have been solved, and it is now on sale in the Cash Shop for 200 CP!

The list of items that can be found inside this bag is located in the bags description, or at this link.

The items in this bag were hand picked from all items on Rescreatu to only contain rare, sought after, and otherwise hard to get items. As Premium Pack items and other old Cash Shop and event items were now almost impossible to obtain, newer users did not have much opportunity to get these items. We feel this is a good compromise to release a small number of these to allow newer users to obtain them; but still have the items keep most of their value.

The items in this bag are subject to change at any time based on supply and rarity.

Comments: 7

Icalasari - July 28, 2020
This is a great idea! Lets you give new players a chance and helps fix the economy some without having to retread events or make the items overly common
Kalati - July 27, 2020
love this I'm restraining myself from keysmashing please understand
Kalati - July 27, 2020
About to go nuts
Witchy - July 26, 2020
Spectacular idea!!
Mel - July 26, 2020
Oh my gosh I'm so glad these nearly unobtainable items are obtainable again!! I can get back to work on some goals for Sariel and Melcaara
Setzer - July 26, 2020
Great idea!!
Kelpie - July 26, 2020
Yay finally!