Demons {The Gates} Gone {Have Finally} Wild {Opened}

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10:41am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959

The world has been teetering on the brink of etheric collapse for millenia. The time has finally come; the gates to the demonic dimension have opened. These gates are spread all over the world and allow high-cl*censored* demons to step through. The humans, contrary to thier reputation of obliviousness, have noticed and some of them, called Activists, are taking measures to get rid of these demons. Some demons are out to wreak havoc, others, however, just want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the demon world and live quietly in the darkness of earth.

Which one are you?




This is a semi-literate RP, so no one-liners. Do your best to write good 3-5 sentences, at least. more is encouraged :DD


You can be either demon or human


3 characters max


romance allowed


ask before killing another person's chara


i REFUSE to have vampires in this roleplay >.<


If you are some kind of shapeshifter, only two forms max


And most important of all: Have fun!! :D




(for demons)


Relative age:


Type of demon(include any powers):

Peaceful or Destructive?:


Looks (deion or pic):

Crush(if any):



(for humans)




Innocent or Activist?:


Looks(Deion or pic):

Crush(if any):



I will post my own bios once a few people join :3

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10:47am Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 7:57am Jun 14 2010)

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Posts: 1,789


10:49am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959
(yay :D someone joined. I'll wait for a few others before posting own bios)

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10:55am Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 7:32am Jun 14 2010)

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Posts: 5,998

[[Join? c:]]


Name: Martyr Warre [Marr for short?]]

Relative age: 100. Rather young for a demon (?)

Gender: Female

Type of demon(include any powers): Oooh! -sticks up hand- Shapeshifter! Can transform into a rather large and venomous serpent and a small wolf.

Peaceful or Destructive?: Most of the time peaceful [see in personality]

Personality: Marr is extremely lazy. She loves to doze off, and sometimes has a short attention span. Marr is very stealthy, though, and can sneak past very alert and cautious demons. NO. Ignore the picture. She ain't hyper.

Looks (deion or pic): asdfasdf[[Um... with devil wings? Sorry, the best picture I could find that wasn't...inappropriate]] Her snake form is a black mamba.

Crush(if any): Open



10:58am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 2,518
(for demons)
Name: Kris Parkerson
Relative age: Meh, maybe 300?
Gender: Female
Type of demon(include any powers): Can summon and control the spirits who have gone down to.. well... you know. She can force them to do anything she wills, but it takes a lot of concentration.
Peaceful or Destructive?: Destructive all the way!
Personality: Kris is quiet on the outside, the perfect picture of the shy girl. But, on the inside, she's a fire ball of emotions and recklessness. She loves to prove people wrong, especially when it comes to her.
Looks (deion or pic): ASAP
Crush(if any): Nope
other: Nope

Muffinz 0_o

11:01am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[May I ask something? Two forms max. Meaning two forms they can change into? i.e. Demon, wolf and horse. Or two forms, including normal form and changed form i.e. Demon and wolf]]


11:20am Jun 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 959

(woo :DDD posting own bios now, seems like ill have to bring on the guys X3)

Name: Lucian

Relative age: 450-ish

Gender: male

Type of demon(include any powers): A trickster demon, a master of illusions and manipulative powers, he can disorient his foes to the point where they would attack thier own allies. He can also make several copies of himself that dissappear when attacked, though they are semi-solid.

Peaceful or Destructive?: P*censored*ive yet destructive, explained below ^^

Personality: he enjoys watching the agony of others though he does not bear the strength to deliver such pain. He is overly mischevious and often misleads others on purpose. he never lies, but he almost always doesn't tell the whole truth.. or he happens to 'forget' some crucial piece of information.

Looks (deion or pic):

Crush(if any): open

other: none


Name: Cainus (or just Cain :3)

Relative age: 200, young for a demon

Gender: male

Type of demon(include any powers): A cursed shadowmancer, can manipulate shadows into various things including unique weapons and small minios that he can control. Having been bitten by a helhound, he is also 'cursed' and can shapeshift into a helhound form, though it is hard for him to control.

Peaceful or Destructive?: Generally peacefull

Personality: Bleh, too complicated -.- I'll roleplay it out

Looks (deion or pic):

helhound form-

Crush(if any): open

other: none

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11:21am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959
(by two form i mean two forms other than his/her humanoid form :)

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11:46am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 15,067
((Darn, would've joined if that number count was just oone more up))


11:55am Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959
(hmm, if you can keep up with them i'll let you have 4 :3 but rest as.sured, I will ban you from this rp if you don't keep up with ALL of them :P)

Embrynn is : Offline :(
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12:15pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 15,067

((No problem, I happen to be very literate.))


 {Dean Winchester}
{He's a hunter, and is Michael's Va.ssal}
 {Sam Winchester}






{He is a hunter, and is Lucifer's Va.ssal} 
 {Fallen Angel/Ruler of Hell}
{Michael and Gabriel are his older brothers, and God is their Father} 



1:24pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959
(hmm, interesting O.o you a supernatural fan im guessing XD so is Lucifer Sam's protector or something?)

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1:34pm Jun 10 2010

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(No, Sam is Lucifer's true Va.ssal, which means that Sam is his true form to possess. I have another one... Loking for him xD))


1:42pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 959
(aaaaaah ok :D if you want, when you find him, you can start)

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4:42pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Jun 11 2010)

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Posts: 854



 Name: Kioko

Relative age: Around 500

Gender: Female

Type of demon(include any powers): She's able to charm others into following her orders and can drain the life force out of demons and humans.

Peaceful or Destructive?:Peaceful

Personality: She's rather nice and polite for a demon.  Kioko wants to live a peaceful life on earth, and dislikes using her powers to hurt others.

Looks (deion or pic):  Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Crush(if any): None yet

other: Umm, ignore the red eyes.  Her eye color is actually dark brown.


4:46pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 2,927
((I would join, but I do happen to have a quick question... Do all humans know which ones are demons or not? o-o Cause if they don't know I would like to be a Demon, and if they do know... I'll happen to make one human and one demon. :3))


5:06pm Jun 10 2010

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Posts: 15,067
((Humans don't know if a Demon's a Demon unless they tell them.))


5:14pm Jun 10 2010 (last edited on 5:27pm Jun 10 2010)

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Posts: 6,165

Name:Angel Demonica

Relative age:100


Type of demon(include any powers):She can give humans andother Demon hell by just looking at them, she uses their weak spots and makes it whiz in their mind. It also gives them an uncontrolable headache that only she controls.

Peaceful or Destructive?:Destructive all the frikin way!

Personality:Rp it out

Looks (deion or pic)tle="Vampire by ~Bad*censored*-Jo, Aug 15, 2009 in Fan Art > Manga/Anime > Digital > Miscellaneous">  tle="Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black by ~Liiinnea-A, Jul 22, 2009 in Fan Art > Wallpaper > Movies/TV">

Crush(if any): None

other:She has extrem beauty, It wooes men into her trap, then she crushes them into pieces.







Name:Taylor Demonica

Relative age:200


Type of demon(include any powers):He can shapeshift into a giant wolf

Peaceful or Destructive?:Destuctive

Personality:Kind of a joker, but he has a soft side.

Looks (deion or pic):tle="Jacob Black by ~MissMudblood, Jan 22, 2008 in Digital Art > Mixed Media > Animals & Plants">


Crush(if any):none

other:none, oh, his opic is from Twighlight OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:56pm Jun 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,927

((Oh, thanks Chance. :3

I'll join as a Demon and a Human anyways. xD

Un momento... It takes me a while to push together my bios unless I'm feeling extremely lazy... Which is almost always... Anyways, They'll be up in a while.))


7:09pm Jun 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,927

(for demons)

Name: Kylie Turner

Relative age: 359

Gender: Female

Type of demon: She's somewhat of an Immune and Physical fighting type. She's immune to all other's powers, like mental tricks or physical things such as perhaps 'magic' fire produced by a demon. She's also stronger than the average demon, male or female. That isn't much of a power though.

Peaceful or Destructive?: She's somewhat half and half.

Personality: Kylie is very, very unsure of everyone but her and her friend, Ian. She will attack at the slightest hint of violence thrust her direction. She's somewhat unaproachable by guys who intend to flirt, and with girls who she finds 'annoying', which is most girls, she tends to be a little more... harsh.

Looks (deion or pic):
Music_by_happygoluckyy.jpg anime girl image by _Kattis_
((She has pale skin and dark, dark [almost black]))

Crush(if any): Hah.

other: Ian's her best friend, but he doens't know she's a demon. :3


(for humans)

Name: Ian Sanders

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Innocent or Activist?: Innocent

Personality: Ian's rather friendly. He loves to make new friends and has no idea that demons even excist. Some friends have told him about demons, but he doesn't believe them. He's somewhat the life of the party, just that type of guy. He's easily likable.

Looks(Deion or pic):
tidus1.jpg Hot Guy image by La_Penguins
((But without all that rose/flower crap...))

Crush(if any): Pretty much all of 'em ;D

Other: Nope... :P

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