I wanna rp...

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8:51pm Aug 18 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan felt herself blush yet again. She watched him tend to the fire, her eyes reflecting the flames. "Um... You should probably take it easy on the compliments..." She rubbed her eyes, and yawned. She covered her mouth, and said, "So you live all alone out here?"

Love is all we need~


9:00pm Aug 18 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Yeah. I don't usually spend much time here however. I usually go out to hunt or I find a new town to hunt in instead of my own." He yawned. "Are you sleepy( we can turn in for the night if you want. And leave your dress outside. I'll hem it tonight."


1:40pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Morrigan nodded. "I'm a little sleepy, but it feels weird sleeping in a home. For the past twenty or so years, I've slept outside..." She scratched her head, and looked down at her ankle, where her tattoo was. "I'm used to being around wild animals, and having to get high up in the trees to stay away from bears..."

Love is all we need~


2:23pm Aug 19 2011

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"mmh.... What an odd child you are.. If you want to sleep in the garden, you're more than welcome to. I keep the gate open, so any wikd animal is abke to access my garden. Most stay away though. I let my whole pressence be known to them." He smiled at her.


2:33pm Aug 19 2011

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"No. I want to sleep inside. It feels strange, but I like it. Sleeping in trees makes you wake up with your muscles all aching." Morrigan let out a light laugh, and said, "I'm not that odd, really. If you had slept in a tree for over twenty years, you'd feel strange sleeping in a nice, cozy bed too."

Love is all we need~


3:10pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"That's why I orefer the insides. Keeps me from burning in the sun too.." He chuckled and stood up. "Come on, let me show you were the bathroom is.. Im unsure if you've had a bath in a while, but ur welcome to use mine." He stretched his back and heard several pops. He relaxed and his diamond tipped shaped tail swished around. "Man does that feel good. His fangs growing and his eyes changed to a golden brown


3:13pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 6,409

((He has a tail?! O.O))

Love is all we need~


2:58am Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,542
((why yes, yes he does. He's a vamp, but he has a tail. Slight demon trait.))


11:09am Aug 20 2011

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He has a tail... Well there's something I've never seen before... Morrigan stared at the tail, her eyes wide. "Um... Kentaro, is that normal?" She looked at his eyes, and noticed that they were a light brown color. She pushed a few strands of hair out of her face nervously.

Love is all we need~


1:17pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"huh? Oh! My tail. Yes.. For my breed.. My mom was a vamp and my father was hakf incubus and half vampire. His dad was an incubus. So i have all the vampire traits with the tail of an incubus.. It's weird, I know." He smiled slightly, trying not to alarm her.


1:21pm Aug 20 2011

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"So you're part demon... Don't incubuses try to seduce people?" Morrigan laughed lightly. She knew a lot about demons. She was an expert in mythology, demonology, and many other things that the humans thought wasn't real. "Yeah... I have a bit of demon blood in me also. Along with some shapeshifter traits. However, being a shapeshifter isn't convenient..."

Love is all we need~


2:32pm Aug 20 2011

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"Yeah, they seduce, torture, take over the body or eat them.. But I can't exactly do that because most people are out at day. And my vampire blood doesn't like that. And the urge of the incubus doesnt exactly take over.. So I haven't eaten in a while. And how is being a shapeshifter not convinient?"


3:09pm Aug 20 2011

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Morrigan sighed, and allowed herself to picture a solid black dog that haid pointy ears and silky fur. Within a few seconds, she was shrinking and her muscles moved and resituated to form the structure of a dog. Morrigan winced, and soon the transformation was over. She peered up at Kentaro, and said, "For one, it hurts, and two, clothes don't transform with you." She looked down at the dress that hung loosely around her. She was a large dog, about the size of a greyhound.

Love is all we need~


3:25pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,542
"Oh ow.. That does seem painful. I mean, you're muscles have to be situated differently. As well as your bones." He pet her head and got down. He bent down, sittin on his heels. "Don't worry. I can see if I can get one of my friends to look into the clothes thing. He's created clothed for me that will adjust for the tail." he smiled. "You don't have to be shifting though."


4:27pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 6,409

"Yes... I don't have to shift, but it makes life much more interesting. I can shift into several animals. I have explored the forests as a wolf, hunted like a cat. It puts life into perspective. That's why I don't kill the animals that I bite. Venom doesn't affect animals like it does humans. It makes them a bit stronger, actually, but they don't turn." Morrigan shifted back into her human form, the dress covering her form once again. It fit her like it was supposed to, due to her not moving. She sighed and said, "You told me you had a library. Would you mind taking me to it? I wouldn't dare try to navigate this house on my own. It would only lead to me being lost."

Love is all we need~


5:27pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro smiles slightly and looked at Morrigan. "Of courze I can take you to the library. We should take you over here." He walked toward the back of the home. The last door was at least 10 feet tall. He put the key into the keyhole and opened the door. "here is my library... It's got a large amount of books." He walked into the room. The dark shelves filled the room. The books were packed neatky onto the shelves and the room itself was about as large as a normal home.


2:36pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Morrigan followed Kentaro into the library, and smiled at the large selection of books piled onto the shelves. She immediately went to the mythology section and picked up a book about Fenrir, a wolf from Norse mythology. She sat down in a plush love seat, and opened the book. She could never get enough about myths. Of course, she thought at one time that vampires were just myths. You could never know what was really was true.

Love is all we need~


3:16pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro chuckled. "So you fancy mythological creatures and folklore and stuff of legends then?" He smiled and watched her pick out the book and sit down. She was rather graceful in the way she did things. He stretched out his body and his tail flicked. He hadn't seduced anybody for a while and knew his incubus side would eventually get hungry. He growled to himself. Vampire side was good. Blood of animals and draining humans of some blood was fine. But his incubus aide was horrible. Seduction then torture then draining them of blood entirely amd watching the light fade from their eyes. He shivered at the thought.


9:42pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 6,409
"I'm not really sure if Fenrir is a legend. There are many sightings of mighty wolves throughout the Nordic countries. It's quite interesting." Morrigan flipped through a couple more pages and said, "Oh! I haven't shown you what my demonic side does, have I?" She stood up, sprouting black fox ears and a fox tail that drooped out from under her dress. Her eyes turned a bright amber, and she smiled. "My great grandmother was a kitsune- a fox demon. One of the traits is being able to create illusions."

Love is all we need~


9:48pm Aug 21 2011

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Posts: 5,542
Kentaro tilted his head. "What? Well, tell me the fox ears and tail is fine. I mean, if I have an illusion right now, i right squeeze them and see for myself if it's real.." He smiled slightly. His eyes glowing witu the excitment. The incubus side of him was awake for a moment. His tail flicking side to side.

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