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4:45pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921


4:48pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( LOl thanks. I was worried that you would just say 'lets stop the RP since there's always issues' :O Sorry HAHA My computer just hates this website :P ))

I blinked. "Eh, I can't remember. I have a drawing I drew in my bag though from when I was living with my aunt. It's a bit pitiful. I must have been nine or something." I began to pull it out and turned to Paradise, stopping myself. "Don't laugh, okay?" I pulled it out; it had drawn on it, a circle with a triangle nose and square eyes. there were a couple feathers sticking out of it's head. I handed it to her and tried not to burst out laughing at my own art."It's... supposed to be a chicken. I think. Or some kind of cow with feathers. I dunno." I

(( ^^ Thats what i copy and pasted. Is there something after 'I' because it doesn't say there was :)

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4:58pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

I blinked. "Eh, I can't remember. I have a drawing I drew in my bag though from when I was living with my aunt. It's a bit pitiful. I must have been nine or something." I began to pull it out and turned to Paradise, stopping myself. "Don't laugh, okay?" I pulled it out; it had drawn on it, a circle with a triangle nose and square eyes. there were a couple feathers sticking out of it's head. I handed it to her and tried not to burst out laughing at my own art."It's... supposed to be a chicken. I think. Or some kind of cow with feathers. I dunno." I chuckled. I was actually happy that my art nowadays was much better than this. A two year old could have drawn this picture. 

((It's okay. Here you are)) 


5:07pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997

Paradise smirked at the picture, trying not to laugh. She knew how to hold things in, she's had many years of practice. She stared at it, then back at him. "I'd say it looks more like a cow with feathers...But not 'pitful' for a nine year old.." Then smiled. She could feel herself more comfortable with him now. But she knew she'd be back to her old self, the next day. She looked at him, confused, "Do you keep that with you?" Stupid question. It didn't just magically go in his back pack. Then shrugged, trying to explain what she meant, "I mean.. I always throw away my stuff, after about a week or two. You keep all yours?"

(( Haha, I swear, I think my computer hates this site. Rmail sometimes doesn't work. I have to double click my URL sometimes, to keep it going, and it always stretches the threads...))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

5:16pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

((That stinks))

I smiled a fake smile, showing my teeth.

"Well you see... it's kind of hard to let my things go... I guess. Yeah, I keep them all; I'm guilty of that. I probably have a million boxes under my bed filled with sketches, doodles, and pointless drawings. Seriously, you should see up in my attic--" he paused. "Actually scratch that. You should see the "other" drawings I have."

He tried to cover it up. Apparently it wouldn't work. Everyone's curious about what you keep up in your attic, whether it be boxes, rats, or amazing paintings.

"Eh, do you like to paint?" It was a random question, but I needed to change the subject. And technically, I wasn't really changing the subject. There were paintings in my attic.


5:30pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997

She looked at him, suspicous. Slightly curious to what was in his attic, and why he 'scratched that' out of their conversation. She smiled, at his smile, and said, "No...I've never been good at painting...I like to just do random doodles with drawing." She shrugged.


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5:37pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

 I laughed. "I'm better at painting than I am at drawing." He handed her a random picture out of his bag. It was a recent one; a drawing of a girl. It was supposed to be Paradise and I mentally panicked after grabbing that certain one. I hoped she wouldn't notice who it was. However, the drawing was in pencil and somewhat smeared, so the details weren't that amazing. 

 I chuckled. "It's just a pencil drawing. It doesn't quite compare to your art but, it's fine I guess. I usually only do portraits in my work."



5:54pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(( Read my siggy...Just saying, cuz i have to go soon. lol))

Paradise smiled, and gave the drawing back to him. "No, It's looks fine."(This will be her blonde side----->)) The girl in the picture looked a tiny bit familiar, but she didn't really give it a second thought, thinking it was probably just his sister or girlfriend or something. 

She was surprised with how open he was. If he ever asked to look at her drawings, she would never show him. "Portraits look better painted, then drawn. So I never tried a portrait." She shrugged.


http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

6:26pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921


I couldn't believe what I was just about to say to her. I leaned back in my chair, balancing on two chair legs.

"So, I know we just met and all, but... do you wanna come over sometime? See a couple of my paintings?"

Yep, I just siad it. It poured out of my mouth without second thought. Francis wouldn't care; as long as it meant he didn't have to pay fro anything. He really didn't earn that much money nowadays and he really payed no attention to me anyway.  

"You don't have to, but--" the chair suddenly flew back and the ground approached my face. I sat up, but instead of whining about it, I laughed. Rubbing the back of my head, I quickly set the chair up again. Students were beginning to approach the clas.sroom. I turned back to Paradise.

"So, how about it?" 


6:55pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise laughed quietly, when he fell. Then kept her smile as she said, "Um..." She thought for a moment. This guy was trustworthy, and actually really nice. And she wouldn't mind seeing his paintings. They would probably be amazing, she already knew it. She let her smile, fade a little, to not look like a smiling freak, and said, "Sure."

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:00pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

I laughed happily and shook my head, grinning. I set my bag on the floor and sat down next to her. I supposed sitting beside her a couple cl*censored*es wouldn't be too bad. I suddenly stood.

"Eh, I'm kind of a freak, but you wouldn't mind me sitting here, would you?" I tilted my head, hoping she'd say no. I had a funky grin, the way I walked and talked was strange, I was pretty much an outcast. However, that was quite normal was it not? 



7:03pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She looked at him, like she was a freak. But quickly changed to a smile. "I don't mind..." As she bit her lip. Noone's ever even want to sit next to her before. She was an outcast, just as much as he was, and more.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:27pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

I beamed her a smile of delight, taking the seat beside her once again. I caught a glimpse of her blue eyes and it was suddenly happening again. I was beginning to zone out again. Someone slapped me on the back of the head and my head flew forward, almost hitting the desk in front of me.

I turned, shooting a look of disgust towards my friend, who started making strange noises that I supposed had to do with romantic fantasies and all that jazz. I made sure that the teacher, who hated unruly manners, had her back turned before I stuck my tongue out at him and made annoying faces.

I suddenly remembered that Paradise was probably watching me and more and more students were streaming into the room each second. I cleared my throat, fixing my collar and sitting up straight in my chair.

Eventually coming to a slump, I was annoyed at my friend, but somewhat grateful he didn't let me zone out of Paradise. I usually ended up doing weird things when I zoned out, for instance, banging into invisible walls, tripping, making a fool of myself and such.

For now, I kept my attention on the teacher, who was currently writing what we "should have been writing down on our papers" down on the board. I drew on the back of my notes, flipping my paper each time the teacher sent me a glance. What can I say? Teachers dislike me.


7:40pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise chuckled softly, at his friend. But stayed silent. She frowned as more people came in. That was a sign that clas.s. was going to start soon. She sighed, as she got out her paper, and pen and started writing down the notes. She saw from the corner of her eyes, he wasn't writing his. And only a couple other people, not counting her, were the only ones writing. She smirked. Her clas.s was so lazy.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:51pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

I leaned my head on the table, becoming more intent in the figure I was drawing. There were two, not certain ones, because if I did, then it'd be obvious if I was caught. Just two figures sitting in the gr*censored*; no faces for they were merely silhouettes, well, sort of. I hadn't noticed how long I'd been drawing it, because before long I heard footsteps coming my way. It was the teacher. I flipped my paper, beginning to take notes. She hand't noticed that I was drawing; lucky for me. I always managed to slip out of detention. 

"Sit up!" she shouted, walking off again. I did eventually, almost positive she'd spat on me when speaking. Still, I continued taking notes, constantly sending glances towards the girl beside me, who was coming to my house later. 

I suddenly remembered that I'd never brought anyone to the house. Well, Francis would be in for a shock. Then there was that painting. I had to hide that later. I brushed the thoughts away, turning back to the annoying paper with sloppy words scribbled on it, copying off the white board. I wanted to sleep. If Paradise weren't there I might've. However, I managed to stay awake. Reputation was a good thing.  


7:57pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997

When she finished taking notes, she usually slouched in her chair, and got comfortable. But this teacher sort of freaked her out, so she stayed where she was, leaning on her hand, as her elbow leaned on the desk. She started drumming her fingers, bored. While the teacher talked. She looked at the clock, only 5 to 10 minutes left of clas.s.

(( Sorry ^^ I hate when i don't write as much. SORRAY ))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:01pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

((It's cool))

I yawned and the teacher sent me a glare; my jaw snapped shut. I scratched my head and apparently, she had crazy good reflexes and hearing. It was odd for her to be this way; she never really paid any attention to me on other days. Perhaps she was suspicious about my early arrival? The cl*censored* finally ended and I hopped out of my chair, skipping out of clas.s. I turned around, seeing I'd forgotten something. I peeked my head back in, waiting for Paradise.


8:10pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise usually was the last one out. She didn't like to squeeze through the door, while the stampede of people left. She stayed in her seat, and played with her pencil, until almost everyone was out. Then quickly got her books, and walked out with the rest. She saw Lake(I'll edit that, if that's not his name. I can't remember.) and smiled a bit.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:15pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

((That is his name :D))

I grinned at her, waiting until she was at my side. Since I'd met her, there was a pleasant feeling of joy whenever I was around her. Something in me made me feel like I was with someone who was like me. It was even more powerful than my other annoying friend. Speaking of which, he joined my side to whisper something in my ear. I could've slapped him but fake kicked him, his cue to go away. I smiled, turning to Paradise. 

"Hey, what's your next cl*censored*?" I asked, knowing we wouldn't have all the same cl*censored*es together though I suddenly wished we did. 


8:21pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She frowned and said, "History..." She hated history. And always had. She had journals when she was in elementary school, and many entries were about how History was her worst subject. (( <---- true story...)) She was just to lazy, and didn't care, to get a tutor. "What's your next clas.s?" She smiled. She used to think having friends probably wasn't all that great, because they hurt you somehow. But it felt good that someone was actually waiting for her to leave a clas.sroom, and actually cared about what she does, (<---Drawing i mean)) and didn't laugh at it.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
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