What the..?!?! (Random medieval fantasy)Oh. Hi. You ever jousted a'fore?

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2:55am Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 3:22am Feb 27 2010)

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Posts: 2,963

Just cause I'm bored and it ish be midnight.


Silent feet made their way down the wooden hall way of a modern home, expertly skirting squeaky boards, marked in the girls mind as she tip-toed past an open window that allowed the summers breeze to filter in, as well as the moonlight. Joan mentally calculated her chance that she would succeed in her task, calculation the odds that the third step from the first floor, or the hinges on the screen door, would choose tonight to creak, waking the dogs and alerting her fosters.

She stopped in the hallway, and peered around the corner with her golden-brown eyes. All was clear. Her heart leapt. Now she could leave and seek adventures, find her own path, join a renaissance faire somewhere or something. Anything but be stuck here with people she hadnt/didnt/wouldnt ever like...or vise versa. Joan sighed, tucking wayward brown-blond hair back behind an ear. I'll miss th' dogs though, Anyone else would have laughed, but to her, the dogs and other animals were more like people than some people she knew.

Joans' feet were still bare as they touched the dew sodden gr*censored* running, leaping off the porch and into the woods that bordered her current residence, the tall, proud pines giving way to slender aspens as she ran deeper into the trees; friends to her as well. She grabbed an aspens trunk and swung around it, using the momentum to propel her forward. Unable to suppress a giggle, she ran farther still, calloused soles thumping the damp earth, toes digging in.

A shadow fell over her path and she skid to a stop, various forest debris finding their way and digging into the soft skin between her toes. Listen, Joan she told herself, breathing heavily. Calm your breathin'...good girl. What d'you hear? Wind. The creek. A mouse. Footsteps....

The tall girl whirled and gasped as a burlap bag was suddenly flung over her head and tied at the lip. She struggled and fought back, kicking and hitting with her fists as strong arms lifted her up over a shoulder that jingled slightly. What th' heck's this guy wearin'? Rought cloth? Over...chain mail? The wind was almost knocked from her lungs as she was placed on the wide back of a -smell- horse. What kind? Muscular, yes, but not as tall as most draft breeds...

A grunt from the man as he climbed up into the saddle behind her. Odd saddle, Joan thought, her brain racing. Tall front, padded at the top. Cloth sheet coverin' the horse...What's this guy think 'e is? A knight? 

Joan sighed and tried to relax, letting the constant sound of the horses trotting gait ease her mind.


With a gasp Joan awoke, hand to her chest to calm her heart. What happened last night? Was that dream or reality? Some sort of medieval cosplay or somethin'? "Try lookin' 'round," She answered herself, voice coarse as if she'd been yelling. Joan nodded firmly and stood, brushing dirt off her blue denim pants before looking around the room, or tent, rather. Canvas by the smell, and large. A couple cots in one corner, a sturdy table in the center with a bowl and pitcher in the center of it. Brain racing yet again, she ran to the tents flaps and threw them open, dazzled momentarily by the sudden burst of light.

When her eyes adjusted, she allowed herself to gasp. Men, in full knight's armor, paced the camp while boys tended muscular chargers, grooming and feeding them. Chat around the fire stopped and the men stopped their errands to look at her. One man grinned and elbowed the one next to him before looking back at her, this strange girl in trousers and a whist shirt.

Oh, hay no. This aint real. I'll go back to bed an' wake up with my foster family. I'll go down the stairs, have some breakfast, tell them about this dream. Then they'll tell be to stop dreamin' an' readin' bout the past an' get my head in the present....

All thoughts were cut off when a boy walked over to her, black hose and shirt under a black tunic trimmed in the darkest shade of blue you could get without going black. He handed her a bowl of whatever had been cooking in the cauldron over the fire. She took it and mumbled "Squire," before falling to the ground in a faint.

Is it possible to faint in a dream...?


Confusing, ja? Yes, no, maybe so. I dunno. All I typed is what I saw goin on in my brain at the time. So.....short and sweet...

Joan is from the present day.

She was kidnapped

And somehow taken to the mid 17th century

Then her brain choked

And she fainted.

Solid? Or is it still runny? 

Eww. That was gross. XD

RULES (Yay! Everyones friend! :D)

Female soldiers are a no-no. There will be no Lioness' or Kel's here...yet. Give it a century or two. XD

Joan is the only present day person.

every one else is medieval.


You can be human, elf, hybrid, whatever

Anything from a Duke to a Commoner

Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another....*shot*

Free form or bio (As all my RP's)

PEAS include a short-or long-intro with your bio!! CARROTS!!

Or just make your intro your bio.

If someone could be a boy and play the 'dark' squire...

That is all. You are free to stay or leave now.

Dont go more than 10 posts if someone is gone...unless they say to. Then you can.

Keep your posting deive and one line fillable. If you are grammitically challenged, tell Tode. ^^

Hopefully this'll last more'n 24 hours...

Oh! An' no vamps or lycans. They ish be overly over-done. Like...burned done, IMHO

Resident mounted archer

3:13am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385


I think I love you.

If this is going to be literate, I'm joining RIGHT THIS SECOND. If it isn't... I might still join.))

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

3:16am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

((Why is there loving of me? O.o

Meh. I dont care as long as posts are deive. LOL. I give people a chance; We were all beginners at one point...people seem to forget that. ^^))

Resident mounted archer

3:27am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

((There is loving of you because you are awesome and that is epic.

So... If they say "dere owoz a grl nd she woz rly prity n she woz a nite n she lookd like miley cyrus b prityer and evryoneluvd her"  you'd ask them to be a bit clearer... right? ^^;))

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

9:22am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

((Oh. Okay. XD

Uh...............yes. I think I would. Cause, though I can read that, maybe not everyone else can. XD))

Resident mounted archer

10:35am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

((May Ferro join? She be pretty literate. Freya will vouch for that, right?))

((EDIT: I JUST noticed! They fixed the / after the '!))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


10:37am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

((Yes, you can haz join. *gives letter thingy*

They did? Sweet!))

Resident mounted archer

10:45am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
((-Takes letter and rips into a million pieces- For some reason, although I'm a girl, I like roleplaying a boy much more. CONFETTI! -Throws in air-))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


10:47am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

((Yay! Confetti!!!!

LOL. I understand girls more, but I try at boys. XD))

Resident mounted archer

10:49am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
((Meh. I roleplay at school some, so all my guy friend help me out, including this adorable little gay german named Alexander. I lurve him so! -Hugs Alex- Can I make my intro my bio?))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


10:51am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

((Oh. LOL. No one in my friends circle RP's, so this is my source on entertainment. XD

Yes, your intro can be your bio. ^^))

Resident mounted archer

10:55am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

A small shape darted throught the darkness, lithe and swift. The figure, outlined by the moon, was obviously a boy, running as if a pack of wolves were nipping at his heels. Skidding to a stop under a small lantern, His body was illuminated. He wor a black leather top, cinched up to his neck with crimson thread. His pants were black denim, and were quite tight, leaving room for breathing and moving, but not enought to get caught upon a brach or protruding rock. His hair was black, a chunk of bangs flopped over his right eye. Lifting his head, his face was illuminated briefly, pale skin and mismatched blue and green eyes. They were slanted, and his thick lips tight in a frown.

The tips of his raven hair was a snow white, and his eyes darted back and forth, his ex
pression that of a cornered animal. He lowered his head and took a breath, taking off like a shot, feet dancing over the ground with almost inhuman swiftness. Taking shelter in the doorway of an abandoned house. Tens of soldiers pounded by, with shouts of, "He went this way!" and "We have to catch him!" This teenage boy's name was Dravius, and he had been running from soldiers his whole life. He cupped his hands around his mouth and howled, imitating the pitched tones of a black wolf, feared and revered in forests. As he lowered his head, he crouched down, baring slightly pointed teeth.

His manner was much like a wolf's as well. The short time he had been forced to spend in a school, after his father had been  executed, had been torture. Always teased, always ostracized. He snarled to himelf, and backed farther into the house, sitiing down by the wall with a soft thump. His father....He sighed and closed his slanted eyes. Marvie had been the only one to take care of him, the only one not to run away... Of course, Marvie was not his real father, but better than that wine soaked idiot. He started as a thin shape slipped into the wreck, and he got to all fours and growled softly. THen he glanced away as the wolf, for of course it was, lay down near Dravius.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


11:03am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963
((Woah. O.O So, uhm....))

Resident mounted archer

11:07am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
((Whut? Is it bad?! -Dies- I knew it was horrible!))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


11:11am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963
((Oh, HAY no! It was good! I dont know what to do though. XD))

Resident mounted archer

11:15am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
((I will go and steal something from the camp where Joan is! -Grin- Gimmee a sec to type it up.))

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


11:19am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963
((Haha! Yay!))

Resident mounted archer

11:26am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
Dravius poked his head outside the door, evening sun bleeding across the horizon. He crept into the dimness, shadow of a wolf following behind him. He spotted some knights with their young squires a few hundred yards away, and settled back on his haunches. There was a strangly dressed girl there, who seemed to be panicking until a young squire handed her some stew from the fire. Her body went limp and she crumpled tot the ground. Throughout this scene, Dravius and the wolf had been creeping ever closer under the gaurd of the knights gathered around the girl. He slipped into a tent and started going swiftly through the senior knight's things, picking apart his armor and pocketing any silver crosses or jewlrey. His mismatched eyes glittered with greed just before a huge hand grabbed him around the neck. Snareling like a wild animal, the dark haired boy was lifted off the ground in the meaty fist of the owner of the tent. The knight dragged Dravius outside, leaving the wolf stunned and confused in te half light. calling to the otheres, the bound, and after a few bites, gagged both the boy and the wolf. The knights threw Dravius to the dusty ground, next to where the p*censored*ed-out girl still lay. Dravius looked a fright, covered in dirt and large sratches, not mentioed a bruise welling up on his temple.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


11:36am Feb 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963
Joan roused with a groan and lay still for a few seconds before shooting upright for the seccond time that day, relizing something warm was within close proximity to her. Her breathing came in fast through her mouth, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue and the back of her throat. Yuck. Morning slime. She looked at the forms next to her curiously, bound and gagged bound the both of them.

Resident mounted archer

11:45am Feb 27 2010 (last edited on 11:50am Feb 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

Dravius glared hard at Joan, a muffled snarl escaping the dirty rag tied across his face. The wolf consented itself in lifting it's lips in a growl. A large man walked over to Dravius and hauled him up by the hunk of hair across his face. A scream was muffled by the gag as the knight dragged Dravius to a wooden post stuck into the ground. He lifted the boys wrists and tied them together, then turned him and lashed them to the post. The knight who had caught the thief stripped off Dravius's shirt and picked up a long horse whip, flicking it with an eerie smile on his face.

With the first stroke, Dravius arched his back as a welt appeared across it with a sharp crack. After the first few blows, he merley slumped across the post, blood running in thin rivuletes down his back. After countless lashes, the knights cut the wrist ropes and Dravius fell to his knees, breathing hard as blood dripped past his pale face. His hands were curled into fists as the knights walked away, laughing and joking with each other.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."

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