August 22, 2018 - Late
Hello, we're sorry we're late but as of August the 20th, 11:59pm, the Summer contest has been closed. 
Entries after this time will not be counted and the winners will be contacted and announced in the next few days. 

Good luck to everyone who entered! 

Speaking of things being late,

This little spring lamb didn't get the message that it's going to be Autumn soon! 


You can find them for a limited time in the Squishy Shop

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August 19, 2018 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Eveli! Congratulations! The winning pot was 48,624,700 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing. Remember, the starting pot is always 25,000,000TU, so grab your tickets for a chance to win!

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August 12, 2018 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Geonightrose! Congratulations! The winning pot was 44,540,875 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing. Remember, the starting pot is always 25,000,000TU, so grab your tickets for a chance to win!

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August 8, 2018 - Miscellaneous Updates
Multiple Creatu Transfers
calico adolescentalbino babylemon adult
Due to popular request, we have added a page where you can now transfer multiple Creatu to a single user at the same time. This should cut down on time when a rancher is sending all 3 hatched Creatu if a user has bought hatches, or just sending multiple Creatu for any other reason.
You can find this page by clicking here or we will update this news post shortly when we have added a location to find this feature.
Rancher Shop Update
indigo adultblack adultlemon baby
Rancher Shops now show 30 Creatu when updating stock, and 30 Creatu per page when looking at another users shop to purchase a Creatu. This should make it easier to price your stock or find a specific Creatu in another users shop.

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August 5, 2018 - Summer fun!

Dude, it's a scorcher out there, but I know how to beat that heat! Atquati has the most beautiful beaches and the best waves any surfer could hope for, so I'm spending my days catching waves. Nothing is better during a hot summer than ripping through waves, or riding the curl.

my avatar

What about you? I'm interested in hearing what you do while the heat is on in summer. Tell me about the radical summer activities you enjoy in the comments below, and I'll enter you into a raffle for a Rad Surf Board. I'll only be giving ten of these top of the line, beautiful boards away, so if you want to increase your chances to win, check out your social media and post your fun summer stuff there too! (posts will be up soon!)

For more information and rules for the contest please check this thread: 


Also, watch your head, my friends, somebody's throwing marbles! Mannn, they have wicked aim and they're super fast too, I've only been able to catch a few glimpses of them before they disappear into the forest. 
But every wave has a silver lining, me and Kai tried to catch them once and stumbled on an old campsite. We did some exploring and found crates full of wicked new items! 
I gave a few to Debbie at the Squishy Shop and, of course, Malcolm
 wanted some of the action as well.

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