September 25, 2017 - Palora Needs Your Help!
Good day young Ressians, Palora here. Perry and Astra have approached me with what seems to be a major dilemma. As many of you may have noticed, my comet, Palora's Paladin, is making a surprise entrance into the atmosphere of the planet Atquati. Perry informed me that he believes the planet's expansive waters will be the best vantage point for this rare occurrence. However, he doesn't know how to fit everyone out on the water.

I believe that I have a solution to the issue at hand. I see many of you visiting the Enchanted Springs every day, and have noticed that you seem to come away with enormous quantities of driftwood. If we have enough of this wood, I believe we can fashion it into a type of large floating raft, held together for a short period of time by my magic, with which we can hold large amounts of people and their Creatu! Once the comet passes, the waves should pick up again and wash it all away again with no issues. Driftwood seems to be washing up on the shores all over the planet, so search far and wide. With what I already have, if each of you bring me 10 pieces of wood, we should have enough for all to safely view the comet with their Creatu. And, everyone that brings the wood to me will be given an Atquati Star Map and Aqua Stardust Telescope for the Festival!
While you're searching for the driftwood, keep an eye out all over Atquati- it seems the comet is close enough that small piles of stardust might start to fall within the next 48 hours!

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September 24, 2017 - Weekly Raffle Results!

The results are in! The winner for this weeks raffle was Steampunk! Congratulations! The winning pot was 65,357,125 tu.

The raffle has been reset, and you may now buy tickets for next weeks drawing. Remember, the starting pot is always 25,000,000TU, so grab your tickets for a chance to win!

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September 23, 2017 - A Solution Found... Maybe?
Hello again everyone! Astra and I have searched high and low to find the perfect point to observe Palora's Paladin. We have deduced that the land masses on Atquati will all be inadequate due to their location. That being said, with the magical calming of the waves recently, the wide open water on the planet should work brilliantly!

Sadly, this observation does not come without its obstacles. As many of you may have noticed, none of the scientists on Atquati have been able to craft an invention that will allow large enough groups of people and Creatu to float on bodies of water and still be able to see clearly! We have put our smartest minds to work, but are running into a boat load of issues.

Astra and I will speak with Palora to see if she may have any godly ideas. While we are away, we need all of you to keep preparing, as this will be the best festival any of us have ever witnessed!

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September 21, 2017 - Retired Egg Promotion Announcement

It has come to our attention that Retired Cash Shop Creatu Eggs (Kioka, Liyure, and Omni) are being pre-purchased from others by some users. Due to this, we feel it is necessary to announce in advance that the Retired Egg Promotion which has recently happened during December will not be happening this year. Instead, it will be happening later on into next year. Please keep this in mind if you are planning to buy the eggs, either via Cash Point Purchase or from another user.

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September 18, 2017 - A Great Discovery!
Breaking news, Ressians! While Trip is busy giving out prizes and having fun at his Luau, he has asked me to help solve the mystery of the strangely calming waters around Palekaiko Island. Well, upon realizing it would take something truly magical to affect the waters of Atquati, Astra and I have stumbled across the shocking cause! Palora's Paladin has made an unexpected appearance in the atmosphere, and is heading straight for the skies above Atquati.
You must know what this means? That's right, another Comet Festival is order!

Preparations must be made quickly as Palora's Paladin is fast approaching. Unfortunately, with a lack of decent land with a good view of the comet, we will have to scope out another vantage point to witness this galactic phenomenon. Astra and myself will get started on the location, in the meantime, we need all Ressians to be ready to step in at a moment's notice! As unexpected as this all is, I know that with your help, we can make this Comet Festival the best one yet!

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