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12:23am Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 12:24am Jul 29 2010)

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Posts: 921

Paradise sat in the back of the room, satisfied with the drawing she finished. She was in the clas.sroom for about thirty minutes, because she ran to school. She didn't look at her clock right, and got to school about an hour early. She smirked as she kept drawing. She looked up and saw Lake, and quickly looked back at her drawing. There was so many things she hated about herself, but the biggest thing was how painfully shy she was. She sighed quietly and kept drawing.

((Earth's post)) 


9:04am Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( THANK YOU....i dunno what happened...i figured out a way, to read it when the thread stretches, but i still wanted to just go to the next page, cuz it wasn't letting me post anything ! UGH i hate when that happens lOl! :O :P -__- ))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:56pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Jul 29 2010)

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Posts: 921

I yawned, suddenly spotting Paradise. A grin spread across my face, though I made it disappear as I walked over to her, taking the seat beside her. Apparently, being half asleep, I'd read my watch wrong and had rushed to school for nothing. 

"Hey, you usually get here this early?" I turned to Paradise, a teasing, yet serious smile on his face. 


10:05pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She blushed embarressed and said, "No...I got up too early...Do you usually get here at this time?" She asked.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

1:58am Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 921

I hesitated, forgetting that often the question you originally asked was backfired at you when it was answered. I couldn't think of a good excuse, being I really didn't enjoy school in the first place. 

"Um... No." That attempt at a witty answer was complete failure. My heart skipped a beat at seeing her blush and I found myself slightly blushing as well. It was random, but I hoped it'd gone unnoticed. I forced a cough.  

"So, you like to draw?" I turned my head. The subjects to speak of were limited, but I enjoyed the chance to be with her. I'd just keep it a secret from her that I had a portrait painting of her up in my attic. 


8:51am Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise bit her lip, and said, "Sort of..." As she closed her sketch pad. Hoping he didn't see any of it. She would have asked, ' and you do too?' But she already could feel herself turning red again, and she hated when it got noticed. So she decided to not say anything else. But hoping he'd keep going, even if she did get a little nervous or shy at first. She was like that with everyone.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:52pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 921

I smiled at her, enjoying the conversation, though words were few. I supposed I would have to do most of the talking. I thought up many things in my head to ask her. I needed to know more about her. I sighed.

 "So... how long have you been going to this school?" It was a lame question, but I hadn't seen her around. Or maybe I was just really ignorant.  


1:05pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She rolled her eyes, and smiled. This question always came up. And then the person that would ask would feel bad for asking it, after her answer. "I..uh...actually have been here for about 3 years now..." She wasn't surprised by the question though, she got that same one from every student that gave atleast 5 minutes of time for conversation.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

5:11pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( BUMPP ))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

5:44pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 921

I laughed, turning my head. "Sorry, I'm kind of ignorant. I don't really notice other people around here. Yeah, I'm not the most social guy around here." I brushed my hand through my hair, kind of just sitting there. She was sitting there too.

"Um hey, do you take art lessons? You're really good." I chuckled. 


5:46pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( DANG IT I GOTTA GO :( !))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

6:08pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 921


8:50pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She smiled at him. And nodded her head. "Well yeah...My uncle, when I used to talk to him, He showed me the basics...But I just taught myself from there." She blushed. Noone's ever said that they thought she was good, not that anyone has ever seen her sketches. To sort of change the subject from her, she said, "You said you drew too.? Do you take lessons?"

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:03pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 921

I hesitated.

"Uh, Nope. I never really actually knew my parents so my cousin is in charge of me. There're many things he won't let me do, like for one, art lessons, mainly because he has to pay for them. If I wanted them, then I would have to pay on my own." I paused, slightly laughing. "I don't have the money for that and I'm a bit lazy." 

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. I could've slept for another thirty minutes, but that would mean missing this chat. I stared at the girl before me, a numb ex
pression on my face.

I blinked. "Sorry, I kind of zone out like that all time." I slightly blushed, turning my head in hopes she didn't notice anything just happened. 


9:07pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 5,997
She smirked and said, "Oh.." Slightly still wondering why he was giving her that gaze. But she changed the subject, and slightly frowned. "Never knew you parents?......Why?" She was waiting for that moment, where her body would stop shaking. Mostly her knees. She hated getting nervous around people, to her it was very embarressing.

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:46pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 921

I turned my attention to her. "Well, see, I was kind of abandoned when I was a kid, so somehow I ended up with my aunt. Then she died of a heart disease or something when I was eh, eight or so. I ended up with my cousin, Francis." I tried to answer her question. Everyone seemed to feel bad for me after that small summary of info. It kind of got old after a while.



9:48pm Aug 4 2010

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Posts: 5,997
"Oh..." She said, awkardly. "If i knew it was that, i wouldn't have had you bring it up." She tried to smile. If she was in his shoes at that moment, she would want the subject changed. So she said, "How long have you been drawing?"

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

4:02pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( BUMPP ))

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

4:19pm Aug 5 2010

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Posts: 921

I blinked.

"Eh, I can't remember. I have a drawing I drew in my bag though from when I was living with my aunt. It's a bit pitiful. I must have been nine or something." I began to pull it out and turned to Paradise, stopping myself.

"Don't laugh, okay?" I pulled it out; it had drawn on it, a circle with a triangle nose and square eyes. there were a couple feathers sticking out of it's head. I handed it to her and tried not to burst out laughing at my own art.

"It's... supposed to be a chicken. I think. Or some kind of cow with feathers. I dunno." I chuckled. I was actually happy that my art nowadays was much better than this. A two year old could have drawn this picture. 



4:44pm Aug 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 921
((eep! Has to get to next page! Earth's computer has issue--technical difficulties))

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