
January 3, 2011 - Weapon Quest

As promised several weeks ago, we have ported the next quest version into the current version of Rescreatu. Today we have released the first quest. These quests work somewhat differently than the old quests. The quests are built on a tier system. There are 50 levels to each quest. You may participate in 10 levels of each different quest per day. As you make it higher in the tiers, you will be awarded a greater amount of tu but you will also have less time to complete that level of the quest. Upon completing all 50 tiers of a quest, you will be rewarded with a trophy as well as large profits on the way. If you complete all 50 tiers of a quest, you can choose to play the quest back from tier 1 whenever you would like. If you fail to complete a level in time, you will be forced to start back at tier 1.


Greetings my friend. I am Timur and this is my loyal partner Masurao. It has long been our goal to master every weapon ever created and we have trained tirelessly for it. Unfortunately, all of this training takes a toll on our weapons and they often break and must be replaced. We are quite busy and do not have time to go buy them. Perhaps you would be willing to help us by replacing some of our broken weapons?

To access this new quest, please visit the games page.




Comments: 14

Kitteness - January 10, 2011
Can't read the first bit because I has poor vision. D:
Kaitlindz - January 5, 2011
Silly Timur! A TNT costs 800,000 TU, and I just don't have that kind of money. ]:
Graveyardfox - January 5, 2011
*throws a spork at Timur* Use that! ;c Am I the only one having issues getting the items he's asking for?
Patrick - January 4, 2011
Texan - over the course of an entire 50 tier quest, this puts roughly 5,000% more tu than you spend into the economy. Simply stated, it is impossible for this game to remove tu from the economy. Granted, you may have lost tu because of bad item buys but overall, more tu is put into the game.
Outsane - January 4, 2011
... this is a game to get you tu. You just have to find the right places to buy the weapons so you earn a bit of tu back. o___o
Texan - January 4, 2011
I ment greeeeat, another thing for us to spend TU on. You guys should come up with more games to get us TU. Anyway will his outfit be a prize?
Lolbot - January 4, 2011
..What a face. I lol'd.
 _Ranvier - January 3, 2011
Very cool. I like how lots of items are being recycled through the game now--if that's even the word I'm looking for... either way, I mean weapons have more value now.
Texan - January 3, 2011
okay, another thing to ost us TU great. ut guess it's cool
Puptea - January 3, 2011
this ssooooo cool going to start right now
Fawkes - January 3, 2011
Awesomesauce 8D Thanks guys!
Falzon - January 3, 2011
Oooh fancy xD
Eiji - January 3, 2011
I'm calling Timur "Timon". Go fix your own weapons! D8< ...Awesome. o3o -goes to do the quest-
Aragarthiel - January 3, 2011
Haha I started playing this about five minutes before the update was posted.