Falconius Shapeshifitng Institute [Wolfie and Tinky]

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12:36am Dec 24 2015

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Asher looked around the mansion, seeing what he could do. He shrugged before opening Andrew's door an taking a running leap onto him, landing on his back and springing high in the air. 

Andrew swore before giving Asher a lecture to never do that again. He just pouted before shoving Andrew into his bathroom with some clothes to shower. He sat down on the bed and opened the curtains before getting up again and making his bed.

He glanced around the room, nothing interesting. Finally, Andew strutted out the bathroom. 


8:18am Dec 24 2015

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Posts: 1,667
Xavier was as bored as ever when he'd arrived home. One thing he realized, though, was that he'd have to change his clothes - the ones that he'd put on that very morning were covered. 

Instead of changing straight away he went up for a shower. The warm water soothed his aching spine; he stayed in for a good twenty minutes before stepping out, drying himself and finding some more clothes. 
"I'm sorry, Ice, but you'll have to stay in for about another week to get used to the location." Xavier snorted at his hissing cat once back down the stairs again. He was lucky in some ways - even though he had no parents, the council helped provide him with the money he needed. As did the Institute. 

Pouring some water into a bowl for his cat, he strolled back into the living room, sat on his couch and switched the TV back on. The Simpsons? Good enough. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

4:06am Dec 25 2015

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Posts: 1,324
Asher rolled his eyes before following Andrew downstairs to play video games. "There's this really nice pizza and burger take-away place. Lunch and supper?" he asked, his mouth filled with popcorn.

Asher nodded, trying to play with one hand since the other was a bit difficult in his cast. He groaned as Andrew beat him, "I'm playing one-handed." Asher whined. Andrew shrugged and laughed.

The rest of the day was filled with junk food before they went upstairs to collect their pizza and gobbled that up quickly. "Wanna go lunge the horses?" Andrew asked, "I've lunged Toto already." Asher said.

"There's other horses." Andrew said before walking upstairs to the door. Asher sighed and followed and ran past him, he wanted to drive the golf cart. Andrew rolled his eyes and Asher grinned, started the cart and zoomed off without him.

Asher arrived shortly, and was disappointed to see Andrew round the corner on his golf cart. He followed Andrew into the tack room and was told to lunge Horizon and Salt and Pepper. 

He went with Horizon first, giving a quick lunge to the young obedient horse and put him away. Making sure there was some water. He was taking Salt and Pepper, who seemed to be a handful, when Andrew entered and smiled.

Asher lunged the even younger horse, flicking the rope around to get him moving. No luck, so he took of the lunge rein and free lunged, hitting the sand just behind his legs.

After a longer session than Horizon, he put him away and hopped into his golf cart, waiting for Andrew. "Race you!" Andrew said, smiling. Asher turned on his cart and hit the gas, going as fast as he could to the mansion.

It was tie. "Let's order our burgers and then we can clean up." Andrew said, Asher agreed and they ordered their burgers. Asher ordered a chicken burger with a lot of toppings and Andrew the same, but with beef. 

Asher hurried up stairs, took a quick shower and changed into sweats before heading downstairs to collect the burgers. He put them onto plates with their chips and a glass of coke. Andrew smiled and sniffed the air when he walked into the kitchen.

They gobbled it up quickly before watching tv and falling asleep on the couch.

[I think I'm gonna skip a few weeks for when Asher's cast comes off.]


1:36pm Dec 25 2015 (last edited on 1:37pm Dec 25 2015)

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Posts: 1,667
[I'll skip a little, then ^^ How easy your Christmas? :D]

A few weeks had gone by since the beginning of the holidays. Painfully so it seemed - Xavier still lacked the ability to socialize sensibly with people. He had nearly ended up at the station for punching an ignorant brat in the face... Thinking over it, it had been quite amusing. However, others would think differently. 

There hadn't been much communication between him and Asher, in fact! Asher'd been busy; the thought caused Xavier to smile. At least he'd be having a nice time. 

But something about Xavier had changed quite dramatically during his time away from people. Yes: he'd treated himself to a couple of things, used to the lonely side of it by then. Yet... He was beginning to bring out his foul mood on others, managing to hurt them (physically) and himself (mentally). 
Well, it didn't really matter, in the end. He would be back to his old self soon - as old as it was. Instead of a foul temper it had been just a secretive him... With a great friend he would change for the world, no matter if things got rough between them. 

Ice had really warmed up, though! There would be the occasion when she would hop up beside him in the evening as he watched the Television. 
Ice had matured and sucked it up, as had Xavier. His hair was much neater now, even with the emo sort of look to it. He wasn't as scruffy or careless, even if he did pick fights upon people, now and then. 

Considering that his weeks so far weren't too bad, he went out for some cross country with Amethyst. 

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

3:41am Dec 26 2015

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Posts: 1,324
Weeks had past and Andrew and Asher had tons of fun. Asher finally got into a routine and got Andrew to join. At half past five in the morning they would jog into the forest behind their house before jogging to the stables.

They would pull of their shoes and pull on boots that they left at the stables and lunge a couple horse and seven. At nine o'clock they would jog back to the mansion and shower and change before eating breakfast and go brush their teeth and hair. They would then meet each other downstairs and plan what to do.

Today was different though, they went for their jog at seven and showered and ate breakfast and brushed their teeth and hair. They were finished at half past seven and they clambered into the car, for Asher's cast removal appointment at eight.

They were late, so they sped their signed a few forms and waited patiently in the waiting room. Asher's name was called, Andrew had fallen asleep so Asher hurried after the doctor. 

It was off quickly and wasn't painful, more ticklish actually. He thanked the doctor and hurried back to the waiting room."Andrew, let's go." he muttered,shaking his friend. Andrew woke up, startled before smiling at Asher.

"How does it feel?" Andrew asked. "Fine, but I need to wait two to three days until I can properly ride." Asher said, frowning. Andrew frowned and they headed back home to lunge the horses. 

Asher did his usual order, Toto, Horizon and then Salt and Pepper. He was done pretty quickly, each horse panting heavily and turned them out to the paddocks. He hurried back to the stables to lunge the last horse of the day - Salt and Pepper. 

He led Salt out and free lunged him again, flicking the end of his line just behind his legs. Andrew lunged another horse as Asher gave Salt an extra forty-five minutes each day. They lunge the horses for forty-five minutes and then swap but because Salt was a bit dis-obedient and fit, Asher lunged him extra.

He led the panting horse out the ring, putting him in his own paddock, he's not allowed to be with any other horses because he get's aggressive. He flicked the lunge line on his rump and watched him gallop along the fence.

Asher smiled before heading back, "You ready Andrew?" Asher asked. "Dad just bought some more horses, six so he can go hunting with his friend. They travlled for a few days, I think we should lunge them." Andrew answered. Asher nodded, smiling. He didn't mind.

He picked his three horses and led one outside, Goldie. He gave them his usual lunge before swapping over to Flight and then Rainmaker. When that was done he led his three horses after Andrew leading his to the paddock where they let them roam.

"You go hunting?" Asher asked. "I get to set scent for the hounds to follow and then I stay at the back of the group when they go." he explained. "When do you go next?" Asher asked. "This weekend, you can join. I have some old clothes for it but they're a bit too old. We can go hunting for your own." Andrew said, smiling. Asher rolled his eyes, "Sure, I got some money." he said, smiling. "It's huge, we get tons of people." Andrew told him as they back to shower, again. 

"When do you do the scent?" Asher asked. "Thursday but I go for a hack on Wednesday to look at the conditions." Andrew said. Asher nodded, "I'll join you, my arm will be fine." Asher smiled, Andrew nodded.

A few hours later, Asher had bought hunting equipment. He bought himself a black jacket, some cream jodhpurs, a stock, black boots with a brown top, a pair of new gloves as his own had a few holes and a proper martingale. 

Andrew checked the stuff smiling, "You might want to buy some new boots." Andrew said, Asher nodded. "Mine are a bit old, he'll need them for shows anyways." Asher said, grabbing a pair of boots and paying.

They hurried home and Asher packed his stuff away and took the golf cart to drop the stuff in his tack box. He drove back after giving Toto a carrot and Andrew himself made lunch and watched tv for the rest of the day.

[I'm sorry it's soo long.]


9:35am Dec 31 2015

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Posts: 1,667
[eep, and sorry for the late reply <3]

Not a lot of time had passed. Everything was so seemingly slow...

Yet now Xavier was jumping down the familiar cross country trail, having to hold himself from yelling loudly. Amethyst was excited - and so was he, his strong beauty pounding on.
As he further kicked Amethyst on into the depths of the forest, he realized his favourite jump ahead.  

"Come on, Amethyst!" Xavier had howled. With that he felt the familiar take off, flight, then landing. This wasn't it; now they were splashing through water and leaping down what looked like a step of sorts.

Water-soaked and happy, he slowed Amethyst to a steady canter and finished the rest of the track. Luckily for him the lap was a loop that lead right back to the stables again.
"Time for a hose down and a brush, then." With that he sorted Amethyst out until she was smooth and clean again. Then he went out for fresh water and hay and sugar beet, having to leave Amethyst alone again.

He was home again and he realized something again. If he were going to live happily, he would have to actually interact with people, not pick fights with them. He could get arrested if he fought numerous times.


A couple of hours had passed. Now Xavier was sitting at a bar, slowly sipping from a beer bottle. Instead of being so dark and reserved, at least he'd bottled it up and actually gone outside! But still - only the girls seemed interested, resulting in them sidling over and flirting with him. Each time Xavier just heartlessly turned them down when they asked for his number, or any contacts at all.
If people I knew were here maybe it'd be a little less awkward. Was his next bitter thought. Being in the foul mood he was in, he himself didn't bother mingling with others.

Yet what surprised him next were a group of teenagers around his age. One of them - the tallest of them all - strolled over and extended an arm to shake his hand.
"Hey! I'm Dastien; and you are...?"
"Xavier. Nice to meet you." He'd accepted the hand-shake and Xavier started off a lengthy conversation with the guy, talking to a couple of others who were with him. They were decent and didn't seem to mess around, which was good enough for him!

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

2:15am Jan 2 2016 (last edited on 4:40am Apr 1 2016)

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Posts: 1,324
Asher awoke at his usual 4:55 on Wednesday, he pulled on his shorts and tshirt and tied his running shoes before closing his door quietly. He peeked downstairs to see no one, so he peeked in Andrew's room just pulling on his shoes. 

Asher closed the door quietly and hurried downstairs. Andrew joined shortly and they jogged their route in the cool early morning. After that, they decided to shower after they laid down the scent for the hounds to follow. 

They stretched quickly before climbing the stairs and changing into riding clothes, Asher was excited to ride again. He hurried downstairs and made them each a slice of toast which they gobbled before brushing their teeth and heading to the stables. 

They walked and Asher groaned. "What's wrong?" Andrew asked. "I didn't pack a saddle, I didn't know my cast would be off." Asher said. "You could ride one of the otherr horses or borrow one of our saddles." Andrew offered politely. Asher headed to the tack room where he looked at the saddles. 

He picked a black saddle, which should fit okay for a couple hours. He saddle up, leaving the martingale and put the old boots onto Toto. He mounted and followed Andrew along the trail.

They galloped and jumped the low jumps as neither horses had jumped for while. "We could practice jumping later this afternoon after lunging." Andrew said, turning around. Asher nodded, smiling.

They headed back home, stretching their horses and left them to roam the paddock once they had untacked. They lunged the horses outside before it got too hot. They finished after a couple hours and they walked back. Dumping their clothes into the laundry and showering.


A couple hours later, they were saddling up again to use the indoor arena. They did some jumping on their own horses before deciding to try the other horses as well. A couple hours and it was almost ten o'clock. They brought the horses inside and jogged back where they showered once again and ate left over pizza.


Asher skipped the usual jog but showered and changed into casual clothes to drive to school, it would take up his whole day but he had to get Toto's saddle. He left Andrew a note, asking him to just lunge Toto over some jumps. Nothing to high. 


After a day of driving, he dropped his saddle off to see all the horses in their stable besides Toto. He headed to the indoor arena to see Andrew struggling to control Toto. Toto spotted Asher and reared, pulling the lunge line from Andrew and galloping to Asher. Asher moved to the door so Toto wouldn't escape. 

The horse stopped, kicking up sand and nuzzle Asher. Asher just rolled his eyes and grabbed the line, "What have you done so far?" Asher asked. "Nothing, he wouldn't listen to me." Andrew shouted across the arena.

Asher got Toto jumping before putting him away and joining Andrew to walk back. "Got your saddle?" Andrew asked. Asher nodded, he couldn't wait for Saturday. "Usual routine tomorrow, but put the lunging as jumping?" Asher asked. Andrew just nodded. "Tomorrow Friday?" Andrew asked, Asher nodded. "I hope it doesn't rain." "Why?" Asher asked. "Because then the scent gets washed away." Andrew explained.


1:15pm Jan 3 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
[I'm sorry! It's quite long again!]


9:41am Jan 29 2016

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2:21am Feb 13 2016

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10:14am Oct 24 2016

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Posts: 1,324
I'm still here.

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