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10:16pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro smiled and shut the book. "So the blood drinking kings of the dark and night don't exist?" He sighed and closed the book. His deep green eyes meeting her grey ones. He tried to see if he could sense if she was a vampire or merely a human.


10:32pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan clenched her fist, and looked around to make sure that nobody was around. She pointed her finger at Kentaro. "Listen, mister, I don't believe in fairy tales like that," she said, lying. Her eyes turned crimson, and her temper flared. She felt her fangs elongate a bit, but it wasn't visible. She cringed, and licked her teeth.

Love is all we need~


10:52pm Aug 4 2011

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"Oh really?" His eyes darkened to a deep red and his pupils narrowed into catlike slits. He saw that the sun was low enough for him to be able to remove the ring on his finger. "So, you don't believe in your own kind? Your blood red eyes?"


10:56pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan was shocked. Then, she shoved herself away from Kentaro. "What's your problem?" she spat, her fangs flashing. "You scared the hell out of me. I thought that you were a hunter or something." She let out a frustrated sigh that had a hint of relief in it. She paced around, and said, "So, you're a vamp, too? Don't invade my hunting territories, or I'll rip your fangs right out of your mouth." She was angry, frustrated, relieved, and happy all at the same time. However, the only emotion that was breaking through her words was anger.

Love is all we need~


11:04pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro chuckled. "I'd like to see you try. I'm hunting all around the clock. But the sun can kill me.. Plus, I've been hunting long before you were born.." He smiled and his own fangs flashed out. He removed his ring and put it on the other hand. "Anyways, A hunter would have known you were a vamp. Your own anger gives off your scent." He smiled.


11:50pm Aug 4 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan's temper flared, and she chucked a book at Kentaro. It landed flat on his chest with a thud. "I am not angry." She took in a deep breath in a failed attempt to calm herself down. She ran a hand through her hair, and returned it to her side, balling her hands into fists. When Morrigan got angry, she got livid. And she was notorious for throwing things and hitting.

Love is all we need~


12:05am Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro caught the book as it hit his chest. He scoffed a little. He rubbed his chest and sighed heavily. He returned his eyes to their normal deep green. He smiled and his fanga returned to normal teeth. "So anyways, what are you doing in this small town anyways?" He looked passed her and out to the sun. He hated direct sunlight.


10:33am Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan growled, and her eyes faded back to grey, her fangs retracting back into her jaws. "I'm trying to avoid hunters. I'm trying to stay alive." She sighed, and rubbed her temples. "Why are you here? How long have you been here? Why didn't I know you were here?"

Love is all we need~


3:04pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
He chuckled. "I've been here for 57 years... My human age is 17.. I've been livin in it's sister city in the moutains for about 200 years.." He smiled and looked at Morrigan. "I'm here because its the easiest town to get to. All the sunlight will kill off any competitors, and all the sun also keeps the hunters from vsisiting here because they know some vampires cant be inthe sun."

He looked at the window and slid the curtains closed. "And you can't tell i'm here because I've lived here for so long, that I picked up a human scent. Although, I can hide my own or let it out. But i don't let it all oit.. Too powerful for some vamps."


4:47pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Morrigan scoffed. "You think that I would turn you in?" She laughed. "I've been a vampire for about... twenty-three years. In other words, I'm still a newbie. That's why I try to keep my distance from the humans. I look like I'm fifteen, though."

Twirling a lock of hair around her finger, Morrigan looked down. "I can't believe you've been here and I didn't know it." She looked down at her tattoo that kept her safe from sunlight, which was located on her ankle. "Yeah. I ran away from home and all that junk. After five years, the police gave up on finding me."

Love is all we need~


4:59pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Ah.. That's why. I've seen you hunting around but never decided to really prey in your little town. I don't exactly see how you could miss a vampire.. Anyways, the only way you can go in the sun.. What's your protector?" He looked at her hand, she wore no ring. Her neck, she wore no necklace. He looked outside. The moon was high. "Come on. We should get out of the library. If you wanna read, my home has a library."


5:03pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan nodded, and grabbed Kentaro by the arm, dragging him outside with her. She let go and leaned up against the brick wall of the library. She pointed to the tattoo on her ankle. It was in the shape of a rose, but it was black instead of red. "That's what lets me go into the sun. A vampire tattoo artist did it for me. He said that rings were too easy to lose, and he offered to do this. I agreed, and now I have it." She looked at Kentaro. "Your home has a library?" She raised an eyebrow.

Love is all we need~


5:06pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Yes.. Ever see a small twinkle just above the hills to the west of here? That's my house light. I never really use it, but it works when I read or paint." He removed his ring. "This is mine. My father made it for me and dripped his blood over it. Even if I loose it, i can call it and it'll come back." He smiled and put his ring back on. "Yes,the library is underground. Come on." He walked toward the ocean.


5:09pm Aug 5 2011

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Morrigan was in awe. She didn't even have a home. She slept outside in the woods for the past twenty three years. She smiled, and followed behind Kentaro. It was amazing that he could call his ring back to him. Morrigan's dad never would have done that. Of course, if her mother would have been alive, she would have, but she died while giving birth to Morrigan. Ever since the day she was born, her father treated her like a curse. She swallowed the lump in her throat at the thought, shaking away the terrible memories.

Love is all we need~


5:17pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Come on now, quit being so slow. You're a newbie, but you should be able to walk pretty quickly." He smiled and walked into the woods. He knew a secret passageway to his home. He smiled and looked at Morrigan. "Hey, come on, I'll carry you on my back. I rather you not get lost.." He smiled and held his hand to her.


5:21pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409

After a few minutes of walking silently, she heard Kentaro comment on how slow she was walking. Her face turned red with anger and embarassment. "I am not walking slow. You walk abnorm-" She was cut off when he offered to carry her on his back. She blushed even more, but took his hand. "Are you sure?" She had a worried look on her face. The last time she had been carried was when she was still just a child, which was over thirty years ago. She looked from side to side, waiting for his answer.

Love is all we need~


5:32pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
He chuckled. "Of course. Now come on." He pulled her up and had her legs in his arms. He held her tightly so she wouldn't fall off. He continued to walk to the passageway he had built. He tapped on a tree and the ground below him began to slide down. He snapped his fingers and the torches lit up. He turned and the ground went back up to cover the hole. "You okay so far?" He began to walk down the hallway.


5:36pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Before Morrigan knew it, she was on Kentaro's back. She felt her cheeks turn red. Luckily for Kentaro, she didn't even weigh one hundred pounds. She watched as the ground shifted beneath them, and the torches lit up. Kentaro asked her a question, and she answered with, "You don't have to carry me, you know?" Although, she did enjoy being carried. It made her feel like a kid again. She didn't get to be a kid for long.

Love is all we need~


5:40pm Aug 5 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Nah.. It's a maze down here.. People have gone in here and ended uo dying or getting lost and loosing their minds." He smiled and walked down the halls. He snapped his fingers and there were tons of thuds and slams. The wrong passageways were behing sealed off, creating only 1 passageway through. "Plus, you din't weigh anything." He continued his walk. As he went downthe halls, all the wrong halls behind him opened again.


11:08am Aug 7 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan jumped as the first few doors opened and closed on their own. Kentaro was right. It really was like amaze down here. She was a bit curious as to how this place worked. She held onto Kentaro tighter, trying not to slip down. Of course, she wasn't really slipping. She just felt like she was.

Love is all we need~

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