I wanna rp...

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8:12pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Yeah, so... I wanna rp. I will do basically anything except animals. And unless you volunteer to be the male, we will do double couples. So, post here if you want to roleplay with me.

Love is all we need~


8:18pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Right here! And all my oc's are male.. So yeah. :p basically anybody you choose has a man.


8:36pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Yay~ So, do you have any idea of what you want to do? I wanna do something involving vampires.

Love is all we need~


9:00pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Okay. Im up for anything. Just whateer you prefer.p


9:13pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Um. Wanna do vampirexvampire? And my version of vampires can go out into the sun, and aren't immortal and all that good stuff. So, wanna do it on here, or on a different thread?

Love is all we need~


9:57pm Jul 29 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Love is all we need~


12:58am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 5,542
So sorry! I went out and didnt think i would be gone. Anyways, that'sfine. My vampire is immortal, cant go out into the sun without a ring, and yeah..


11:20am Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Okay~ So, here's my bio.

Name: Morrigan Reid
Age: She appears to be around fourteen or fifteen. She could be a bit older, though.
Gender: Female
Appearance/Deion: Morrigan
is hardly ever seen in her human form, but if you are lucky enough to get a glimpse of her, you would be surprised. Morrigan has long straight black hair that goes past her shoulders and dangles just above her waist. Her bangs are somewhat choppy, and she has to constantly push them out of her face. She stands at about 5'5" or 5'6". She is very skinny, only weighing in at around a measly 100 pounds. Her skin is a pale color, but it isn't as colorless as porcelain. Morrigan's almond-shaped eyes are a light bluish grey color, and they stay that color all the time. Her lips are full, and are a light pink in color. She usually wears a dark denim jacket that has the sleeves rolled up, and short black shorts. Her shoes are black combat boots.
She normally keeps to herself, but if she sees something interesting, she won't hesitate to check it out. She doesn't think things through and she acts on her instincts. She will say what she thinks without any problem, whether it is a compliment or an insult. She is known for following those that she finds interesting, but she always stays out of sight. Once you get to know her, she is a very caring girl, and she is very sensitive. She has a soft spot for animals, and they seem to flock to her. She is very skilled with knives, and she can hold her own in a fight.
History: She doesn't talk about it much.
Power[s]: She can shapeshift into a black cat, a black dog, and she can create illusions.

Pets/Familiars: She has a male black wolf named Ark.
Other?: Nope.

Love is all we need~


3:30pm Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 5,542
((i had a long post ready.. And grrr!!!))

Name: Kentaro Toshihiko

Gender: Male

Age: 17 has been for about 200 yrs

Appearance: he stands about 5'10". His muscle build is medium but he is stronger than he looks. His skin is fair and inblemished except for a scar that runs diagonal across his chest. His eyes are deep forest green and his hair is about shoulder length and a very nice chestnut color. As for clohes, its usally just casual dress.

Peronsality: he is really laid back and loves to just chill out. He is relax when he is just hanging around. He loves to have fun when he's with people he knows. He loves to play around but will protect what he wants to. He is protective of things he likes.

History: lives thru a lot of wars. So yeah.

Powers: he has the strength of vampires and speed. Howeer he also has his control over fire and water.

Pets: he has a black owl named Knight.


10:11pm Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 6,409

((Okay~ I'll start.))

It was early summer, and everyone was out by the beach, laying in the sun or swimming in the water. The sun was beginning to set, and the air was beginning to cool off. However, one girl sat alone in the windowsill of the seaside library.

Morrigan's nose was buried deep into the book, her eyes scanning over the words written on the page. She was engulfed. The window was large, therefore there was room for at least three more people to sit in it also. She had one knee pulled close to her chest, and the other one was hanging over the side of the ledge that she was sitting on. With a satisfied look, Morrigan finished the book and set it aside.

She stood and began to look through the shelves of the huge library, smiling as she did so.

Love is all we need~


11:36pm Jul 30 2011

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Posts: 5,542

The early summer day had him out in the sun a lot. His rings around his middle finger. He glared slightly when teh sun hit his face. He had his sweater hood pulled over his head and he continued his walk down the beach. He looked up and noticed a library was right there. He quickly made his way away from all the teenagers. Distgusting creatures.

He hurried up the stairs and quickly walked into the library. it was pretty lit up but not like the sun. he removed his hood to reveal chestnut colored hair. He blinked his forest green eyes and stalked his way up to the next floor. He looked around the books and his ring shone a crimson red. He jumped but gained back his composure.

He continued his look through and picked out a book on mythology. He noticed the windows and decided it was safe for him to sit there. He heard a slight rustle and stalked through the isles. He noticed one more person here.


1:21pm Aug 4 2011

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Morrigan turned to face the presence that she had felt. It was a boy who seemed to be a bit older than her. She pushed her choppy bangs out of her face, and went back to looking for books. She yawned, and sifted through the book shelf until she found a very thick book that had to do with vampric mythology.

With her book in hand, Morrigan turned around and went back to her windowsill. She sat in the same position that she had before, and began to flip through the pages of the large book.

Love is all we need~


3:07pm Aug 4 2011

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Kentato watched the girl as she took out a book on his kind and walked to the window sill. He walked to another window and sat down, his back rewting against the wall and his feet were crossed at the ankles. He beganto flip through all the mythical crwatures.

Goblins, which he knew a few, dragons, his own has just recently died, mermaids, giants, ogres, werewolves, and of course, vampires. He smirked when he read trough all this. He knew all of them were around somewhere. But he liked how humans exagerated.


3:10pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
After reading what she was interested in, Morrigan put the book back in the correct place. She then sighed dramatically. She walked over to the graphic novel section, which also had manga. She picked up a random volume of Pandora Hearts, and sat back down in her windowsill. After finding the first few pages of the book to be uninteresting, she found herself staring at Kentaro.

Love is all we need~


3:19pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro looked toward the outside. The sun was setting. He liked the way it looked and he forgot about the book. He flipped a chunk of pages that sent the book toppling off his lap. He jumped when it slammed tothe floor. He quickly stood and scooped up the book. The vampire pages flipped open. He laughed when he read about the vampires being nocturnal people. The obvious way to see them was their vangs. He smiled since he knew they could hide those.


3:25pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Morrigan licked her lips. That boy seemed strangely familiar. Maybe she had seen him at school or something. She walked over to the window where he was standing. She was behind him. She tapped his shoulder, her grey eyes waiting for him to turn around.

"Excuse me, but have I seen you somewhere before?" She cocked her head to the side.

Love is all we need~


3:35pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro jumped and quickly turned around. He closed the book before she cohld see any page he was reading. "Well, I have seen you around school a couple of times." And when she's hunting sometimes. He shook his head. "Anyways.. Why were you staring at me earlier? Do I have something on my face?"


9:42pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan blushed, her pinks turning bright pink, contrasting greatly with her pale skin. Her brows furrowed. "I wasn't staring at you." She had an angry look on her face. "What made you think that?" She fiddled with her feet, stepping from foot to foot anxiously.

Love is all we need~


9:57pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro chuckled. "I can see you starring out ofthe corner of my eye. It's not that hard to do that. Anyways, you can stop gettin nervous. I won't think you weird for starring." He opened the book to the vampire pages. "Do you know if thrse exist? Im very interested.."


10:02pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan blushed even more, and she pulled her hands up to her face, running her fingers through her hair. She looked at the page intently. She felt her blood run cold. She didn't know if he knew she was a vampire, or if he was just curious. She coughed, and let out a fake scoff. "Vampires aren't real. Are you nuts?" She laughed, and patted her thigh like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Her grey eyes had a nervous look in them, though. What if he was a vampire hunter, and he was trying to kill her?

Love is all we need~

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