~*Private*~ Me and Kogerer <33

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9:26pm Aug 11 2010

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     Ace had already started following Glimmer, who was swimming surprisingly fast. The green dolphin was doing flips at her side. They kept talking together, p*censored*ing little clicky noises back and forth. Ace's hipocampi started to swim faster, and she giggled with pure delight. "Go, we gotta catch up with Glimmer!" Ace pointed toward Glimmer.

     Angel was frowning. He definatly wasn't going to go with Drake. He paled at that thought. And ace was already ahead... That left only Ara. Curse my life. He said mentaly. Ah, screw it. He pulled himself up onto Ara's. "I know this sucks," he started, "But get over it." He was grumpy now.

Adopted from Archaeus.


9:32pm Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 254
Ara frowned. "Get over it? Buddie you don't know how good I am at holding grudges. This'll haunt me for the next 300 years." It felt akward a Angel climbed on behind her. She could feel the heat radiating off of his bare chest, which coincidentally, was sexy.

Twilight Fanatic

9:36pm Aug 11 2010

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[=P You are so weird.]
     "Keep in mind," he answered back, not skipping a beat, "I've watched the Earth for longer than you, sweetheart." He smirked. "Let's go." he told the hipocampi, who yawned before setting off quickly. He wrapped his arms around Ara's waist, because he really wasn't in the mood to fall off a giant water horse going at 120 miles per hour into freezing cold water.
[Switching to ipod mode soon... :D]

Adopted from Archaeus.


9:43pm Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 254
"Well I did experience many deaths. Most of which I were responsible. I kill humans on a regular basis. How does that make you feel?" She said after a few minutes. Ara tried not to concentrate on Angel's closeness and his arms tightly around her once more. This time, he was not restraining her.

Twilight Fanatic

9:53pm Aug 11 2010

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Angel didn't know why, but for some reason, he rested his chin on Ara's shoulder. "That's okay. I guess." he answered. "Everyone has to die sometime. It's the circle of life." Pressing his lips to Ara's ear, he whispered "I've seen you kill before. And remember, I've seen more deaths than you have. By a lot."


Glimmer turned around. She swam with strong and powerful strokes to where Drake was on his hipocampi. "So... how do you like my ocean?" she asked him, blushing.

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:00pm Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 254
Ara was a little shocked by his sudden actions. "But isn't the point of your whole mission to stop the killing? Once in a while I kill just for the enjoyment. I mean, you could kill a lot of evil things and save lives." She could only say this much because she was all too aware of Angel's warm breath on her shoulder and his skin on hers. No, don't think like that, she told herself.

Twilight Fanatic

10:05pm Aug 11 2010

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Drake looked over at beautiful Glimmer. She was talking to him? "The ocean is... Uh, pretty cool. Big, sorta scary, and un-expected but cool." He smiled. So far so good.

Twilight Fanatic

10:08pm Aug 11 2010

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"I'm responsible for balance. If I stop your type of people from killig others, willthat be balancing the world?" Ang answered. "No. All it'll do is create some giant, f***ed up war that'll be my responsibility. And I sure as h*ll don't want that." he shook his head in exasperation. He lifted his chin up from Ara's shoulder, only to place it back again. "Your people have to do what you have to do nsame with us. In reality, you're actually helping people when you're killing them. It may sound freaky, but you guys are actually helping to control balance." He paused. "A bit atleast." He smirked.

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:11pm Aug 11 2010

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Glimmer giggled, her lovely long green hair twirling around her. "I'm glad you do," she placed a warm hand on his cheek before giving a girlish squeel and backflipping back into the ocean. "I love the ocean too." she replied. "It's my home."

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:17pm Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 254
At first Ara thought that Angel was wise but what he just said sounded like a big load of bullsh.. She simply laughed. "Sure whatever." The. Her gaze turned to Drake. He and Glimmer were getting along. Drake was looking at Glimmer but something about 20 feet behind her caught his attention. It was a woman. She was all white and almost transparent. But the scary thing was, that she was walking on water and her head was just a skull... Drake screamed.

Twilight Fanatic

10:28pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 10:38pm Aug 11 2010)

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[What is it?]


Ace was too far ahead to hear anything. She did hear a scream but it was small and she didn't really think mutch of it. She kept going forward instead and at an even faster pace. She was eager to reah the island.


Angel pulled his arms even tighter around Ara. He kicked the side of the hipocami. Grunting, the hipocampi jumped out ifthe water and sped past the woman and Drake and Glimmer.


Glimmer froze in he water. The hippocampi grabbed the back of her hair with its teeth, tossing her straight onto its back. Which also meant she had fallen into Drake's lap. Glimmer lay there shivering, her green eyes wild with fear and worry. The hippocampi sped up considerably, and the woman was soon left behind. Glimmer birdies her face on Drake's chest. "Wh-what w-w-was that?" she stuttered, genuine fear on her face.

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:53pm Aug 11 2010

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Posts: 254
"That was a ghost, Glimmer. It was old and powerful. We have to move away from here." Ara struggled to turn in Drake's direction. "Dammit! Let go Angel! Drake! What did you see?!" Drake responded "It was a powerful ghost. There could be more. We have to move fast." This worried Ara and she sped up her hippocampus. So did Drake. "Ace! How much further?"

Twilight Fanatic

11:04pm Aug 11 2010

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Ace, having slowed down turned to face Ara, Drake, Angel, and Glimmer. Glimmer had dived back in and was swimming at full speed. She was surprised by another ghost jumping out of the water infront of her. Screaming, she gave a powerful flap of her tail that sent her arching over the ghost's head. "42 more miles!" Ace called back, her voice howling over the wind.


Angel, having heard Ace groaned. "We aren't going fast enough." he muttered, before looping an arm around Ara's waist. Kicking ifthe hippocampi's back, he spread out his wings. With Ara in his arms, he flapped his big white feathery wings with incredible strength and speed. Soon they were zooming through the sky just above Ace and Glimmer.

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:41am Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 254
Ara's sudden flight was unexpected but it exhilerated her and the wind felt good against her skin and her hair waved around. It was even better because Angel was holding her. It just felt nice. Ara wasn't sure if she should tell him that she too could fly. She looked up at Angel and laughed. "You f...... show-off! Drake, Glimmer, Ace! Hurry up!". Drake was riding his hippocampus as fast as. freaking possible. Then out of the corner if his eye he saw another white figure to his right. Then two to his left. There were even some near Ace. He couldn't see Glimmer and he grew worried. "Ace watch out!" If you ran into a ghost that was as old as this one looked, the odds are that you'll actually feel it. Using one hand, Drake held it out toward the ghost. As it approached him, Drake concentrated and the ghost exploded in Black fire. He tried the same with a couple others. "Go, buddie," Drake whispered to the hippocampus.

Twilight Fanatic

4:26pm Aug 12 2010

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     Ace snarled at the nearest ghost. Slashing her fingernails at the ghost, it erupted into flames. relaxing a bit, Ace sighed in relief, until she noticed her arm started to burn. Staring at her arm, she screamed. The black fire started crawling up her arm, leaving it feeling burned and scarred. In a moment though, the flames dissapeared from her arm, though leaving a giant burn-scar that circled around her arm.

     Glimmer could see an island approaching in the distance. "There it is!" she screamed, pointing one green nailed finger in the direction of the horizon. They were already leaving osme of  the ghosts behind, and in no time the island was towering above them, magestic and beautiful. "We're here." she breathed, staring up at the beautiful but looming figure of the temple.

Adopted from Archaeus.


4:56pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 254
Ara's eyes were fixed on the marvelous island. It was filled with plants and flowers and she could see butterflies floating in the air. Birds were singing and the temple was absolutely beautiful. It was so serene and peaceful. Even for a vampire. Drake's eyes also held wonder and appreciation. "It's amazing." Arachelle whispered. The whole ocean trip was worth it.

Twilight Fanatic

6:40pm Aug 12 2010

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"Of course it is, Ara." Angel snickered. "Its a magestic display of peace and balance. Both creators creates this, this wonderful place." He pointed to the large marble doors. Next to each of the doors were two torches, each holding black fire.


"So... once we're in, we have to already know what we're going to do in there." she said seriously; although at the same time she was terrified of the earlier experience, with the strange ghosts. "All of us, all five, are gonna do a blood promise." Angel and Glimmer nodded.

Adopted from Archaeus.


6:57pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 7:42pm Aug 12 2010)

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Posts: 254
((I'll make someone for Ace. Do you want it to be good or evil? What species?))

Ara nodded as well,  "Whatever, Angel.  We came on a long journey and we're here to accomplish what we planned to do,"  and Drake simply shrugged in approval."  Ara took a step toward a stone staircase amidst all the plants.  She smiled at the others.  "Come'on."

Twilight Fanatic

8:16pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 1,966
[Whatever you want. You're playing him, so make him someone you'd want to play. ^^]
     Ace nodded, shrugging one shoulder. Above the entrance to the stone staircase was a statue, one with half a halo and a devil's horn. She bowed down to it before walking straight by it onto the first marble step of the staircase. Angel followed closely behind them, followed by Glimmer, who was reaching for Drake's hand. She had never been in a place like this, and she was scared.
     At the top of the staircase was an alter. Lieing flat on the alter was an ancient knife, the blade dyed red with prehistoric blood. The handle of the knife was carved with intricate symbols. Ace gulped. "Well, here it is..."  she pointed to the knife, which gleamed. Above the alter, the moon was showing, castingthe stone to light up. In he middle of the stone was a dip, an almost square hole. Ace slowly made her way to the knife, picking it up in her fingers, twirling the handle in her hand, she admired its wickedly sharp blade.
[Maybe he could be a person that meets them at the temple. The character you're making, I mean. Then they coulda ll leave together!!! xDD]

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:39pm Aug 12 2010

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Posts: 254

Drake held Glimmer's hand and gave her a re*censored*uring look that said he was there for her.  It would be a lie to say that he was afraid as well. 

Ara paused and looked skeptically at the statue, balance.  Then she bowed to it, touching it's stone robes for no reason.  Then she climbed the stone steps.  The inside of the temple was amazing.  The moon shown down, everything it touched glowed eerily but beautifully.  It's like the temple was mixture of darkness and light.  She was not frightened.  Then all she could focus on was the blade that Ace held.  It was so wondrous.  When she looked at the symbols carved into it, a whole story flashed in front of her eyes.  Darkness and light, good and evil.  Arachelle saw everything she had seen before in her life as well, and felt every good feeling and bad feeling she had ever felt.  She looked at everyone in the room.  Glimmer the mermaid, Drake the necromancer, Ace the shapeshifter.  She really was not that bad.  Angel the...angel.  

Twilight Fanatic
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