They say you're nothing but a Beast... {Private} ...Are they wrong?

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8:36pm Aug 1 2011

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Ooc// No, wait for the moment to heat up, or something....
/bossy.  Jk, you do what you want, love~ <3 

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11:34am Aug 2 2011

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[[Hehehehe, I'm just letting you know I'm on.
I'll reply , but I have to see your post again. -hates when you have to go to another page to reply - ]]

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4:35pm Aug 2 2011

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The walk back to the castle was silent. But lately, my mind couldn't stop thinking.
I stayed a fare distance from Sage, but also a bit behind her. I wanted to just watch her. I watched her hair flow from the wind, blessing me with that endearing smell that would always be better then any flower in any part of my garden. 
Or, the way she walked. And in that dress?
My heart fluttered as I just imagined her. 
Unfortunately, we came to the door. Which meant this was the end of my walking on air with the most important thing in the world to me. 
I walked inside with her to see the table cleaned off, and everything silent except for hearing dishes being cleaned. 
I wondered where everyone was. 
They couldn't have been watching us, could they? 
If I were human, I would have blushed at the thought of it. 
[[OMG I'm sorry for this failure. Dx
I know they were supposed to be all 'romantic' and then Candle was supposed to come in but I didn't know how to start it D: ]]

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4:46pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 4:48pm Aug 2 2011)

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Ooc// That's okay.  I has a plan.  |D  /begins post.
You'll have to wait for a moment.  Lemme go do some shorter-post rps, and then this one.  /shot. 
EDIT: Nevermind, I has no other roleplays to post on yet~ /gets to work. 

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4:48pm Aug 2 2011

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[[I do the same thing bahaha.
Like all my short post roleplays first before yours. <3
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy you has a plannnnn<3 ]]

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4:54pm Aug 2 2011

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Sage turned to study Andrew for a moment.  She shouldn't care that she was a disappointment.  She really shouldn't.  And especially shouldn't care about a Beast's opinion.
But, somehow, she did.
Feeling suddenly lonely, and tad unwanted, she moved closer to the exit area of the dining hall.  She struggled for a way to start up conversation again--anything but this awkward silence.
Finally, she found something.
Keeping her eyes trained steadily on a tapestry, she started softly, "I...I wanted to thank you for the letter, Andrew.  It was really thoughtful, and I guess it made me a lot more comfortable here."  She felt blush heat her cheeks as she added, "I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to go down to breakfast this morning....but I'm glad I did."
She didn't turn to look at him, didn't want to see the disgust in his eyes.  As soon as she had said the last words, she wondered if he would maybe take her awkward attempt at thanking him as some sort of desperate groveling.  If only there was a way to open your heart to someone, and show them what you were really feeling.
What word's couldn't express.
Sage, at the moment, was feeling a whirlwind mixture of embarrassment, surprise, disappointment, loneliness, excitement, hope, and something else she couldn't name.  She wished that words could express that she didn't think that he was as awful as he seemed to think himself, and that she was sorry that she wasn't what he had expected.  She wanted to thank him for showing her his beautiful gardens, and for being so kind--
But what was the use?  He wouldn't care, even if she hadn't fallen so short of his expectations.
Ooc// Man, I didn't think that I would write that much.  xD; 

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5:06pm Aug 2 2011

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I forgot about the letter. I forgot the way I found that letter. I forgot that acheing pain in my chest just thinking about that stupid letter.
Until she brought it up again. 
I swallowed hard, as I looked at the ground. Was she lieing to me? Was she just saying empty words because she didn't know what else to say? Was I a joke to her?
Did her lover ever write her a letter? Was I not meeting her expectations? [<< I just had to do that, since they were both worrying about things! xD ]
It was possible that she was serious though. 
"I thought I offended you with it. Or that you didn't even see it."
I said, knowing that this conversation might go down hill if I kept going. But, we had to talk about it sometime right?
"Sage... I know this might sound wierd, but I don't want you to pretend. I don't want you to say words that have no meaning, or lie to me like you just did about the letter. I promised you I wouldn't hurt you, and I meant it. Even if you said something hurtful."
I was glad her back was toward me. I wouldn't be able to say what I was saying if she was staring at me with those eyes. 
Those beautiful green eyes...
I gulped as I kept going, also turning around so if she turned around, she'd see my hideous back and not my hideous front. 
"Your not glad that you came down this morning. At least you shouldn't be. You shouldn't feel comfortable here, no matter how much I want you to be. Please, don't lie to me like that. It hurts more then the truth." 
I couldn't suppress what I said next. 
"I understand I'm a monster, My Dear Sage. I understand that you don't want to be here. So, now I understand why I found the letter on the floor of your bedroom. Don't worry. It's gone now, and will always be forgotten. It wasn't worth the try to make you happy, I suppose, since it only made things worse. I won't bother you ever again with something so silly."

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6:15pm Aug 2 2011

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That was all Sage could say.  The word came out of her mouth without thinking, and as the words truly registered, her tongue wouldn't move.
She felt a wave of sorrow crashing over her.  Don't care don't care don't care don't care  don't care don't care don't care.  Her mind ordered silently.  He's only trying to hurt you.  And he had succeeded.  A gaping wound in her feelings was opening up, swallowing the peace and joy of the morning, and leaving all that was bad behind.
A rush of rage came over her.
"Is that what you think I am, Andrew?  Some lying, groveling maid whose only desire is to get on your good side?  Well, believe me, if I thought otherwise, I wouldn't have said the things I said.  Maybe I have the good grace to keep it from my tongue, but I do not lie.  If...if you're disappointed with what I turned out to be, I'm sorry.  But you can be honest with me, too."
With that, she turned and fled from the room.
Sage didn't know where she was going, or why, but it was anywhere that was far from Andrew.  A wry, hurtful part of her congratulated her on messing things up monumentally--on the first day! it chimed in merrily--but another part was crying.  What was left of her logical brain had given up on trying to sort through her emotions, and went numb, even as she raced deeper and deeper into the castle, getting more and more lost.  It didn't matter now.
In fact, nothing did. 

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6:23pm Aug 2 2011

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[[... I know this is sad and all. But... I. Love. This. XD  ]]
I hurt her. I don't know why she would think I was disappointed in who she was, but I still felt convicted. What did I say to make her think so bad of herself?
I started, turning around with sad eyes to find her not there.
"It's not supposed to go like this..."
I mumbled to myself as I drowned in silence. For a long time, I stood there, staring at the empty space where Sage used to be at. "I'm sorry."
I whispered. I don't know what I'm sorry for, but I hate seeing her so upset. I've never felt so sick of my self before, even as a monster.
Finally, I realized that me standing here wasn't the way to fix things. I went through the door that was opened - which I guessed was the one she went out of - and started quietly padding across the halls, looking for her.
I said, making sure not to scream to yell her name the way humans might when searching. If I screamed, she'd think I was angry. So I used my tone softly as if she was right next to me.
I said again, hoping she was near.
[[OMG SHORTIE. D: Sorreh ]] 

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6:38pm Aug 2 2011

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Ooc// Shorties are down to earth.  <3
Sage thought she heard something, but an all-too merry Candle or a frank Clock wasn't going to comfort her right now.  She stayed silent and buried her head in her arms, leaning against whatever poor wall had the ill fortune to be closest.
Go away, she pleaded silently, I don't want to talk right now.  I'm too busy drowning in self-hatred.
She was sitting on the floor, curled tightly around herself, and surely no spectacle that wanted to be seen.  In the warm, dark cocoon of her hands, she felt hot tears running down her face, probably making her look even worse and more upset than she already was.
This was just great.
Sage jumped as she thought she heard the noise again, and fought to get her ragged breathing under control.  She did not want to be found right now.
She shut her eyes tightly and tried to still her quivering body.  Stay still, Sage, you don't want anyone to see you like this.
She didn't want to see anyone herself. 

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6:49pm Aug 2 2011

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[[...omg...this sad D: 
Andrew shall come and SAVE THE DAYYYY <3 
*Cough* Wrong roleplay.. *Cough* HEYYY Where'd are super hero roleplay go to? *Searches after post* ]]
I kept walking faster and faster, trying to follow what I heard. I knew she was close by.
I said again, worriedly as I searched. She could get lost in this tower for weeks if she really tried to hide. I  had to find her soon. 
I stopped as I looked at what used to be the lively Sage that I loved so dearly. 
Now the hurt and sorrowful Sage who I still loved more then anything. 
I mumbled, walking over slowly to her. I was hurting too, but I guessed as this Beast, I was better at hiding my feelings. 
That wasn't entirely true. Sage did ask what was wrong, once. 
I hesitantly walked closer and closer, finally having enough courage to sit down next to her, though I kept my distance. 
"I'm sorry, My Dear Sage. I honestly don't know what I did but..." my words got caught in my throat as I noticed she had tears. The love for her only grew as I found myself scooting a bit closer, but I was still in a distance as well. 
"But, I'm so sorry. I found the letter I gave you on the ground, and I guess I was just hurt. Maybe I treated you unfairly because of that hurt, and if I did, I promise I didn't mean to.I don't think of you the way you said..." 
I looked at the ground and repeated, 
"I'm sorry, My Dear Sage. I'm so sorry."

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7:20pm Aug 2 2011

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Sage looked up in numb surprise at Andrew.
Of course, the first words out of her mouth were stupid ones.  "What are you doing here?" she accused, and then clamped her mouth down shut.  This was his castle, and he had a right to walk in it.
Sighing moodily at herself, she stared back at the floor, unable to produce sufficient words to address him.  She was sorry--so, so, sorry--and she was upset that she had hurt him so much.  She didn't want to hear the anguish in his voice, didn't want him to be so confused--and she didn't want him to be there, entangling himself in her own problems.
"No, Andrew--you were right to be upset.  I was just so surprised, and I didn't know what to do--" she realized that she was still crying, and paused to flick away a tear in annoyance.  "You really shouldn't apologize to me.  I was out of line.  I'm the one that should be sorry."
It was just then that she realized that he had called her "My Dear Sage."
Ooc// Omg shortie that's down to earth post.  D:  /shot. 

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7:35pm Aug 2 2011

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Ooc// Guess what FPFF?  I get to go and be socially awkward at a party now.  P:

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7:31am Aug 3 2011

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And, I wasn't fully socially awkward yesterday during bowling!
You'd be proud <3
I'll reply after all my shorter roleplays.
And, your post was so sweet and down to earth, I'm going to faint from the... Earthiness <33333333 *Faints* ]]

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1:15pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 1:15pm Aug 3 2011)

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Ooc// Did you know that Earth is really a super computer built by mice that was destroyed five minutes from finding the question to go with the answer 42?  O_O
/has been reading too much Adam Douglas.
EDIT: Omg wait it's Douglas Adams.  /shot. 

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2:45pm Aug 3 2011

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[[I can't reply to this until i get on my computer which will be later tonight. Sorry FPFF <3 The computer I am on shuts off at any given time and I don't want to lose a post with youuu <3 ]]

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3:06pm Aug 3 2011

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Ooc// No worries.  <3  I'm just having a hard time getting my post right for TLTR.  o3o
Also, I'm only going to be able to log on a little bit for the next five days or so, since I'm going to a family reunion.  Keep these bumped for me please, FPFF.
Ilyssssssssssssssssssm.  [Guess what that means?  |D] 

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3:09pm Aug 3 2011

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I love you sososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo much?
Yeah. I went there.
To be honest, I didn't know if you were asking what that meant ^^ Or if you were like 'OMG GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS? SOCIALAWKWARDNESS AGAIN' or something you knowwww?
yeah... I babble alot too so it's alright xD technically,  I babble in real life too...
Anyways, I'll keep it bumps xD

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3:11pm Aug 3 2011

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Ooc// You got it right!  /hands plastic trophy.  Now you can treasure it forever and ever and ever and ever and-- /shot.
Lol, I won't be too socially awkward.  I miss my cousins.  ;-;  At least, I hope not.  >-> 

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3:12pm Aug 3 2011

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[[Omg. I always laugh at your posts...
And,my mother is forcing me to go to my school's youth group. So I shall be socially awkward tonight xDDD
YT put us in her thread :O She called us ROBOTS xD BAHAHA ]]

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