~*Private*~ Me and Kogerer <33

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8:10pm Jul 26 2010

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[I'll reply soon, promise. ^^]

Adopted from Archaeus.


4:27pm Jul 27 2010

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     Ace smiled, baring long wolf fangs. "My sincere apologies, Arachelle. I am sorry for not informing you of this child," Ace smiled calmy. Surpressing laughter, all she could think of was Why am I acting so formal? Shaking her head, she continued. "This is my sister, Kittana Roma. She's a shapeshifter also, so donot bear your fangs at her, for she is more wild than she appears." Kitt smiled brightly, her red cat eyes gleaming.

     "As my darling sister says, I will not hesitate to tear your flesh until you are nothing more than a heaping pile of smelly bones and rotting flesh, left for the crow scavengers to feed from." She smiled even more brightly, her sharp canines showing. "No offense, though old lady." She smirked, before earning a slap on the back of her head from Ace.

     "Shut up Kitt," Ace growled. "Get a grip." She turned back to face Ara, crossing her arms. I guess this works well for both of us. she concluded, If she is lying, and does not wish to make this bargain, which is not a very large possiblity, then she wouldn't be here now. If shedoes wish to make this bargain, she gets knowledge, and allies. Not to mention the whole of the God's Creations on her side. But, has she thought, that I might be planning the same thing? I get information from her, and use it against her? Either way, if she betrays us, I kill her. Ace narrowed her eyes furiously, before smiling hugely. "This works for either of us." she chuckled, raising her head to stare at Ara.


[We need to think of a problem they have to face, that way there can be some action. Right?]

Adopted from Archaeus.


4:27pm Jul 27 2010

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Posts: 1,966
[Pfft, sorry for the short post, btw.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


9:54pm Jul 27 2010

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Posts: 254
Arachelle however, did not think this joke was funny and cast the little one named Kittana sharp looks. She really wanted to strangle her but she turned her attention on Aceya. "I'm very willing to work something out. For now, I'll keep my hunting to a minimum and pay attention to what I hunt. Okay? And you won't get any trouble from evil creatures. And I won't expose you to anyone. But if you betray me there will be consequenses."

Twilight Fanatic

3:44pm Jul 28 2010

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     "As there should," Ace replied, nodding her head slowly. "Butm Arachelle, isn't their something you'd want in return?" She smiled, tapping her chin with her finger. She supossed that she could... "I can see if I can provide you with food, if you'd like," she started to say, though hesitantly. "I can see if I can sum up and week animals, ones that are close to dieing, and give them to you, right? Of course, the blood-" she coughed up the word-"May not be the best, but it's still a steady suppy of it, right?" She stood up from where she was sitting and grabbed Kitt's hand.

     "We'll also offer protection to you," Kitt added. "I'll see if I can find any felines worth the death punishment, too." she said sarcastically. "Protection, because, well, even Vampires aren't completely indestructable. You know that, right?" 

[We need to think of a problem they have to face, that way there can be some action. Right?] 

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:54pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 254
((Exactly. Maybe there can be a certain enemy that's an enemy to both of them.)) "Yes, blood would work very well but I still might have to kill a human occasionally for strength. I can't ignore my needs. And I would like something else. I want to meet with more creations of God." Ara smiled. She had a plan. ((I honestly don't know where this is going. I'm brain dead.))

Twilight Fanatic

9:28pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 9:29pm Jul 28 2010)

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Posts: 1,966
[Same. I'll reply tomorrow, promise. On, like, my new DS. Erm... Ane enemy. What coudl be something that is neither good, nor evil? Oooh, maybe an a-ssa-ssin team, with six people. Three of them are God's creations, but are evil, and three of them are the Devil's creations, but they have turned their backs on the correct ways of the devil? Dunno. And our characters have to join together to learn how to survive, because they had to take on a quest  to kill the evil people. Which'll be very hard for them to do. And maybe Arachelle wants to meet new Good's creatures so she can see if she can find out the secrets of the good's people, because she nows tha Ace and Kitt won't spill any of their secrets? Just a thought. Woah, big explanation. My fingers are tired. So is my head. I'm gonna go to bed soon. Bye!

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:18pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm Jul 29 2010)

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Posts: 1,966

     "I suppose. But then we ask to see more creations of the Devil." Ace nodded. "We have to make a promise." Ace continued. "Let's make a blood promise." Blood promises were known by everyone. Everyone knew what a blood promise was, seeing as Blood Promises were unbreakable promises. In a blood promise, the people who were promising would slash an ancient knife on their palms, drawing blood. They'd then mix the blood together, and drink it. When this happened, the sky would glow a bloody red, before turning back to blue. The Bloodt Sky was a symbol of the blood promise. When people made a blood promise, they'd earn a special tattoo on the back of their neck, of a crescent moon, with a teardrop shape in it. Witch symbolized the blood. The knife was hidden in a very safe place, hidden where no one knew where to find it. Well, only select few. Ace just happened to know where it was. It was located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, one a small island that had a magistic golden temple. The small island was not documented on any map, and only creatures of God and Devil knew where to find it. The Temple was indestructable, only God and the Devil's power combined could break it. The temple had magnificent columns, and torches that held black flame, a token of the devil. The floors were of pure marble, from God. Little glowing orbs of pure light were everywhere, a light from the God.



[I want to make the shapeshifters believe in a Goddess. Like, the shapeshifters beieve in a special Goddess named Umaace. She was the first shapeshifter alive, and she had been able to transform into anything. That's whu Umaace was the shapeshifter's ruler, even though Umaace died a long time ago.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


9:23pm Jul 29 2010

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Posts: 254

"That would be very good so we both could keep our bargain.  I indeed have heard about the ancient knife needed and the amazing temple in the center of the ocean that combines good and evil.  But we don't know how to get there.  I could swim though I'd rather not.  I don't know if you can swim.  And even if we don't, wher would we get a boat.  And meat and blood.  It would be a great opprtunity to get to know eachother and combine our knowledge but is a blood oath really worth all this?  Besides, it would be very difficult to find it then find our way back.  Not many sailors stumble upon it and return."

Twilight Fanatic

3:27pm Jul 30 2010

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     Ace smiled. "Leave it all to me," she answered, winking. "I know a friend who knows her way very well around the ocean. She'll take us there, and take us back. She can even help us get across, if you'd like." Ace offered. "Anyway, since we have break next week, we'll meet here on Saturday, and we'll tak ethe enitre next week to to the promise."

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:10pm Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 254

Saturday, Ara would remember that.

"Alright, goodbye.  I will see you then.  Let's act normal at school and not speak of this in the presence of anyone else.  Also by Saturday I want you to decide if your sister will come.  And please no more surprise guests." 

Arachelle looked at them both and broke into a jog in the direction of the trees behind.  She was looking forward to this. 

Twilight Fanatic

9:16pm Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 1,966
     Once Ara had left, Kitt turned to her sister. "Do we have to go back to school?" she had asked. Ace smiled, shaking her head. "We missed enough," Ace implied. "But, tonight, you're gonna tell me how you were able to get outta school, little miss." At this, Kitt froze, before giving a small worried smile. "Kay hun, let's go," Ace declared to Kitt. Kitt and Ace started running toward the forest, and as they ran, they slowly started transforming. Within monents, Ace was a small and slender blonde wolf, with green eyes and a snarling mouth. Kittana was a tiger, its orange and black stripes bold. Together they tore off toward their apartment, each holding a piece opf prey in their jaws.

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:46pm Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 1,966
[We can skip to Saturday, if ya want.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


1:19pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 254

((You can decide.  By the way, I'm going to Washington D.C. tonight.  I'll probably be gone for the next week.))

Twilight Fanatic

8:58am Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 1,966
[Aww, bye. :) SKipping to Saturday, you post first, meat them at the forest with another Night guy. Ace will bring Glimmer.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


1:46pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 3:24pm Aug 8 2010)

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Posts: 254

Arachelle was anxious the whole week to meet up with Aceya.  The game plan didn't sound to bad and this might actually be fun.  It was a way to kill some time while Ara had all of eternity.  Plus maybe she would even gain strength from the adventure.  This would be interesting.  Then on Friday, she wondered if Aceya was going to bring her sister or someone else as well as this "friend."  Ara thought it would be wise to bring one other person just in case.  She new a powerful necromancer named Drake that she had met in the woods a couple years ago.  He was trying to contact some spirits and the essence of death had caught Ara's interest.  Then she'd gained his trust when they talked.  Plus, he was part of that percentage of necromancers that knew what they were and knew all about the supernatural world.  Someone with the power to control death at some degree would come in handy.

Finally, on Saturday, Arachelle ran speedily but still at what she considered a slow pace, because she had to bring along her necromancer friend Drake.  But she gave him some credit.  He was, actually very fast for a human.  Probably not that big of a problem to protect.  When the finally reached the forest, Arachelle did not see Ace at first, but the scent was quite strong.  Ara paused, and frowned.  There was another scent just as strong.  It was difficult to identify...fish maybe?  That was odd.  "We're here."  She murmured to Drake.  "Good."  He responded.  He was gasping for breath now because of the long run.

At first Ara could not see Aceya but she knew she was there.  The scent was strong.  But there was another smell.  It was difficult to identify...seaweed, fish maybe?  She and Drake finally saw Ace when she entered the clearing in the woods.  Ace was standing there with another girl next to her.  The other girl looked a similar age and her hair was long, flowing, and green, and her skin was pale.  That was the source of the smell.  As Arachelle studied her, she realized that the girl was obviously not human.  Ara was burning with curiosity.  It was also wierd that when the girl glanced at her, Ara suddenly was reminded of the ocean.  She could clearly picture the girl dripping wet, her hair swirling all around her.  Ara turned her eyes to Aceya.  At least Ace didn't bring her dreaful sister.  Ara despised her already.  That child's personality is much to big for a girl like her.  Then she reminded herself to talk.  The sooner someone spoke, the better, she thought. 

"Hello again, Ace.  I'm glad I came.  This looks like it's going to be interesting.  Now, you can explain to me how we can navigate the ocean and find this secluded island.  I don't know if you know this, but vampires can conjure up wings to fly.  However, it does take a huge amount of energy.  Oh, and this is my friend Drake.  He is a necromancer.  I was just thinking he could come in handy for us.  He's pretty tough and saftey comes in numbers."  She gestured toward Drake who was looking kind of confused.  "Sup."  He said.  Actually Ara was worrying about Ace and her friend turning.  Wolf's were powerful but  so were necromancers.  They could zap you with your own nightmares and that would not be pretty.  Arachelle was anxious to get on with the meeting.


Drake was pretty annoyed at Arachelle the vampire for pulling him through that stupid forest while he was pokes with twigs and sharp leaves while she sped ahead.  As soon as he got home, he was pulling out the band aids and check for poison ivy.  Why trust a vampire?  He thought.  But of course, she used her vampire beauty and charm to convince him to come to this stupid thing.  Besides, all she said was that they were going on a short sea trip with some friends, and it wouldn't take long.  But he realized it was one of those things among supernaturals where you try to make alliances with your enemies.  Most of the time they didn't end very well.  And Drake suspected that this alliance wasn't going to end well either, and he was caught in it.  That really sucks, he thought.  He immediatly knew that she was dealing with creations of God when he saw the other two girls.  One looked like a sort of magic wielder, or maybe a shape shifter.  She looked wild.  The other was obviously a sea maiden.  That's what other necromancers called them.  He knew all this because he'd done his homework when he found out the shocking truth about what he was.  He didn't supose Ara did her homework.  The sea maiden, or mermaid, actualy looked pretty nice.  And she was georgeous.  If he was going on a trip with her then it wouldn't be too bad.  He gave her a small smile, thought he was tempted to waggle his eyebrow at her.  Then, that darn vampire started talking.  The words like "navigate the ocean,"  and "secluded island," really caught his attention.  This was way more than a "small trip with friends."  He was not about to go on some life risking journey with some uncontrolable creatures.  He was very tempted to yell as Arachelle while she was speaking but it was clear she was already on edge.  He would back out later on.  For now, he would chill until he got to a safe place.  Nothing was worth what this crazy female vampire was describing.

Twilight Fanatic

7:03pm Aug 8 2010

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[Tsk tsk. My character is only played by me, :B. How was DC? Omigod, my parents dragged me off to camping. I was. Sleeping. On. A hill. And, I just caught hold of a really important fact, that will come in handy in life.

Here it is,





Do not hike up a giant mountain with converses! Whoooo!


Anyway, I'll post in a sec. Hold on.]

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:25pm Aug 8 2010

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Posts: 254
((ha ha. I wont hike in converses lol. And I didn't play any of ur charries. Whadya mean?))

Twilight Fanatic

7:33pm Aug 8 2010

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Posts: 1,966

     Aceya smiled, baring large wolf-ish canines. "Hello, darling Arachelle. Nice to see you, too." she smirked. She crossed her arms, sniffing the air. Ace herself had ordered her sister not to come. Kittana had been relieved, for she being more cat-like than anything, despised anything wet or cold. Kitt was staying at her friend's house, a little fairy with pale orange wings. Anyway. Aceya could also smell a scent in the air. It smelled particularly of dove and human. Ace smiled, as two pure white doves landed next to her. The bigger one exploded, it's feathers falling around the doves, a blinding white light filled the air. When the light subsided, a tan boy with pale hair and a black shirt stood next to Ace with a dove on his shoulder. The only thing that made him look unhuman was the white wings spread around his body.

     "Well, I have brought two people along with me. I see you've brought-" she sniffed the air-" a necromancer. This is going to be interesting," she chuckled. "Anyway, I'd like to introduce these two people." She motioned to the girl with green hair. "This is Glimmer." Glimmer raised her hand.

     "My full name is Glimmer Waterfin. But around humans, you may only adress me as Glim Finn." She pulled her long green hair onto her left shoulder, combing it through with her long pale fingers. "I'm a mermaid. A princess to be exact, but Ace, being a person who helped me long ago, has asked me to help you cross the seas. The plan is simple. I can sumon a group of dolphins, and we'll ride on that. Or a hipocampi, if you'd like. Yes, that would be better,"she said to herself. "Those creatures are faster." she added, smiling, thought tapping her chin with her green fingernail.

     Ace nodded. "That's the plan." She pointed one finger at the white-haired boy. "This is Angel. He is the complete opposite of you're kind. He's an Angel." Angel nodded, kindly, though his eyes were hardened with seriousness. "He was the one that allowed Kittana to find me on that day we met, Arachelle. Kitt told me about him, and I found him roaming the forest the next day. We have an alliance, but Angel has come on this journey for more than just to help us."

     "Yes," Angel said, his voice like velvet. "Ihave come to see how both sides, the Children of the Night and the Children of the Day work together. Judging on that, I can complete my mission. There will be no killings, so long as I'm there. Understood?" At this, Ace and Glimmer nodded. They didn't bother waiting for Night Children's answers.

     "We set out at dawn." Glimmer implied, before melting into a puddle that had been bellow her feet. Angel turned away, jumping into the night, replaced by a large white dove. He flew away. Probably back to his godda.mn appartment to think about Ara. Ace thought, mentally smiled. She had been the only one who had noticed Angel staring at Arachelle while they talked. Waving to them, she turned around and ran back in the direction she came, smiling time she bound away on her four golden paws.



[Voice like velvet. Oh my goodness, have I ever been so cheesy in my life! *cackles madly*]

Adopted from Archaeus.


3:32pm Aug 9 2010

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