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6:29pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

I shrugged. "Fine I guess. I was freezing this morning though. My socks weren't enough to keep my toes warm." I grinned at her. I already noticed she thought I was a dork, so it wasn't like that would make it any worse. I was also used to those names everyone called my friends and myself. Loser, freak, weirdo, all those everyday things. However, I was surprised when someone called me koala boy. What was that supposed to mean? I wasn't sure whether I wanted to take it as an insult or a comment. Then, at the time, I was attempting break-dancing. DId koala's dance bad?

Shrugging it off, I subsided with a calm smile, happy enough that Paradise was even tolerating being friends with someone like me.


6:45pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise smirked, not knowing how to respond to his comment. So she didn't respond at all. "What's your next clas.s?" She asked. Now realizing he was definitely rubbing off on her. He was asking that, the day before. She took out her schedule paper, and checked for hers. 

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6:50pm Aug 13 2010

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I laughed, and for no apparent reason either. "History." I kind of knew inside that she wouldn't answer me about my strange answer to the question she shot back. Most people wouldn't have. I would've been surprised if anyone had replied to something that odd. But I was odd, so it didn't matter. I somewhat smiled deeper than the surface, remembering she had history with me as well, from yesterday.  


6:54pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

She nodded, not looking back up from her paper. "Yep, Me too." She smirked, and did a small wave so it wouldn't be as awkward for walking away randomly. She had to go to her locker. She had an issue doing the combination the first time, but she made sure she could do it. Because she didn't want to embarress herself infront of Lake, AGAIN. 

After she got it the second time, she put her stuff in her locker, and got her History stuff out. Then squeezed p*censored*ed people in the hallway, toward the History room. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:03pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

While she had left to visit her locker, I debated following her. I decided not to do so, being it was relatively stalker-ish for me to follow her around everywhere. Instead, I walked to cl*censored* without her, reserving a seat for her.

I sat in the room near the back, sitting with my feet on the chair in front of me, currently unoccupied by anyone, as well as the other seats surrounding me. It would appear everyone liked sitting in the back, but they all sat in the front. I guessed it was mainly because the teacher always picked on the ones to the far end of the room.

I pulled out a blank piece of paper, writing down homework *censored*ignments. It was pretty much a do your work in cl*censored* kind of day. I enjoyed this. 


7:13pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
When Paradise found the right cl*censored*room, she smirked. She liked the fact that Lake kept 'reserving' spots for her. But she couldn't really explain why. She sat down, and got ready for clas.s, searching through her backpack for a piece of paper and pen. ((This part is just random...)) She frowned. "Lake..? You got a pen?"  She didn't look up from her backpack, still searching. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:31pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

Turning to her, I handed her my black ink pen, then searched through my bag for another one. Grabbing a random pink ink pen, I sighed. It'd have to do for the moment. Though I had no idea why I had a pink pen in the first place, I began to take notes in the color. I didn't care either, since it'd eventually be lost in my bag, never to be seen again. 

Some guy to the side, stared at me, a puzzled ex
pression on his face. "Something wrong with pink?" I laughed, turning back to my notes. There were all those people that said they hated the color, when there was really no point. Colors weren't meant for boys or girls, sure they may have been favored by the genders, but they were made for everyone to enjoy. Or so I believed.


7:36pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(( OMG I agree with your last paragraph actually...'Real men wear pink' is what I always say....))

Paradise smiled , "Thanks." As she took the pen from him. She pursed her lips, when she realized he had a 'pink' pen. And the reaction to the guy next to him, made her feel a little worse by asking for one. But his laugh, made her rethink it. She would've offered to switch pens, but the teacher told everyone to stop talking, and she didn't want to get in trouble.  

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

7:46pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

((lol, yes. My cl*censored*mate's favorite color was pink. Or, Two guys I knew actually...))

I eventually finished and tossed my notes into another folder. I must have had like, ten folders in my bag. Then there were papers from probably almost every subject in each of them. IE, my work was scattered and I was definitely not organized or anything. Clean freaks wouldn't like me; they'd most likely go insane taking a look inside my backpack. Cla.ss ended. It was break. I stood up, rocking back and forth on my heels. I supposed waiting till the room was empty would become a new routine, a habit of mine. It was convenient to wait until everyone left actually. It made getting out so much easier. To be honest, they seemed quite eager to get to their next cl*censored*es. Or maybe the teachers were that threatening. Either way, Paradise was a lot smarter than I'd thought before. 


7:56pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise drummed her fingers against the desk, and watched as everyone left. But she was more of staring off into space. Forgetting what she was thinking about, she blinked a couple of times. Getting up to see Lake waiting for her. She smiled, and said, "I figured out, leaving when everyone else did, was very dangerous. Since I fell once." She smirked and shook her head. "That's when I learned to wait." As she got her stuff into her backpack, neatly (I just had to say that lol)) and got up, putting her backpack over her back. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:03pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921


Nodding to answer her, I was even more amazed by her smartness. Being intelligent wasn't a bad thing. No, it was a great thing. I think... I did some kind of weird step hop thing as I walked towards the exit, just because I wanted to, so ha! Coming back to earth and out of my strange mind of weirdness, I turned my attention back to Paradise. I would've mentioned that since meeting her, I hadn't zoned out as much, but it was completely unnecessary and it sounded funny when I thought about it.

Coming to my locker, I tossed some stuff in, slamming it shut to close it, since it was stubborn and didn't want to stay shut. Annoying locker. I walked casually over to Paradise. Or attempted to. Seeing my casual walk looked more like a person in need of medical help for mental problems, I walked normally, taking my position beside her once more. "So... how do you want to waste the next fifteen minutes of freedom?"


8:16pm Aug 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,997

(( OMG the walk thing made me laugh! OMG If only you saw me. ))

She jumped by the random male voice behind her. And she new exactly who it was. She turned around, shutting her locker behind her. "Um...You choose." She said with a laugh. While biting her lip. She grabbed the handle of her backpack, but kept it on the ground. Feeling lazy, she would probably just let it drag today. But then thought, What if she tripped someone? She chose to put it on her back, and smiled at him. But she didn't really know why. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:33pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

((hehe, yes, I live directly beside a mental facility))

I shrugged. I would have breakdanced again. I wondered if I would be called a weird name again. It was entertaining to see what kinds of nicknames people came up with these days for weird people. I didn't see the point of making fun of people when they were all like each other, but different. If that made any sense. Quite often these days, things didn't make sense to me.

"I guess wandering around campus would be pretty boring." Everyone did that. I leaned against the locker, thinking of entertaining things to do. I eventually shook my head.

"Nope, I got nothing..." In my language, it meant, you better have an idea because I sure don't.  


8:41pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise smirked, "Um...Well as usual, I always just sit under some tree or bench out front or something and-" She didn't want to say draw. For some reason, she just never liked when people saw, or even knew that she drew. "Just do stuff." She said with a shrug. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

8:47pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

I nodded to answer her question, slipping my hands over my chest, crossing my arms. "So, should we? Just go sit under a tree and... do stuff?" I turned to her, motioning towards the door. I had in my hand a sketchpad; I was working on some kind of manga. 

((brain lag, lol)) 


8:53pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise, had her sketch book too. And said, "Sure." With a smile. She walked towards the door with him. When they got to the tree, she sighed and sat down. And rubbed her eyes. School can really make you exhausted. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

9:00pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921

I leaned against the opposite side of the tree Paradise was on. I realized she had never quite shown me her drawings, and wondered if maybe she was nervous or something. Seeing she obviously disliked others seeing her work, though I doubted it was even close to horrible, I brought my knees to my chest, working once more on the strange comic before me. It was somewhat professional. I'd often wondered what it would look like painted, though I wasn't sure I wanted to try. I was afraid I'd scream in fear. Well, shout. I'm a guy, remember? 

One thing strange about me, was that I often spoke to myself, telling myself things I already knew, as if there were two me's in my mind. There could have been. I laughed to myself, beginning to draw again, my mind wandering through strange mazes. 


9:01pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 921
((Gotta go. Be back 30 minutes max))


9:05pm Aug 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

((AW!! *tear*))

Paradise finally opened her book, of drawings. Her position, was where noone could really see them, no matter which angle they were. She always drew with that position. She hated people looking at them. So its been a habit. She looked around, looking around for something to draw. 

http://roleplaying.do-forum.com/forum.htm If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

11:04pm Aug 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 921

((Sorry about that. Went to eat dinner. Back way later than expected!))

I stretched, tired of drawing though I'd not even started really. Instead, I shut my notebook, smiling up at the clouds. I missed my aunt. She was really kind to me. It was always great to have her around. She died that year, on a special day. I missed her so much. Francis felt pained by it so much. He was scarred for life. He didn't realize though, that everyone eventually died; there was no stopping it. 

Shrugging off those sad memories, he figured it was time to go through his backpack. Starting with his folders, he went through drawings, homework *censored*ignments from weeks ago, and notes from the beginning of the school year. Annoyed, he began to sort through them, until the first five folders he had were somewhat neatly fixed, organized into five of the seven school subjects. He didn't want to go through the others and he would've in not the bell had rung. It amazed him how much effort it took to organize things. Standing, he circled the tree to where Paradise was. "Uh, we should get to our cl*censored*es." After two more periods, it would be lunch. Woot!

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