Life Isn't Fair...(Dragon RP...)

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8:18pm Mar 21 2013

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(Okay just message me whenever you're having trouble!)

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8:55pm Mar 21 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(Alright,now we wait on Panda.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:55am Mar 22 2013

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Posts: 1,895
Falt'ca traveled on foot until he decided he was far enough away from his burrow that he wasn't being followed.  He flew into the air so he could move faster and see more potential homes.  Not to mention it was easier to fly than walk on his legs, especially the front one which was sore from all the jumping, digging, and running he had done today.  He was glad that his wings were built for gliding for a long time, gliding took less energy and was smoother than constantly flapping his wings. 

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6:43pm Mar 26 2013

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8:05pm Mar 26 2013

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(XD I forgot who's turn it is)

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8:06pm Mar 26 2013

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((I think it's your turn.  I know it's not mine.))

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7:02am Mar 27 2013

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Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

3:05pm Mar 27 2013 (last edited on 3:12pm Mar 27 2013)

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Posts: 4,211
Nibok glared at a stranger in the trees. He absolutely hated being followed. Could it be a stalker of Tarjak? He leaped onto a higher shelf to get a better look. It seemed to be a black female, obviously a dragon. But why would it be looking for either of them? Unless she were a cannibal, he could think of no reason. A growl slipped from his maw, claws instinctively slipping from their protective slits. "Who might you be? And why are you here? You shouldn't be..."

(Can't think of anything for Tarjak to do... Let's just say she fell asleep in that little corner of hers. I'll probably write something in the next post.)

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7:10am Mar 28 2013 (last edited on 7:10am Mar 28 2013)

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Posts: 9,781
    Shadow jumped down from the tree and landed gracefully before responding,"I'm Shadow and I'm here because there are creatures around here that would eat you two as a simple snack,so I'm guarding over you."

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

2:48pm Mar 28 2013 (last edited on 2:48pm Mar 28 2013)

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Falt'ca glided over the forest for a long time, eventually going so far that he could no longer see the area his burrow was in.  He was still over the same forest, but far enough awayy that he doubted he would be bothered by those two dragons who had treated him so horribly in hi own territory.  Why, if he wasn't missing a leg then he would have clawed both of their eyes out and chased them out of the area.  He shook his head to clear out the thoughts about his leg.  If he considered it to much he would start remember what it felt like to lose a leg, and that was extremely unpleasant and would have him in a foul mood for the rest of the day.  Instead of continuing his line of thought, he started searching for a place to make his new home.  This time he would make it have more than one exit.  

Eventually he found a place that he liked.  It was a large boulder, similar to the one over his first burrow, but this one was covered in vines and ferns and even had a tree growing on it.  This would be a much better place.  He landed next to it and began to scout out the area, noticing it was pretty close to a human trail, but he doubted anyone would come this deep into the forest just to find a dragon.  It probably just had the occasional trader or two.  It wouldn't be a problem.

((I'll probably have pretty long posts for Falt'ca as long as he's alone, just to make it go a little faster.  Also I might make another character.))

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3:58pm Mar 28 2013

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Posts: 4,211
Nibok hissed. "You seem to be confused, miss." He scraped his claws against the stone, making a very loud screeching sound. "We are not from here... We are not simply like you. You can't just assume we'd be a fool's lunch from a quick check up and down." He jutted his head forward like a stab then. "Tarjak would scold you for even trying."

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5:05pm Mar 28 2013

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Posts: 9,781

    Shadow laughed and said,"You obviously don't know much,then and I believe I know this Tarjak of yours." "Would she happen to be blue,with a scar near her left back leg?",she added,giving a short deion.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:24pm Mar 28 2013

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Posts: 1,895
Falt'ca circled around the boulder, trying to pick out the best place to put the first entrance.  After much deliberating he decided to dig under a small indent in the boulder.  It would make the burrow harder to get in and out of from here, but it also made it harder to see.  His mind made up. he dug his claws into the dirt, scraping out pile after pile or earth.  It was a slow, exhausting process, but eventually he dug the tunnel deep enough to start widening it out for a sleeping area.  

About halfway through digging the bed room, Falt'ca heard a strange noise and exited his tunnel to investigate.  The sound was coming from the road, so he decided on a stealthy approach.  He slunk under the bushes and thorns, getting close enough to see what it was, but staying far enough away that he wasn't going to be noticed.  As he had predicted earlier, it seemed that travelers did indeed use this road.  This particular one was taking a herd of five cows somewhere.  He was obviously nervous, and jumped at every small noise he heard.  Falt'ca glared at him.  He hated humans.  It didn't matter how weak and pitiful they were.  He hated them.

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2:40pm Mar 31 2013

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Nibok's left nostril twitched, then he turned to leap off his boulder and reach Tarjak. She was completely oblivious to the fact that Shadow was in the cave. A line of smoke curled from his snout, encircling the roof of the cave. All he needed to set her off was shake her a bit. She flicked up, snapped at Nibok, then squinted toward Shadow. "What are you doing here?" She attempted to sound kindly, but she still held an edge from being awakened in such a rude manner.

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8:30pm Apr 1 2013

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Posts: 9,781
    Shadow growled and glared at the male hatchling. "That was very rude to wake her.",she said calmly and then straightened up and said to Tarjak,"I didn't want him to wake you up,sorry."

(Brain dead.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

2:57pm Apr 2 2013

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Posts: 1,895
Falt'ca let out a low growl and the human instantly whirled around to face him.  While he had been staying in the shadows before, Falt'ca was now creeping out of them.  His eyes held a burning glare, and his muzzle was wrinkled up to show his many sharp teeth.  The human screamed and backed away, while the cows simply turned around and fled at full speed.  It only took a few seconds for the human to be completely alone with Falt'ca.

He wasn't thinking clearly.  All he could see was another one of the monsters who had ruined his life.  The same species as the one who killed his family.  The same species as the one who cut off his leg.  He didn't see an intelligent, unique creature.  All he saw was a way for him to get revenge.  He leaped at the human, who could do nothing but let out a short scream as he was slaughtered like a deer.  When the human stopped twitching, Falt'ca backed away and stared at the body for a minute before returning to his cave to continue digging.

((I think Falt'ca will be evil.  Is that okay?))

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3:56pm Apr 2 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(Of course you may >:3) (I absolutely love the slaughter of mankind in a bloody way. So fun!)
(Will write this when I'm done checking my other roleplays)

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8:35pm Apr 2 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(He may be evil. This will be fun. >:) )

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:05pm Apr 2 2013

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Posts: 1,895
((Sorry for posting again without you guys making an in character post, but I was feeling inspired so I went ahead and wrote some more. u_u))

The more he dug, the more he thought about what he had done.  He had attacked a defenseless creature for no reason.  Just because it was a human.  Yes, he hated humans quite a lot, but he found it strange that he wanted to kill for the sole purpose of killing.  He hadn't done it because he was hungry or because he was feeling territorial. It was something else.  Some kind of new emotion that he wasn't sure he had ever felt before.  It felt like a kind of desire, but not the kind you would feel for food or a mate.  It was a distinctly darker desire.  A desire to kill because he had been wronged in the past.  A desire for revenge.  

It scared him, but he had to admit that satisfying his new found need for revenge felt wonderful, if a bit confusing.   It lessened the shame he felt for losing a limb to humans, and made it feel like he was making them pay in blood for their crimes.  Not just against him, but against all dragons.  After all, humans had killed thousands upon thousands of dragons over the years and it was about time for dragons to do the same to them.

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6:57am Apr 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(It's fine.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
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