Draconilia Isles (1x1 with Tink and Wolf)

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9:03am Aug 14 2014 (last edited on 9:06am Aug 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 783

Draconilia Isles are floating islands full of dragons and other magical
creatures.  Human beings have only recently discovered them, and use air
ships to get around.  Strangely, all of the animals that the people
brought to the isles with them have grown wings. All except for the people. So
they use airship and dragons to fly in the air. There is a huge assortment of
islands in the isles, some covered with human towns, some completely unknown
except for it's inhabitants. There is no real goal or big event in this
roleplay, the purpose is to just enjoy life in the Draconilia Isles and have


Name: Azaran

Age: 16 in human years

Gender: Male

Breed: Night Dragon

Home Island: Ignis

History: Born in a remote house, Az immediately bonded to a human baby,

Elements: Fire, Shadow


 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_t6pFwflydnQ/TQueVc8-WCI/AAAAAAAABKw/Z17-jNFsIlU/s1600/RedDragon.jpgta:image/png;base64,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" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_1">

he is black and silver with green eyes not quite full grown

Personality: badass, like Jake

Mate/crush: None

Hatchlings/eggs: None

Siblings: Older brother named Acer

Rider: Jake

other: None

Name: Jake Mason

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Home Island: Ignis

History: Born only a few days before Az, they are very close and love each
other to death

Looks: Blonde, spiked up hair, 3 piercings in his
left ear, always spikes, tallish for his

age, pretty fit and muscular, sort of slim. He wears T-shirts and jeans

usually, accompanied by a belt holding the sword that his father,

deputy of Astralune, gave to him. It is silver, with leaping wolves

engraved on it, and he never goes anywhere without it. During battle, he wears

light black armor, and tends to fight back-to-back with his Bond, a dragon

named Azaran, or Az for short. Jake has blue-green eyes that stand out against his tanned



Kids: None

Siblings: Younger sister, Emma

Other: Jake is a kind of a badass, always
getting  in trouble for playing pranks and

ditching important meetings. He is a deadly fighter, and if you went up against

his you would surely die.  He would protect his friends at all costs, and

loves to laugh. He is a funny person, and often he will be able to cheer you up

if you are sad. He also is kind of a flirt occasionally, but he is quite

handsome in a troublemaker sort of way, and lots of people have crushes

on him




Night Fury

island: Ignis

Moon was a helpless young dragon when his mother died, he was rescued by Amber
when she was little. Together they grew and loved each other, they are now

Has this sort of thing in his body that can keep warm or cold, he is a brilliant
flyer and has great speed.


  Average night fury, except Moon is a bluey-whitey colour.

Moon will do anything to protect Amber, he is over-protective sometimes but
Amber will scold him for it. He is smart, friendly, funny and has a great sense
if humor when you meet him. He is also extremely loyal to his friends.



An older sister called Battle-cry who died of cold.







island: Ignis

Amber saved a young dragon whose mother died. Together they grew and loved each
other, they are now inseparable.


Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

9:07am Aug 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783


Posts so far:

Az stretched,
flexing the rippling muscles in his broad black wings. Beside him, Jake stood
in his jeans, stifling a yawn and cracking his knuckles. The large island they
lived on, Ignis, fell away only a few feet away from the pair into the sky and
clouds. Jake, looking up at his dragon's majestic features, took hold of his
scales and lightly swung himself up, just another example of how well the two
knew each other. Ax finished stretching his wings and launched without warning
off of the island, plummeting the two into a free fall straight down. Jake
whooped, releasing his hands as his black and silver dragon looped and tumbled
about in the sky. Letting out a stream of black flame into the air, Az roared
mightily, throwing his head back and calling to the heavens. Jake ducked behind
the dragon's spines to avoid the flames. Az, his obsidian and silver scales
shining, tilted into a dizzying dive, finally twisting up and shooting far
above Ignis. Jake released his hold on the dragon with his legs and grabbed the
spikes, flipping himself off of the dragon's back and down towards the
increasingly  growing shape of Ignis Island. At the last second, Az soared
down, and, catching Jake on his back, landed agilely on the ground. Jake sprang
nimbly off and wiped his brow, a thin mist of sweat adorning his brow.


Az shook his head to
rid himself of the condensation of the clouds, spraying small drops of water
onto Jake. Laughing, Jake sprang back, tripping over a rock and falling on his
face. Hauling himself up, he wiped the blood off of a small cut under his left
eye and made his way up a small path that wound over Mt. Astra, through a
shortcut through the woods, and into the small town of Astralune.


Amber woke up from her power nap. She looked up and saw
Moon fast asleep. She chuckled when she heard him snore. She rubbed his head as
she climbed down the tree, she went over to the river and washed her face and
hands. She saw a dark figure loom up to her and got out of the way, running
away. She looked behind her, this extremely dangerous thing was coming closer.
"MOON!" she screamed. "MOOOON!" she screamed again. Moon
woke up to screaming and saw Amber was gone. He flew towards the screaming and
saw Amber running away from an animal chasing her. He went down and screamed at
the animal. Amber heard the call, Moon came to her level one wing out. Amber
stumbled and jumped on the wing before she fell, she held onto his spikes and
they zoomed off. The animal jumped up, trying to get them but did not succeed.
This was the second time this has happened. Moon zoomed to the animal and
blew fire onto it. This animal died instantly, Amber had to have a
closer look. She jumped off Moon and hit the ground softly. Moon didn't notice
so she called him. He looked at her and floated towards her. Amber looked at
this burnt animal. It looked like some snake thing. She climbed onto Moon
and they flew to the town which was on the other side of the island called
Astralune. When they arrived she headed into the office place and told the lady
about this creature. "Okay, thank you very much. Have a nice day."
she replied, rather bored. She headed out and saw Moon stuffing his face with
some fruit while the man wasn't watching. "Moon," she hissed. He
looked up spotting her he nodded and went back to the apples. The man saw and
shouted at Moon. Amber walked to the man, "Sorry about
that, how much will it cost?" she asked. "600" he replied. She
looked in her wallet, it was empty. An ideal popped in her head.
"Maybe we can get you 600 worth of apples?" The man nodded and
turned his attention back to his customers. She took a man's crate of apples
and gave it to the other man. He nodded and Amber giggled to herself. She
walked into a clothes shop and bought a new set of jeans, silver boots and
a sky blue vest. She payed as she had found some money. She walked out and
saw Jake. 'Does he know me?' she asked herself. Moon nudged her
to him. She giggled and turned around. She walked backwards with Moon
pushing her. She bumped into someone and saw it was Jake. "Oh, umm,
sorry." she said. "My name is Amber and this is Moon." she said
pointing to him who was stealing some apples. She giggled and looked back
at Jake and smiled.


back, Jake held out a hand to shake hers. She took it, and he shook it gently,
savoring the feel on her smooth skin. His were large and slightly callused,
softer than most, but warm. "I'm Jake, and this is Az," he said,
setting his other hand on the side of his dragon's scaly body. Self
consciously, he absentmindedly went to smooth down his shirt before realizing
he had forgotten to put one on before making his way to the town after their
morning fly. He blushed slightly, hooking his hands into his belt loops to give
them something to do. "What are you doing in Astralune today?" Jake
asked her.


spoke with a smile, "I was attacked by this creature, so I reported it. It
is really cool, a snake-like creature. Do you want to come check it out?"
While she awaited for his answer, she called Moon. "Moon!" He
scuttled towards knocking over bins. Amber heard the shouts and hoisted herself
onto Moon while he was beginning to flap his wings. Jumping on and grabbing
onto his wing, she clambered on. Getting comfy, she shouted at Moon. Going up
here, above the city. Moon stayed in one spot while they waited for Jake.


Jake said with a grin as he nimbly swung onto Az's back, the dragon's wingbeats
taking them higher and higher into the air. Reaching Moon and Amber, Jake
followed them to the spot, flipping and diving on Az over the forest and town.


Amber gave a nod and soared out into the sky. Looking
down in the sky for the spot, she found it. She whipsered to Moon and gave a
grunt, meaning he understood. Amber shouted over shoulder, "It's directly
underneath us!" Shooting a wink and giving a grin, she jumped off.
Spinning down, she counted down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... Moon flew underneath her and
caught her, "Good boy!" she praised. Giving another grunt he silently
flew to the ground. Before they touched the ground, Amber slid down his wing and
landed on the ground as Moon landed. Walking to his front, she praised him.
Waiting for Jake, she took out her diary to write and draw the creature.


Flipping nimbly off Az's back, Jake landed on his feet
on the ground, Az soaring down and landing behind him. Tapping Amber, Jake
peered from behind her first at the creature, then at her drawing. Nodding as
she added details to the drawing, he said, "You're a good artist,"
and walked towards the still smoking corpse. Kneeling, he stroked and unburnt
piece of scaly skin, and gasped at the beautiful color. His thumb had wiped
away the ash from the fire, exposing a shimmering dark green hue. Straightening,
he walked around the snakelike beast to the head, which was long and smooth
like a snakes. It's yellow eyes were still open, and he shuddered and closed
them. Hearing a hiss, he turned to see Az shy away from the smell of the
creature, a damp, cold smell like a cave never exposed to sunlight. He examined
the thin, cruelly sharp but delicate teeth, and ran a finger down long
glimmering pearly streaks that ran down it's forehead. MAking his way back
to Amber, he asked, "Do you have any idea what this creature is?"


she said. Watching as Jake observed the creature he came over and asked if she
knew what it was. Nodding, "I think I do. I have a big book about
creatures that live here on Ignis. Come on, let's go to my tree house and find
out. Running off, Moon started to fly low beside her. When a Moon was close
enough she leapt onto Moon. "Go!" Amber shouted. Moon nodded and flew
hard. Seeing the tiny that they had to go through, Amber crouched but could
still see. They were a meter away when she shouted, "Now!" Moon
tucked his wings and they soared through the hole. Getting out, Moon shied at
something and Amber fell. Hanging onto Moon's collar around his neck, Moon went
wild. Flapping this way and that, he shook his head so hard Amber flew down.
Landing into the water beneath her, she didn't have time to get air and
swallowed a whole lot of water. Going up, she walked out the water coughing and
sneezing. Seeing Moon had left, she walked back to her tree house and changed
clothes before Jake arrived.


"Sure, I'll follow in a sec. I want to look a
little bit longer," he said, still curious. A few minutes later, he and Az
fitted themselves carefully through the ole and landed in front of Amber's
house. "Amber?" Jake called through the open doorway before stepping


Jake took awhile, so she scribbled a note
out and left it on the coffee table. Out looking for Moon. Will explain later.
<3 Am. P.S. Help yourself to anything you want. Amber left, taking her
jacket and Moon's treats. She called Moon and eventually he came. "Hey
boy? What did you see?" Amber giggled. Rubbing his head, she leapt on and
he flew off. Amber just remembered she left her diary open on the page she had
just written about today's events. I hope he hasn't read the page, she thought.
Biting her lip, she kicked Moon on. Snorting, he flew faster. Eventually they
arrived and Amber jumped off. Moon went to his cave and Amber walked into her
house. "Jake? Are you here?" Amber spoke loudly. Hearing her echo,
she shivered and slipped on her jacket.


Walking in, Jake saw the note and read it quickly, then
looked around the house. Seeing the open diary, he scanned the page, chuckling
as he read it. Hearing Amber's voice, he started and turned quickly, blushing
as she walked into the room. "Where's the book?" he asked, shivering
a bit as well at the chill.


"What book?" Amber asked. She saw her open
diary and snatched it up, "Have you been reading my diary?" she
asked. She knew he had, she caught him when she looked in the door. He hadn't
seen her, so she announced her presence.


"The book you said might have the creature in
it," Jake said, confused. He growled warningly at Az, who was trying to
squeeze unsuccessfully through the doorway, then turned back to Amber.
"And as for your diary, I, uhh... ummm... nevermind." he mumbled.


Amber exclaimed. She took out the book and dumped onto her desk. A big dust
cloud came up and she coughed and waved it off. "By the way, I know you
read my diary. Never do it again." she said, throwing a wink over her


Jake nodded, embarrassed. Coming to join her at the book, he flipped through it
with her, finally coming to a page that depicted the creature perfectly. It was
called a Slynder, and the one that Amber had charred was only a baby, about
half size. The impressive beast was usually any shade of green, and the pearly
streaks on it's forehead showed that it was a male. They mostly ate fish and
small game, occasionally throwing in a deer, and were quite rare in the isles.
They were hardly ever found even on the other side of the isles, and it was
curious that they should have encountered it all the way on Ignis. "We
need to show it to the Mythwarden," Jake said, "I know where e lives.
His dragon doesn't take too kindly to strange dragons, though, so I would
suggest leaving Moon here and riding with Az and I."


Amber shook her head, "I don't go anywhere with
Moon. Plus, It's Moon feeding time. Can you wait while I mix his food and then
you can give me a life to Moon?" she asked. Not waiting for an answer, she
hurried into the kitchen and started making his food.


Sighing, Jax nodded. "I can wait. I guess one
small dragon shouldn't be too hard for the old dragon to handle.," he
said, and sat down on to wait for Amber.


Amber walked back in the room. "Okay, let's go!" she said. Placing
the food into 3 buckets she put on her jacket and locked the door.


Jake mounted Az, pulling Amber up behind him. They flew
down a small ravine with a river in it until they reached a dead end, but Az
dipped under the river and flew up into a large cave. Moon was waiting


shrieked as they went under water. When they  got out Amber cursed,
"Damn! I just bought this exspencive jacket!" she said a bit too
loudly. She kissed Jake on the cheek, "Thanks!" Sliding off, she
waved him off. Feeding Moon, she petted him and eventually walked home.
Smiling, she got home and showered. Changing into pajama shorts and into an
over-sized t-shirt. Starting up her laptop, she turned and faced the mirror and
pulled her into a messy bun. Typing in her password, the house was silent besides
the clicking of the keys. Cracking the balcony doors opened, she walked outside
and felt the chill. Going back inside because she felt goose bumps there was a
knock. Who would be here at this hour? she thought. Walking over, she unlocked
the door and opened it. She knew there was a dragon there, so maybe it was a
friend, Moon or Jake. 


Amber opened
the door as Jake knocked and he said, "Come on, we have to go to the
Mythkeeper. He's an old friend of mine. And if anyone should know about the
creature, it's him. Please come with me."

Leading her
over to Az, he mounted his dragon and lifted Amber up behind him. "Hold
on, there are a lot of twist and turns to get there," he said to Amber as
Az leapt up and flew higher and higher. They soared above the large island of
Ignis, finally coming to a large mountain range. The Thorn mountains were harsh
and unforgiving, towering high above the forest. Az twisted to fit through a
narrow hole in a rock, and sped into a cave. Low to the water, over a lake,
dipping and dodging to avoid boulders they flew, Az skimming to lake with his
claws so as to avoid bumping his rider's heads on the cave roof. Finally, after
a while of flying in the dark, Jake said, "Hold on, you're about to get
soaked," and grabbed her hands, wrapping them around his waist and
clenching his legs tighter around Az.

The dragon
dipped underwater, shooting through a small gap and bursting up through the
lake in a low, steep valley. Flying higher and higher, the cold wind became
sharper and sharper, turning to water on their clothes to ice. Shivering, Jake
hugged himself, turning to Amber and drawing her closer for warmth.

Finally the
dragon landed on a snowy rock, and Jake hopped off, pulling Amber along with
him. He led her to a small castle, and opening the large oaken door, he stepped
inside. A man with a dark green cloak and black clothes sat, facing the fire.
"Hello, Carnan," Jake spoke quietly, and the man responded, without
turning, "Hello Jake. Who is this fine young lady you have brought to see
me and Arthur?" Only then did Jake see that Arthur, Carnan's large flame
colored dragon, lay curled up in the fire.


"Hang on, let me change." Amber said, racing
off and changing into warm clothes. Putting on her still slightly wet jacket,
she hopped on. When they went under the water and came on Amber spoke to
herself loud enough for Jake to hear though, "Damn it, again! I just
bought this expensive thing! Now, I have to be a new one since it's
ruined." Thinking how long it would take she mumbled to herself, "Six
months without a jacket in winter. Nice." she said sarcastically. Getting
off, she stroked and thanked Az. Then walking behind Jake, she heard the man
speak but couldn't make out what he was saying. Amy felt around her, she forgot
her diary. "Damn!" she cursed under her breath.


feisty," Carnan rumbled, smiling as he stood and turned to face the two
teens. His weatherbeaten face was tanned, with silvery blonde hair peeking out
from his hood and light blue eyes that shone from the darkened skin. He was
tall and muscular, stocky but fit, and he towered even over Jake. "We
found a Slynder," Jake stated simply, and the man's eyebrow raised in
concern. "Are you sure it was a Slynder? There are many beasts that look
similar to-" "It was definitely a Slynder," Jake said, his tone
even and measured. The man rose in alarm. He had one of the looks of one who
could have been 60 or could have been in his early 30's, but Jake's certainty
seemed to age him. He slumped down into a wooden chair and sighed.



Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

10:37am Aug 14 2014

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Posts: 1,324
(Thank you for setting it up!)

Amy didn't know what to do, so stretching a little she sat in a chair beside Jake and smiled kindly. Her eyes grew hard as she looked at the dragon in the fire, the dragon was somewhat familiar. She couldn't out her finger on it, until it came to her. This dragon had attacked Moon, once very long ago. She stared at the dragon, her glare came harder and colder.


12:42pm Aug 14 2014

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Posts: 783
Seeing Amber's glare, Jake set a hand on hers, his eyes questioning. Arthur coiled out of the fire, his fiery scales gleaming, and looked at Amber. "I am sorry for that, shall we call... incident a few years ago. I had never meant harm to you." Jake, now even more confused, held his silence, and bowed his head low to the Mythkeeper. "Thank you for this news, troubling as it is. I am sorry that ill fortune chose to befall you, as I treat you as my son." Jake nodded, then took Amber's hand and rose to leave, escorting her back to Az and never letting go of her hand.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

1:35pm Aug 14 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amber kept her cold glare on and followed Jake out. Shivering in the cold, "Just take me back, please." she mumbled at him, but loud enough.


9:05pm Aug 14 2014

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Posts: 783
Nodding, he, hugged her, sensing her chill, and lifted her up. Leaping on to Az's back, he held her on his lap and curled his body protectively around hers for warmth. The ride was cold and bleak, and going under the water wasn't much help. Finally landing in front of his own house, he helped her off and led her inside. It was snowing all over Ignis, but the house was warm ad cozy. "Sorry we couldn't go to your house, it was snowing too hard. I thought we could wait the storm out and have some coffee or cocoa to warm us up." He gestured to the fire burning merrily behind the grate, and sat her down on the couch. "Emma," he yelled, "Come down here for a sec." A muffled crash and light thump later, a tall, slender girl of about twelve came running down the stairs. "I suppose you want cocoa," she said, setting a pot on the hearth. In a few moments, the pot glowed red and Emma bent down to pick it up. Pouring two cups, she handed on to Jake and one to Amber  before scurrying up the stairs back to her room. Sipping his cocoa, Jax slipped an arm around her and pulled her close, rubbing her back for warmth.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:30pm Aug 14 2014

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Amber cuddled into his side and the warmth got into her quickly. "Thanks!" she said. Looking into his eyes a blush rose into her cheeks. Putting her cup down on the table she smiled at Jake.


6:48am Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 783
Seeing her blush, he set down his cup as well. Shifting slightly to make himself more comfortable, he leaned in even closer, kissing her lightly on the lips. His hand settled on her thigh, the other on top of her other hand. Pulling back, Jake blushed a bit when he saw her, taking in everything from her brown eyes and brown hair to her soft skin under his fingertips.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:50am Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amber smiled into the kiss. Seeing his blush, she giggled slightly. "So, when do you think you can take me home?" she asked. She jumped up suddenly, "Moon!" she shouted. Getting up, she grabbed her slightly wet coat and ran outside. Running in the snow, she was lost. She sat down and cried. After a while, she got up and walked through the snow. It was cold with shorts, a t-shirt and a slightly damp jacket. Shivering, she kept walking. Glancing at her phone she saw it was late. She shook he redhead and carried on. She saw a figure, a human figure. Who was it?


10:55am Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 783
"Soon," Jake said quietly, kissing her once more before she rose and ran out the door in search of her dragon. "Wait!" Jake called after her, "Moon's in his cave, right?" Shaking his head as she bounded through the snow, he returned to the fire, sure she was going to come back. The snowstorm outside howled, pelting ice and frost against the windows. After a minute or so, he began to worry, and, pulling off his green t-shirt, grabbed a hoodie and out it on over his bare skin. His jeans would have to do  protecting his legs. Running outside, Jake whistled and Az lumbered through the snow, bulky and covered in frost. Snorting, the dragon expelled fire from his nostrils, melting a clearer path to his rider. Jake hopped on Az, pointing in the direction Amber's fast-disappearing footsteps led. The dragon ran, not going up for fear of the wind and ice, in the direction, and Jake clung to his neck shivering. Finally, hours later, as the sun went down, Jake heard a small noise. Jumping off Az, he ran towards it, Finally distinguishing that it was Amber. Hugging her tightly, he saw how cold she was and took off his hoodie, slipping it over her shoulders. It was warm with his body heat. Jake shivered as the frost bit deep into his skin and bones, seeming to freeze his muscles, and he hugged Amber yet again for warmth.  "I was worried," he whispered into her ear, bring her over to Az and lifting her up onto the dragon's back before sliding on behind her and wrapping his muscular arms around her slender waist. Az knew what to do, and bolted for home, reaching the door in record time. Hopping off, Jake helped Amber down and watched as Az made a mad dash for his cave, an underground one under a large hill with a stream of lava running through it. Helping her inside, he said, "Once the snow stops I'll take you home."

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:48am Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amy clung onto Jake. "I want to go home now!" Amy said. She cried into his shoulder the whole time. Getting back, she lay down on the couch and fell asleep before they could talk. She dreamed that Moon had died in the cold. Waking up, it was dark. She left a note and saw that the storm had stopped. "Az?" she hissed. The dragon was there and looked at her. "Tell Jake, I went home." Not waiting for a noise, she walked into the deep snow. She knew where she was and day light broke. Seeing more clearly she went home and saw Moon shivering. "Moon!" the dragon saw her come and stayed where he was. "Go around!" she commanded. Moon flapped his wings and went around. There was a door for Moon and a separate room for him. A stable with a fire. Lighting the fire for Moon, he soon warmed up. Having a rough night, she striped her clothes and showered. Changing into pyjamas she jumped onto her bed and fell asleep.


8:23pm Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 783
Setting her down to sleep on the couch, Jake grabbed blankets from his room and pulled them over her. Slipping under the covers for the sole purpose of keeping warm, Jake fell asleep immediately. 
The next morning, he woke to find sunlight streaming in through the windows, the fire reduced to ashes, and a note from Amber. Reading the note, he smiled and stoked the fire. Jake set a pan on the flames, pouring batter he had just made onto it, the pancakes sizzling cheerfully. He set another pan with seven or eight strips of bacon in it beside the other pan, and waited. Soon a delicious aroma brought Emma down, and she smiled as she saw that her brother was making breakfast. As soon as the meal was cooked, he divided the food into three portions: a huge one, a large one, and an average sized one. Sitting down at the table, he set the two smaller portions down, opened the window, and set the huge portion down on the frosty ground for Az. He wolfed down the larger portion while his sister did the same with hers.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:14pm Aug 15 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amber woke up and saw the time. She flopped back down, mumbling words to herself. She fell asleep again and finally got up. Walking into the shower again she changed into some warm clothes. She lit her fire and just sat there, not knowing what to do.


7:29am Aug 16 2014

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Posts: 783
Stretching his arms, Jake sighed in satisfaction. He cleared and washed his dishes, then opened the door to find Az. The large silver and black dragon butted his head lightly against Jake, though still hard enough to unbalance him. Laughing, Jake hopped onto Az, and the dragon flew up into the misty morning air, swooping and gliding. Jake rose to his feet as the dragon leveled out, then jumped and flipped to the side, where Az dove and caught him on his neck.  Sliding upside down, he let go with his arms and hung from his legs upside down from Az's neck. Arching his back, he clung on to his chest with his arms and released his grip on the dragon's neck, then flipped himself upright onto the back. Az coasted silently down to the hose, and Jake laughed happily at the view.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:36pm Aug 16 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amy's stomach grumbled, so getting up she walked to the kitchen. Making some food, she ate it and sat back down. Grabbing her laptop she went back to her research. 


3:09pm Aug 17 2014

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Posts: 783
Urging his dragon on, Jake coasted through the clear skies over the snowy, frost coated ground, landing in front of Amber's house. Knocking, he shifted from foot to foot anxiously until she opened the door. "Hey," he said awkwardly, "Ummm... I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner tonight with me, like, err... a date?" he stumbled over the words.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:52pm Aug 19 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amber heard a knock at the door. She plopped her laptop on her table and walked to the door. Putting on a jacket and a cute scarf she opened the door. Jake was standing there. "Hey Jake!" Amber said. She listened to him stumble over his words and smiled. She answered, "Okay, sure!" Trying not to make it awkward, she asked, "Do you want to come in?"  


8:18am Aug 20 2014

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Posts: 783
"Sure," Jake said, and stepped into her house. Slipping off his hoodie yet again, he remembered too late that he didn't have a shirt on underneath, and blushed when he saw Amber looking at his muscles.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:30am Aug 20 2014

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Posts: 1,324
Amber had a sneak peak at his muscles, "Are you warm? It's snowing outside!" Amber said giggling. She sat down on her couch and went back to work on her laptop while she waited for Jake.


8:36am Aug 20 2014

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Posts: 783
"It's warm inside," he said, "Too warm for a hoodie. Besides, once we get up in the air, it will be warmer, since the snow has stopped." Walking around to the back of the couch, he b wrapped his arms gently around her shoulders. turning her head up to his, he kissed her lightly before saying, "I'll pick you up at six? Seven? What time works best?"

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3
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