They say you're nothing but a Beast... {Private} ...Are they wrong?

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12:46pm Aug 28 2011

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Ooc// I got dragged into chores, and a hike in the blistering heat.  /dramatic pose.
 Sorry for not replying sooner.  It's not that I don't want to, I just have 1313857485745718751 things I need to do both online and off.  o-o
D' do that...for me?  c':
Sage couldn't help but tense at his question.  She willed herself to relax, to consider his question calmly.  Was she comfortable here?  She thought of Candle and Clock, of Violet, and the gardens...and of Andrew himself.  She wanted so desperately to say yes, to not make his features anguished again.  But her heart had a different answer.
"I don't think that I am yet...but I think that I will be, very soon," she said quietly, staring into her tea.
The soothing aroma of ginger soothed her racing pulse and churning thoughts just a bit, but she still waited anxiously for his reply.  She didn't want to see Andrew upset again, didn't want to see him hurt.  But she also wanted to remain honest with him--she had meant what she had said.
The castle was breathtaking, in all of its enchanted splendor, but it wasn't home yet.  She didn't feel completely at ease walking the halls, the animate household objects still surprised and amazed her...she still felt terribly homesick.
But she had a feeling in her gut that told her that she could come to love this place, and its inhabitants...even if one was a Beast.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:51pm Aug 28 2011

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Homg. Like. HOMG.
UGH. I was drawing in this coloring book today (No giggling or shooting yourself or anything like such.) and it was a princess coloring book ( <3 ) and it was like telling a story. And it was like Lumière for Candle.
And, Cogsworth for Clock!
Then I went on google to see if it was true. It was D:
B-but, I'm not gunna change the names now. K? xD
I'll reply in a different post since i decided to babble about nonsense. D: ]]

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7:27pm Aug 29 2011

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...I always thought you just names them Clock and Candle for simplicity's sake.  xD; 
Lol, I've always loved Lumiere's name--it sounds so....fancy.  o-o
Anyways, FPFF still needs to post.  So I'm gonna go work on the other poor roleplays that must suffer from my procrastination.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

7:42pm Aug 29 2011

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[[So, that means you knew their names already?
Well then, my excitement just died. Like really. Thanks alot FPFF. You should have seen my face when I first saw it on the coloring book though. I got so excited.
Well it's all gone now. Yeah. I went there. ]]

She's just saying that to me nice to me. She won't ever feel fully comfortable here. She just fears my reaction...
The thought panged my heart in a  new kind of pain. Guilt. Of course, I've been feeling that this whole  time, but it was even stronger now.
I looked down at my tea, sadly. No point in playing mind games. I my as well say what I was thinking.
"Don't say things just to be kind to me, My Dear Sage. Like I might hurt you if you say something wrong. I would never live with myself if I did that. Honestly, I believe you will never feel fully comfortable here. And, I'm sorry for that. I truly am."
I whispered the last sentence; surprised that I conjured (If that's the right word. I keep just putting things down that sound right. I don't know if that fits D:) up enough courage to express what was going on through my head.
What has been all along.

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7:49pm Aug 29 2011

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D':  I-I'm sorry....
Sage shook her head, unable to stop the frown that creased her forehead.  In a flash of bold concern, she placed a hand gingerly over Andrew's....paw.  She fought back a flash of instinctual revulsion, and kept it there.  Then she conjured (Ily.) courage out of the messy muddle of her min, and raised her eyes to his own.
"Andrew, I've already promised to be honest to you.  Please don't doubt me now."  She sighed, her eyes faltering for a moment and slipping to her lap.  She raised them to his again and forced a brave smile.  "I don't want you to worry about me--I've been here not even a full day.  (Can you believe that?  It was only last night that she was in the dungeons.  o-o)  I will adjust to the castle, and everyone in it.  I just need time," she pleaded, not wanting to see that hurt in his eyes.  She didn't want him to hurt.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:02pm Aug 29 2011

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[[:D It's alright.
You paid it up by making me feel warm and fuzzy in the email.
And, by that post.
Btw, I love you to.
And, homg. Roleplays can take a year just to go through a week. It's  horrible D: bahahaha. ]]

I held my breath.
Sage. The girl that made my monstrous heart skip a beat just by her giving me a small glance. The girl that made me dizzy by the way she floated around a room. The girl that had eyes so deep that when they stared into me I felt as though I was normal for just a little while.
Felt as though I was human.
Just for a little while.
The girl that made me feel so self concious. So paranoid about her love life...
Touched my paw. My monstrous, hideous, disgusting, repulsive paw that has ripped flesh before.
She touched it.
Warmth spread through me, and ironically I felt as though I might heave with how nervous I became.
She touched it.
She touched me.
Again. And she didn't look disgusted.
I swallowed, hoping I truly wouldn't heave, and said,
"Alright, Sage."
I realized then that I kept saying her name in this tone. A desirable one. Like the way I could feel my eyes portraying longing.
My tone was starting to portray the same thing.
How stupid of me!
"You win this time."
I added softly, forcing myself to look away from those eyes.
Those eyes...
Was there medication for this kind of thing? Was it normal to be so taken by a women?
But I liked being taken. The only bad thing about it was how likely it was that she wouldn't take my beastly heart willingly.
She wouldn't take me at all.

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11:47am Aug 30 2011

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[[Bump <3 ]]

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9:12pm Aug 30 2011

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Ooc// I could try making you a banner....  /pokes siggy.  I'm still learning, though.  xD;
"This time?" she quoted, feeling confused.  "I...didn't mean to suggest a competition.  I just wanted you to know that I will be honest around you, Andrew."
She withdrew her hand quickly, feeling shivers crawl up her arm even as her fingers wrapped around the warm cup of tea.  Sage forced a smile onto her face and tried to think up something to move them away from the sensitive topic.
"Andrew, how long have you been here?"  She could only hope that the question wouldn't bring up something hurtful.  It seemed everything that left her mouth gave him that hollow, desolate look in her eyes.  She didn't want it to come back again.

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10:24pm Aug 30 2011

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[[Homg. D: I guess Andrew's attempt of kidding around about the whole 'This time' didn't really help D: lollll.
And, reeeeally? I have no idea what I could put on it or what to say or whatever. But, if FPFF did one for me?
That would be amazing ;-;
Watch it be something about flower pickers :O 
I'll reply in a sec~ ]]

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10:45pm Aug 30 2011

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I chuckled at Sage's first response. Though to me, I sounded like I was growling. Hopefully she wasn't thinking the same thing.
"Dear, I was just lighting the mood. I don't expect us to be in competition."
I said before taking a small drink of tea. I was still dieing to know what she was thinking. Was her mind elsewhere? Was she thinking about her father?
Or a lover?
I gulped. I had to stop thinking that. What if I was thinking about a man, that didn't even exist?
But if he did exist, I can surely say without even knowing the man that he didn't deserve any women like Sage. Sage deserved a man that would fight for her through any conflict. If the man really loved her, he'd be here by now. Coming as the hero and lover, ready to save the remarkable princess from the gruesome beas-
"Andrew, how long have you been here?"
I heard her soft voice ask. I looked up at her, realizing that the whole time I was caught up in my thoughts, I was staring at the liquid in my cup.
"Sage, I have been her for... A very very long time. (I can't remember D: Any ideas how long, specifically? D:)"
I said, smirking; it really has been a long time. It felt like just yesterday I was walking around every room in the fortress, daring to look at myself in the mirror...
It would result in the mirror shattered, and all of my inanimate friends hiding in fear from my rage of what I saw.

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7:50pm Aug 31 2011

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Baaah, I'll try.  xD;
And I have no idea how long Andrew should have been there.  o3o
Aaaand, random question time: isit my turn to reply to the superhero roleplay?  I'm so behind, I can't remember.  ;-;  /will check after she replies to this.
Sage smiled.  "I'm glad, then."
She sipped a bit of her tea, waiting for him to answer her question.  The hot ginger taste rushed over her tongue, smoothing the worries from her mind in an almost intoxicating way.  Her stomach grew warm as the tea entered it, and then suddenly her cup was empty.
She looked up to Andrew as he answered her, and nodded meekly as he spoke, trying to acknowledge the pain in his voice.  Godo job, Sage, you've upset him again.
"Well, it's certainly not a bad place to be," she said quietly, attempting to comfort, but her voice came out sounding petulant.
Why was it every time she spoke to him, her tongue seemed to arrange itself in knots?
Blush heating her cheeks, Sage leaned down to refill her teacup, but the pot did it for her.  She swallowed that one down as well, feeling even more distant than from the last one.  With a sigh, she sank deeper into her seat.
Um.  I dunno about the tea.  Just some random inspiration I had--maybe there's some funky herb in it that dulls the senses, makes their tongues loose?
Andrew doesn't have to confess about anything, but maybe he can ask her more about where she can from so he can STOP AGONIZING HIS SWEET LITTLE HEAD ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT SAGE HAS A LOVER.  D:>
/cough.  Yeah.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:56pm Sep 1 2011

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[[Lolll. Well I do love your random inspirations! <33
LOL! I know right? It's easy playing him because I can just babble about how jealous he is O_O ]]

Why was it me and Sage tended to always end up silent? All our conversations ended up becoming too personal and we didn't want to push.
And, I keep feeling like I'm the reason she keeps blushing. Of course, it's just my mind telling me this because of how much she makes me crazy. But, can't a beast dream?
"Sage... You don't have to answer this."
I said carefully as I set the tea down.
"Will you tell me where you lived, at least? What it was like there?"
I wanted to say so much more. I wanted to say how I wanted to know everything and anything about her. Even to the smallest detail; like what shampoo she uses, or if she was a morning person or a night person.
I wanted to say that I was sorry for taking her away from all the people she loved. I wanted to tell her how I wanted her to explain to me each and every person. I wanted to hear her say how much she loved them.
But, I didn't want her feeling uncomfortable with all my probing. Especially since friends didn't ask those wierd types of questions.

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7:27pm Sep 2 2011

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Sage nodded, glad that it seemed that they had crossed a barrier.  Only an hour before, the topic had seemed to tender, too painful to broach, but now, with this sweet tea in her sounded like a fantastic idea.
"Well, you have to realize that I've moved a bit," she started, "So I'll tell you about my real home.  It's out in the country, about a day's ride form here.  My sisters hated it, and I think my father longed for something more lavish.  But I loved it.  The village was small, and everyone was friendly--except for old Mister Grags.  We all knew each other."  She sighed, thinking of the small shop-lined street that was the main thoroughfare of the village.  "It was called Hollow's End.  We lived on the outskirts, on a little farm.  My father had his mapmaking shop there, and did some leather tooling out in the shed.  The house was small, but all four of us got our own rooms, so I didn't mind."  She smiled, recalling how her sisters had gasped in horror at the miniscule closets.  "My room was fillled with books, mostly."  As the image conjured itself, a thin stabbing of homesickness wound its way through her mind.  "The whole house was small, actually, but cozy.  Everything was simple, and most of it homemade.  It felt real, like there were no secrets to be kept.  Unlike the city, it really felt like I belonged."

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9:53pm Sep 4 2011

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I gulped.
And after I was sure I wasn't choking on my own spit, I gulped again.
As she told me about her village my heart ached even more then it had before.
I had taken that away from her.
I had taken away that feeling she felt. I had taken away her feeling of significance. Or, as she said, feeling like she belonged.
Why had I been so selfish? I heard the man had a daughter, and I just had to try one more time to become human again. I had to try to get rid of this spell until it was time to give up. When the petals stopped falling.
When I had no more chances.
But, isn't love about sacrifice? I wanted this women to love me, but if I was doing all of this by my rules, to get my way...
Then I didn't deserve love at all.
It was then that I planned to sacrifice my ability to become human again - to break the spell - so that she could be happy again.
Anything to see a true hint of happiness in her eyes when she smiled, or when she didn't.
"Sage, I..."
I didn't know what to say. I really was the monster locking her in the tower. Though, she didn't say anything about a man...
"I know this will seem very personal, but I can't help but wondering... Is there a man waiting for you to come home tonight?"

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3:22pm Sep 5 2011

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I really miss you.
You usually don't come on until maybe 7:00 where I am, but I'm still hoping you'll randomly come on. xD
I MISS YOU </3 ]]

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8:26pm Sep 5 2011

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I missed you too!  <3
Blarg, and Ihave to get this homework done, so I have to post later.  Hopefully I don't miss you.  </3

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8:39pm Sep 5 2011

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[[You know how close I was? xD
I said 7 on here ^^
And on the comments, I think I said 8. xD
That just shows how much I missed you. I memorized without even trying when you come on Res. xD
I've already waiting a full three days for you :x ]]

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10:31pm Sep 6 2011

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[[BUMP D: ]

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8:27pm Sep 7 2011

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/shot.  I'm bumping these again, then I'll reply~ <3  /busy wandering around v3.

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8:38pm Sep 7 2011

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[[Take your time!
I'm procrasinating on all of my roleplays. -.- ]]

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