Falconius Shapeshifitng Institute [Wolfie and Tinky]

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12:48am Sep 29 2015

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Asher worked half day and left to so dorm. He saw Xavier in bed still with a glass of water next to his bed. "Xavier, mate. You okay?" he whispered, not to be loud. He made his bed, tossed his clothes in the wash and went to shower.

After a song and a dance to wake himself up, he dressed into black boots, skinny jeans and a white tshirt with black writing. He pulled on a black leather jacket and put his phone and wallet in his pocket. He tucked his sunglasses onto his shirt and took his and Xavier's laundry down to get washed.

He rolled his eyes at Sophia, as she had winked at him. He scrunched up his nose in a disgusted look, which she blushed from. He did his laundry and smiled as Aerial walked in. "Asher!" she said, smiling widely. Asher grinned back and dumped his clothes in the washing machine and turned it on.

He hugged Aerial, giving her a big kiss on the lips. He glanced at Sophia, who was glaring in their direction. Aerial was nothing like Sophia. Sophia and that whole goody-gum drops feeling and Aerial had the bad girl look in the bag. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Aerial said, smirking at Sophia. Asher tossed Aerial's stuff into the washing machine, switched it on before kissing her again. Asher tossed the clothes into the drier and waited. He got their clothes and packed them neatly in their cupboards. He changed his skinny jeans for jodhpurs and left for the stables.

He tacked up and put on his helmet before going to the arena. A lesson was just being finished, so he went to the dressage arena. "Asher!" Mr Green shouted, he looked up and saw Mr Green waving at him. 

He went over and got a lesson. 


3:56am Sep 29 2015

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[Sorry if there are typos  :3]

Xavier was alarmed when Asher walked in. But as not to worry his friend, he sat up and grinned. "I'm okay." He chirped, yet he groaned as stars sprang infont of his eyes. He'd sat up too fast. 

Staying inside wouldn't do him any good. At all. Xavier regretfully stood up, clumsily got changed and walked down the corridor to the forest. Once there, he breathed deeply and sat on the ground, lying on his back. He got his phone out. 

Hey Asher, I'm fine. Just in case you didn't hear - Xavier

He texted his friends, quickly remembering the cats. They'd want to be fed! But...  He wasn't getting up for anything. In fact, his body probably wouldn't allow it. Xavier just laughed - How ridiculous it was. Against his own will, he got up and headed back to the dorm to feed the cats. 

[Sorry it's not so long! I'm quite busy c:]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

1:06am Sep 30 2015

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[It's fine. I'm braindead, so... Any ideas?]


1:51am Sep 30 2015

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[I'll post on the others after school, btw ^-^ 
Uh... Asher could get whacked in the chest by a branch, just like in the other one? or something different? I really don't know... ]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

11:17am Sep 30 2015

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[Okay! :)]

Asher woke up to see Xavier leave. He got up and made the beds before cleaning up around the dorm. He pulled in jodhpurs and a rain jacket and slipped on his riding boots. He ran to the stables, as it was raining, and tacked up Toto.

He clipped his helmet on and mounted. He walked onto one of the trails and spent the first twenty minutes schooling. Just practicing leg yielding, outside and inside bends and shoulder ins. He practiced shortening the stride and making it longer.

When that was done, he patted his horse well done and promised carrots. He kicked Toto into a trot which he rised to before going for a canter. The cross country course loomed ahead of him. 

He stopped and put his stirrups up two holes, nobody was watching but he needed to gallop and jump. If Toto gets hurt, it's his fault. He shook his head and kicked his horse into a gallop.

They galloped across the field and jumped the course cleanly and quickly, Asher galloped off across the field to not be seen. He pulled his horse to a canter, trot and then a walk. They walked around the trail and Asher took his feet out his stirrups and let his reins slip a little.

A loud truck rambled by and Toto's head sprang up, "Shh." Asher mumbled, patting his horse's neck. It wasn't enough as the truck rumbled again. Toto sprang into a canter, bolting off the trail into the forest. 

Branches hit Asher in his face and chest, he tried to duck but a strong branch hit him in the chest making him slide off his horse. He landed on his arm with a loud crunch and a 'oomph' left Asher's trembling lips. 

Pain shot up his right arm and he lay down. It was cold and raining and he was lying in a muddy deep ditch, he tried to scramble up but the pain in his arm and the slippery mud made it impossible. 

His phone was in the dorm and he would shift, but none of his animals would help. He hoped Toto would get back safely.


1:25pm Sep 30 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[Hehe  back on track c:]
[Well, off the track for Asher xD]
[That was a bad joke... ]

Xavier had fed the cats, and an hour had gone by - no reply from Asher. Had he gotten caught up riding? Didn't seem like it. Asher would have replied by now. 

Heading down to the stables with a swirling head, he clumsily tacked up Amethyst and mounted her. There he kicked off and headed down the trail Asher enjoyed the most, calling Asher's name every now and then. 
When he came upon a wrecked patch of branches, his heart sank and an unsettling feeling churned inside of him. There he tied Amethyst to a tree; after dismounting. 

The branches were strewn across the ground, some caught between the branches. They'd been hit with some impact. 
"Asher?' Xavier called again, plodding through the wrecked branches. What he saw next made him scream - a crippled figure, flat out on the floor. 
"ASHER!!" He roared, running over to his friend. "Oh, Lord...  I'm calling an ambulance!" Xavier continued, shrieking a little louder than anticipated. With fumbling fingers he called:

"911/999, what's your emergency?"
"I've found my friend covered in blood in a forest and-and....  The location is... " Xavier mumbled. The man on the phone asked if he new the recovery steps, if which he did. The man kept him on the phone so he could talk. 

Xavier calmly checked his friend's pulse - still strong and steady. Then he pushed Asher into a recovery position, took off his own shirt then took off Asher's. He pushed Asher's wound down for pressure, and wrapped his shirt around the wound. Still applying pressure. 
"This probably hurts, I know. Stay strong, big man." He chuckled. 
"Where does it hurt most, Asher?" Xavier continued, trying to keep his voice smooth and calm. Everyone should be fine. 
"Alright, we're nearly there." The man on the phone stated. Sirens were heading closer - the wails louder, until an ambulance was there, shouting orders at each other as people left the van. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

12:55am Oct 2 2015

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[It was. xD]

Asher heard voices but didn't speak, he was too tired. He could fell pressure on his chest, he was obviously bleeding there but the pain in his arm was the worst.

He felt himself being picked up and put on a mattress, he opened his eyes to see himself going into an ambulance. "Excuse me?" Asher asked politely. The paramedic looked surprised, "Do you remember what happened?" he asked. 

"Yes, I was riding and my horse spoked by a shif-I mean truck." Asher said, covering quickly. The man nodded, "Carry on." "We went through a forest and a branch hit me in the chest and I fell into a ditch. That branch was high, my horse jumped over the ditch and I hit the branch." Asher mumbled.

"Tell my friend he needs to find my horse." Asher told the paramedic as he was closing the door. "What's his name?" he asked. "Xavier." Asher replied. "Xavier, you need to find his horse. He wants you too." the paramedic shouted.

Asher thanked him politely and they drove to the hospital, he had a little nap on the way.

When he woke up, he was in a hospital bed. He had a cast on his left arm, which he may or may not have sworn at, and a bandage tightly around his chest. The bandage on his nose was finally gone.

He picked up his phone and looked at himself, his nose was now skew. Faaan-tastic! He saw he had two texts from Andrew and Aerial. He called them, told them where he was. About twenty minutes later, the doctor had signed off that he could go home.

In the waiting room he saw Andrew, Aerial and Xavier. He smiled, kissed Aerial on the cheek, gave Andrew a slap on the back and Xavier a bro hug. "Thank you." he whispered in his ear.

There were two cars, "I'll go with Xavier." Asher said and smiled at Andrew and Aerial. "Did you find Toto?" Asher asked as Xavier drove back to the school.


2:10am Oct 2 2015 (last edited on 5:50pm Oct 2 2015)

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Posts: 1,667
[Will post on others after school]

Xavier did Asher asked - he shifted into his wolf, following the scent trail of the horse, and looking out for the crushed bushes. He tried not to think about what could be his next meal... 

He picked up Toto's scent quickly. He was close! Somewhere nearby. He pushed off again and found him asleep in a clearing; Xavier just laughed and shifted back, making gentle noises to wake him up. Toto woke up without alarm, saw Xavier and just stood there. He just grabbed the unharmed horse and they made their way back. 
With one horse beside of him, he walked to the stables, where he put away and untacked Toto. He had a minor scratch on her cannon-bone which was quickly applied to. 

Xavier began to get worried about Asher. What hospital was he at? Probably the closest. Someone would have to sort out Amethyst, and no doubt somebody already had. 
Although there was still blood on his clothes, he drove to the closest hospital. 
"Ugh, have you seen a guy called Asher who fell off his horse...?"
"Right this way!" The lady replied, smiling warmly. He picked up Asher and they started to drive off. 
"I got him." Xavier confirmed as they jorneyed back. 

[School now. Bai!]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

12:21pm Oct 2 2015 (last edited on 12:25am Oct 3 2015)

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Posts: 1,324
"Good!" Asher said, "Thank you." Once Xavier had parked, "I'm going to go see Toto." he mumbled, he leapt out the car and started to sprint. He stumbled, worried he was going to hurt his broken arm he regained his balance quickly before running faster. He stopped at the stable door and yanked it open.

His footsteps echoed through the empty barn and he reached Toto's stable. He sighed in relief to just see a scratch. He petted his horse and gave him carrots before putting on his helter and jumped to swing his leg over his horse. They walked out the open door and Asher closed it.

He trotted down the pathway, so nobody would see him riding. He wasn't allowed to. He reached the gate and he jumped off quickly and patted his horse. He swung the gate open and let his horse go. He would have to lunge Toto now with his broken arm. 

He didn't have a sling, he didn't want one. He walked back to his dorm and sat on his bed, before opening his laptop and looked at lunging exercises for Toto. He could use the big arena with the high fences to lunge, he would just have to ask.

He closed his laptop and set it on his desk, "I'm going to go get food." he said, he didn't know of Xavier was actually there. He fed his cat and ran down the stairs, and got food. He sat down by Andrew and Andrew smiled. "How's your chest?" Andrew asked. Asher lifted his plain white tee to show his tightly bandaged chest.

Girls giggled at another table and Asher rolled his eyes. "No riding, but I can probably jog." he said. "You can jog with me." Andrew offered, "I'd like that." Asher replied, smiling. He excused himself and threw ways his tray.

He walked to the stables and knocked on Mr Green's door to his office. "Come in." he said. Asher walked in, "Oh dear. What happened?" he asked. "Shape-shifter freaked Toto out with her cat form." he said. Mr Green shook his head, "What can I do for you?" he asked. 

"I can't ride, could I lunge Toto in the bigger arena?" Asher asked. "Yes, but you will also need to find a rider to ride him." Mr Green said. Asher lowered his head in thought, "I can do it." Mr Green offered.

After an agreement they decided that weekdays, every second day Asher would lunge. Asher lunged Monday, Wednesday and Friday while Mr Green rode Tuesday and Thursday and went on a trail ride on Saturday. A rest was on Sunday, unless Toto was stiff Asher would do something.

Asher jogged everyday of the school week early in the morning and on the weekends went for an evening jog.


12:26am Oct 3 2015

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Posts: 1,324


2:31am Oct 3 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[Sorry for making Toto a girl! I wasn't ignoring you, just didn't think I should have posted after editing it until you'd done yours :3]

Xavier said his "You're welcome!" to Asher before going for a jog. He wasn't in the best clothes for it - still in blood, mind you - but he didn't really care. 
By the end, he was sweating and panting, no doubt needing deodorant. 
When he got back to his room, Asher was gone. Xavier sat down on his bed and sat beside his safe, sighing, just as the door crept open. 
Absent-mindedly Xavier slammed his hand on the small desk, causing a glass to fall and shatter. Lorna was round the corner looking at him with scared eyes. When he saw who it was, his heart sank - mostly because he hadn't seen her in a while, and he didn't know why he'd slammed his hand on the desk. 

She left without a word, quickly closing the door behind her and setting off. Xavier didn't bother to call after her, or text her, because he just didn't feel like it. 
Just didn't feel like it? What a bad excuse. But it was true. Instead he manage to lie down and sleep, his mind blank. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

4:35am Oct 3 2015

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[It's fine! No biggie! :))

Maybe we could finish the term? School holidays?]


5:46am Oct 3 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[Okay! Haha holidays *whoops*
Just if it was the holidays already for us... ]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

7:01am Oct 3 2015

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[I went on holiday 2 weeks ago, go back to school for my last term on Monday.]

The last week of school went by quickly. Most of the week there was no classes, teachers busying marking last minute assignments. Asher still jogged and had his deal with Mr Green. Asher was busy packing, he had been invited to Andrew's mansion for the holidays.

A knock interrupted him from packing, "It's open!" Asher shouted. He heard the door swing open and glanced back to see Andrew side-stepping his clothes on the ground.

"Packed yet?" Andrew asked. Asher shook his head, "I'll be done in an hour." Asher sighed. Andrew nodded before leaving to finish his things. Andrew's family were pretty rich, mansion, private jets, a giant plot and stables. Asher finished his own packing soon and left his dorm.

He hurried to the stables where he got Toto ready for the truck coming to pick him up soon. He was just taking Toto's summer blanket, halter, lead rein and a lunge rein. 

Asher wasn't allowed to ride, but he sneaked in a numnah and the bridle before locking it and sliding it one handed outside. The truck had arrived, "Your Asher?" the guy asked. Asher nodded and put his box in the track.

He bandaged Toto's legs and tails and clipped the lead rein onto his halter. He led his horse up the truck and made sure that the lead was tight but there was still space.

He checked the water and hay before hopping out and going to his dorm. Asher and Andrew were flying tomorrow to go to Texas, where Andrew lived. 

Asher made sure all was packed before putting his suitcase by the door. He had his clothes set out for tomorrow and some soap in the shower. He had a cheap toothbrush and some toothpaste by the sink and a spare comb. 

Asher had saved his money, but no need to save money. They had their own private jet. He packed his backpack with his phone, wallet, headphones and his laptop. 

He hopped into bed and fell asleep.


Asher woke up late and showered quickly. He changed into his skinny jeans, boots and a tight grey tshirt. He pulled his leather jacket over. He went downstairs to eat quickly before brushing his teeth and hair. 

He grabbed his suit cases and backpack and met Andrew in a smart car. They drove to a small airport where they boarded the private jet and took off. Asher got a Coke from the mini fridge, Andrew had offered, drank it and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was lunch. He ate his quickly and texted Aerial, they had said goodbye yesterday as she had left early. 


8:50am Oct 3 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[yay :D]

Xavier wasn't going on holiday, but Asher was. He was sitting on his bed - packing - and watching Asher. There was an almost tug of dread at going to his house, but at the same time relief. He could relax. 
"I'll see you, Asher." He'd mumbled from his corner as he left. 

Amethyst was already on her way back to his local stables, whilst his feisty cat was sulking in the back of her carrier. She really was being as sharp as ice at the moment. 
Xavier grunted as he dragged all his stuff down and into his car, it all packed and neat. With one glance at the Institute he drove off: back home for him. 
On the way, he blasted one of his favourite songs: Sonne, by Rammstein. He rasped out all the lyrics until he got home. 

With a smile, Xavier got out his keys - with Ice in arm - and walked into his house, looking around and smiling. The usual warm, cream wallpaper welcomed him. He walked through the hall and into his living-room: a gentle, beige chair sat there: paintings around the room, a table, and a TV. His house was unusually 'mature'. 

Breathing in deeply, he let himself flop on the couch. He switched on the TV and switched to the horse-racing. 

His  favourite racer had won - yes!  Xavier celebrated and laughed, jumping about.  Eventually he let his hissing cat out so she could explore. She was quite curious - sniffing everything she walked past - with her head appearing around a corner now and then. 
Without meaning too, he rested his head far back on the couch and allowed his eyes to close. Sprawled out as he was, it was unusually uncomfortable. A yawn caught in his throat as the darkness crept under his eyelids, capturing him. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

12:31am Dec 19 2015 (last edited on 12:14am Dec 23 2015)

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Asher shuddered as the jet landed, bouncing along the landing strip. He smiled as it pulled to a halt and looked out the window, smiling at the sunshine. "Asher- let's go!" Andrew shouted over the noise of the other humming jets. 

Asher smiled and grabbed his bag, hurrying down the steps and following Andrew into a car. "The horses are already at home." Andrew said. Asher smiled and they chatted for the half an hour it took to take to the mansion.

As they pulled up, Asher smiled. Looking at the mansion for a moment before grabbing his suitcases and following Andrew to his room. "This one's yours," Andrew said kicking the door, "Un-pack and then I'll give you a tour." he said and smiled before heading over to his own room. 

Asher opened his door and smiled at the nicely set out room. There was a double bed with a table and a lamp. A big cupboard was at the end of the room with an en-suite bathroom. 

He dumped his bags on his bed and started un-packing - luckily, they would have no jetlag, the times were around about the same. When he was finished he set up his laptop on the small desk before putting away his toiletries in the bathroom. 

A knock on the door led Asher to open and see Andrew. "Let's go." he said, Asher nodded and closed the door behind them.

Asher led him through the house before takiong him around the garden to the tennis courts and swimming pool. Then climbing in a golf cart to the start of a running track and then they zooted off tot he stables.

Asher smiled as he saw Toto, who nickered. "We got an indoor arena and some lunge rings." Andrew said. Asher nodded, smiling before tacking up Toto for a lunge to stretch his legs after the journey, Andrew did the same.

After the day of meeting and eating with his parents, he went to bed and thought just before he fell asleep how this is going to be the best six weeks. His cats was also going to come off in four weeks - then he could ride. He also hoped Aerial was looking after Autumn.


12:41pm Dec 23 2015

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Posts: 1,324
[I forgot my kitten's name and had to scroll through every page until i found it. His name is Autumn! How could I forget?]


12:45pm Dec 23 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[The post didn't send. Agh, gotta retype it. xD]

A throbbing head and a bundle of fur were to greet Xavier once he'd woken up - wait, a bundle of fur? Glancing down, he realized it was Ice. 

"I always knew you were a softie!" He chuckled too himself, groaning as, with each word, a sharp pain spread through his skull. This was his punishment for staying up so late. 
There wasn't any realization from Xavier, yet Ice had leapt off his chest previously. Time seemed so slow at the moment. It would be a long road to follow without Asher around. 

"Clothes..." He had grumbled to himself, smoothing his hair out before going out to grab his suitcase. It was a little embarassing: falling asleep without even taking his abnormally large suitcase inside. He opened his car, hauled out his things, dragged then back into the house; done. Not even bothering to walk to his room he shut the house door, getting changed on the spot. A necessity was to not forget the deodorant - well, Xavier probably put on more than what was healthy. He'd have a shower before heading to sleep that night. 

Ice continued her streak of hissing every time he rounded a corner where she was. He'd given up on caring about her despicable mood. Instead, she'd need some food. 

[Should something overly dramatic happen? =P]

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

12:54pm Dec 23 2015

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Posts: 1,324
[What will happen?]

Asher awoke up early that morning. He pulled on some boots and headed outside, rubbing his hands over his arms which were covered in goosebumps. He should have put on a sweatshirt.

He started the golf cart and sped to the stables before tacking up Toto for the lunge line and leading him to the lunge ring, giving him a quick lunge before releasing him in a paddock.

He stumbled back into the golf cart, speeding back to the house. He hurried silently upstairs into his room and pulled of his clothes and dumped them in a laundry hamper. He showered and changed into his usual skinny jeans and a white tee.

He glanced at his phone, logging onto his social media and scanning through everything. A few likes and comments here and there was sent and he checked the time. 

It was almost nine, so he brushed his hair and brushed his teeth. He didn't feel like breakfast. He walked outside, closing his door behind him and watched Andrew stumble out his room half-asleep in his own sweats.

"Morning." he said groggily, leaning on the door frame. "Morning!" Asher replied. Andrew just groaned, "Breakfast?" he asked. "Nope, I'm good!" Asher said. "Good." he muttered before heading back into his room and slamming the door shut.

A moan and then a thump was heard before snores came through the doors. He chuckled before texting Aerial, asking if she was okay and how was Autumn. She assured him they were both fine and sent a picture of Autumn all snuggled up on her lap.

He smiled, texting Xavier quickly to wish him a good break before slipping his phone back in his pocket. 


2:33pm Dec 23 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[Idk... :3{

Xavier received the text with a smile. He was just about to go and give Amethyst a lunge, the stables being only a couple minutes walk away. She needed a bit of a break. 

He thanked Asher and grabbed his boots and hat, holding them and beginning his walk up to the stables. 
Once there, Xavier changed his boots and placed on his hat, finding Amethyst's stable. He sorted her out a little, borrowed a lunge rope and took her into the arena, giving her a good, hourly training. She had done surprisingly well. 

Everything was sorted, however she still needed a wash. He gave her a brief brush first, sorted out the solutions before giving her a long, cool, hosing down. It seemed to enlighten her spirits a little. He hadn't wanted to give her brief brush beforehand in case he would irritate her skin.

With a quick kiss on the pole and a goodbye nicker from her, he traveled back again. There were a few odd glances from passer bys: there was shampoo on his clothes, dust, a little mud... 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
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