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10:26pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Morrigan raised a brow. "You don't think they're real?" Her golden eyes held a hint of playfulness. "They're real. But if you want to see an illusion..." She held up her hand, a white rose- the illusion- in it. She closed her hand, and the rose disappeared. "That's the power of a kitsune. It can be very useful if you know how to use it." She spun around, allowing her fox-like tail to swish from side to side.

Love is all we need~


12:16am Aug 22 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro chuckled. "I see. Well, maybe that will be fun to use when you end up hunting or something. Happens to be something incubus can't do. I could lure men in as well if I can make as illusion of a woman. Men are a lot more fun to torture since they put up the most fight. He licked his lips slightly and his eyes widened. "Okay... sorry about that. My incubus side hasn't eaten in a while. I rather not eat if I am an incubus." He yawned.


5:07pm Aug 22 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan laughed, and said, "It's fine. It's fun to see you like this. Entertaining." She sighed and said, "Even though I do have a long history with kitsunes, I've never once encountered an incubus- or a person that has incubus blood running through their veins. My mother told me stories about my grandmother. She told me about how grandma would make flowers appear and disappear, and how she was really pretty." Morrigan let out a sigh. "Men would constantly follow her around, begging for her hand in marriage. Of course, that's what also led to her death..."

Love is all we need~


12:48am Aug 23 2011

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Posts: 5,542

Kentaro looked at the girl. "Ah.. Was she seduced by a male incubus?" He immediately regretted asking, seeing as his father and mother had slit because his mother had seduced a male into the house and did what incubus did, almost right in front of his dad. He had actually saved his mother from a painful death by walking in on them as his father had bit down on her neck and was about to suck out the last pints or so of her blood.

Father... Why are you biting mother? and who is that other demon here? And the mortal? Dad! Dad stop!!! Please!! STOP!!!!

Kentaro's eyes flashed sorrow but quickly reverted back. He shook off his memory. "Well, sorry to ask, but how exactly did she die?" He licked his fangs to make sure they weren't longer than normal.


5:22pm Aug 23 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan sighed. "No. She wasn't seduced by an incubus." She wrapped a tendril of her hair around her finger, remembering the story that her mother told her. "Mom told me that Gran fooled around too much with the humans. She eventually was discovered to be inhuman and she was killed. My mom was forced to watch. Luckily for her, though, she was too young to be considered corrupted. She was placed into a Catholic orphanage and raised by the priests and priestesses."

Love is all we need~


8:02pm Aug 23 2011

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Posts: 5,542
((sorry. I started school. So i cant. Be on. Til around 8:30 or 8 res time))

Kentaro looked at her. "That's why we don't usually associate ourselves with the humans. Brutal creatures they are sometimes. Tried to hang my father when the police came in when I called.. I didn't tell them he bit her though. More like... Stabbed i think.. And they almost killed his when they saw he was inhuman. By the way, thag was back in 1880...


9:17pm Aug 23 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"Yeah.. Way before my time." Morrigan laughed. "What was it like to see all of the victorian dresses, and the women with their hair up? I always wanted to be like that. More... More refined." She sighed longingly. "I wish that I could have lived a perfectly normal time in that Era. It sounds very interesting."

Love is all we need~


11:01pm Aug 23 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro laughed. "It was odd. Some of the you g ladies were always complaining about the heat when it was about 30 or so degrees outside. But then again, i wasn't allowed out at the day, which made me realize how many vamps there were.. Night school was interesting. It was nice though. And feel free to use the dresses. I can hem as many as needed. I had to learn to keep myself occupied during long summer days."


3:03pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan nodded understandingly. "I'm never affected by heat, but I can't stand cold weather. It makes me feel even colder than I already am." She let out a nervous laugh, her tail swishing. She picked up her book and said, "I wonder what it would like to grow old sometimes. To age. To have grandchildren and kids of my own. Time seems endless when you don't have a use for it..."

Love is all we need~


3:24pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"That's true.. It is rather difficult to stay occupied when you don't have any time to think about. I mean, like me. I can't really die or age. I was bit when I was 18 back in the Victorian Era. So now I just watch the time go bye." He sighed and looked at Morrigan. "So, what do you wanna do for now?"


3:29pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan yawned and closed her book, putting it down beside her. "I think I'd like to go to sleep. Also, one of the strange things about sleeping inside is that I can hear the forest calling to me. It happens to all kitsunes. It's like a gravitational pull towards trees and uninhabited areas. It gets really strong at night. I don't like it at all." She sighed, and stretched, her ears laying back and returning to their normal position once she was finished.

Love is all we need~


6:29pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro smiled and nodded. "That does seem odd.. The forest calling you. I only hear the desires of others if they leave their minds open." He licked his lips at the thought of the desires of the last person he ate. Sucked their blood out just before they could be realized. "So, did you want a night gown or pajamas?"


1:52pm Aug 28 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"Yes..." Morrigan bit back another yawn and said, "It doesn't make a difference to me whether I wear a gown or pajamas. Just whatever's quicker for you to grab is fine with me." She layed down on the couch, her tail curling over her thigh. Her head rested on the arm rest, her golden eyes watching Kentaro.

Love is all we need~


7:25pm Jan 14 2012

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Posts: 5,542
((omg!!! Im so ssorry!! If you want to continue this, i'd be happy to!))


7:02pm Jan 16 2012

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Posts: 6,409
((Sure. I'd be happy to continue this. Might take me a while to get back into the groove of roleplaying Morrigan, though.))

Love is all we need~


7:04pm Jan 16 2012

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Posts: 6,409

Love is all we need~


9:49pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 5,542
((:D I remember this one! They were vamps right? Or shifters?? I dont remember..))


9:53pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 6,409
((Vamps. Your character is a vampire-succubus mix, and mine's a vampire-fox demon (kitsune) mix.))

Love is all we need~


9:57pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
((if he was a guy, it's incubus.. anywho.. :p new one. Wanna get this one to be trashed??))


9:59pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
((XD Pfft. I totally knew that. >.> And sure, this one can be trashed. We'll just start another one.))

Love is all we need~

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