
July 26, 2010 - Kir
Many strange things have been happening recently. Rescreatu citizens have been seeing and hearing things all over the four planets, then the Guardians leave their planets to meet for the first time in history! Rumor has it that once the Guardians returned, a new shop opened on Scria that is run by an alien! However he doesn’t seem to be interested in TU like most shopkeepers. He wants your Creatu instead!
You can visit Kir by clicking here or by visiting the games page. 
One of Kir's rewards is a set of Ivik eggs!
This new creatu is available in all natural and dye kit colors, plus an additional new color.

Comments: 103

oOTigerOo - August 5, 2010
First I want to say this pet s very creative. And second, I thank Patrick and all the other staff members. Woohoo to Res! :)
paigecam - August 5, 2010
This. Is. My. New. Favorite. Creatu. ♥
Gelgarin - August 3, 2010
My 'terminus project' story was better.
Pegasus - August 2, 2010
First you people complain about low prices, no tu and pets being too hard to sell, and now you complain that prices are too high. You can't expect to buy dirt cheap pets and then when you hatch a nice colour, sell it at a very high price. You have to remember that there are many people on res, and many colours are being hatched every single day. If Kir asks for a natural or cream pet you get 100,000 tu, isn't that very good? And you don't have to do the quest if you don't want to. You can take as long as you want. It wasn't meant to throw you off of other goals, just to make it easier for ranchers and to give you something new to work for.
hydrocannon - August 2, 2010
does anyones have a black easero???
flyingboppers1999 - August 1, 2010
I personally think this is horrible. I don't want to give up colored seasonals for anything, whether I hatched them or not. Pretty soon all the reare pets will be GONE. 4700 colored/seasonal pets were given up for NOTHING. And Kir's only been here for 6 days or so. Too much, and people are now overpricing everything. Thank you Kir, for ruining Res.
JessiKorpse - August 1, 2010
I really love the Ivik, but Kir wants to much from me. My first quest was a blonde Easero... if I had a blonde Easero, I wouldn't want to give it up for 1 point. :|
Karlz44 - August 1, 2010
yeah and no one seems to have a cheap silver malal *gulps* HELP ME!!!!
Soreyal - August 1, 2010
This is indeed a great way to get the prices of rare pets up and all... However. @_@ Oh wow, it wants mainly seasonals for me it seems... And not just ANY seasonals, it wants... Albino seasonals? -gulps- I can't even hatch coloured seasonals to save my life. LOL, I end up just buying, but this long rescreatu goal is pretty darn tough. >< 120 points, 120 pets... And who knows, probably 10 of those pets will be albino seasonals... Or more, and maybe perhaps... 30 of those will just be rare seasonals... And maybe another... Who knows how many will just ask for normal albinos... O.o;; I know it's suppose to be a long term goal, but some of us don't play rescreatu on a daily basis to get enough tu to buy one of those rare pets. >< Not to mention maybe 120 of them? That's certainly a 5 year or more goal right there. Anyways, ignore that, great work. This will surely make the economy a lot better. ^^
layamaria - August 1, 2010
/tickles Geo/ exciting, yeah, but if it all but decimates the richest people on Res, what happens to us poor hoi polloi? Albino draquas are now at 13M, and when I recall chiming putting in a month or so of work just to buy hers, I'd be much better off trying to hatch one. That is, if res doesn't give me another three weeks' worth of natties the way it usually does.
layamaria - August 1, 2010
/tickles Geo/ exciting, yeah, but if it all but decimates the richest people on Res, what happens to us poor hoi polloi? Albino draquas are now at 13M, and when I recall chiming putting in a month or so of work just to buy hers, I'd be much better off trying to hatch one. That is, if res doesn't give me another three weeks' worth of natties the way it usually does.
sandduck - August 1, 2010
Umm Nice but on my second quest it wants me to spend 16 million on a Blond Easero
Eya - August 1, 2010
Brilliant idea, but I agree with most of the other posters; there needs to be /some/ way to reset the quest. Maybe it can be like, if you reset, your points get reset too? That way, if people really want the higher point items, they'll keep going, but if someone doesn't care that much, or they simply can't afford albino seasonals, they can reset and try again. And maybe there can be a reset limit per day too. Or something like that.
maverick - August 1, 2010
26 points towards a RSTU001 and an albino berrok has killed me. Lovely!
Deli - July 30, 2010
these look amazing. are they limited? because im broke DX it might take years to earn one
Fantasybeing - July 29, 2010
Thank You staff for the awesome new stuff! I love the new pet and I don't care what it takes to get one!
prianamagix - July 29, 2010
Zebez: Agreed.
zebez - July 29, 2010
If it is asking for too much for you, then don't do it.
Rumor - July 28, 2010
I dont like it...
Bilpainia - July 28, 2010
Never gonna give away my pets! Never! Not even naturals! Your never gonna get the feast,Kir! Starve to death please!
Geonightrose - July 28, 2010
This is so much fun. Yes, I gave up 28 albinos, including some seasonals, about 40 blondes, and around 30 silvers, but I had so much fun reaching the Iviks. They're awesome. I will have to do this again for more eggs, but at a much slower rate. I killed my bank account and decimated my creatu collections. What matters though, is that I enjoyed every moment of it. It is very exciting!
prianamagix - July 28, 2010
Think about it everyone, this could be really good for the pet economy. Pets will eventually become rarer, I just hope they don't become too rare. o.o Also, since it is so hard to get one of these pets, their value is be very high. I heard that someone traded a natural ivik for a black omni!
Riyo - July 27, 2010
I don't think a reward of 1,000,000 for a seasonal pet is unreasonable.
LittleUnicorn - July 27, 2010
I love the idea of a quest to get a new creatu, its a great way for people to get a special pet who can't but from the credit shop, especially with a new color:P but I have already spent 5 mill (pretty much all of my saveings), and now I am hung up on a blonde ardur... Would it be at all possible to make the pay out higher for creatu that cost more? I mean, it is a little disheartining. Or we could even have the option to skip a quest, it wouldn't effect the points we have already made, but we wont gain anything either, and maybe make the more expensive creatu worth more points.... a Blonde Ardur is worth the same as a nattie in this quest, which is a little unfair. Thank you all so much for trying to find new things for us, and allowing us the opportunity to give you our input on all new things:)
Seffora - July 27, 2010
Sorry Patrick and staff. I am to say please don't let us damper your good work
voltrion7 - July 27, 2010
Iagree with what most people are saying. This is asking way to much. First thing it asks me for is a silver malal.
Patrick - July 27, 2010
He does not ask for CS creatu.
Seffora - July 27, 2010
I would like to say that I didn't mean to be rude with my post. I do think that Patrick and the whole staff is doing a great job. Even if the last few up dates were so mixed with every ones view. Please do let us damper your good work. But I do think that the seasonal eggs are hard to find in the first place and then to get a blonde or albino is very hard. I am just wondering if he is going to ask for a cs creatu.
Airsoftguy26 - July 27, 2010
this is so cool but its not fair sometimes
psychosilver288 - July 27, 2010
The rarer the pet and color, the more points you deserve. Or at least have the Easy, Medium, Novice, Hard choices. :/
Muirgen - July 27, 2010
Well I have done 1 quest so far as it asked for a natural Murren but now he asked for a silver Gondra. I have never hatched one and all in shops are like 500k or more. o.o
Seffora - July 27, 2010
I think that ColdCaptivated and LadyMargit have a good point. I did three and said that was enough. To get 100,000 for a silver jaaku is stuiped. Ane one point. ya forget it.
Aylaha - July 27, 2010
A blonde ebilia! Seriously. I'm thinking this quest is impossible. How many of these things am I going to have to find before I get the eggs?
Kariachi - July 27, 2010
I have to agree with what some others are saying. While I understand that resets, if not done properly, would defeat the purpose(full support for '3 resets a day' or 'resets at site reset')this is just ridiculous. I haven't been asked for much(sepia Easero, ginger Ebilia, and one a can't remember), but I've seen *way* too many people who've been asked for an albino and been left stuck. There are only so many albinos and seasonals, it just makes no sense for those to be asked for, at least not in the quantities they are. And if he dares try to get Abalina, Kennith, or Convey from me, I know one alien that won't get out alive...
megstest - July 27, 2010
I don't want to give up a black tesuri!
babyshades - July 27, 2010
Hello! well,i think there should be a reset or something in the "random" hatches of the colors you get,there should be NO or at least a 99% less chance of hatching naturals ;)
yazzy - July 27, 2010
Wierd lookin but cool :D
Life - July 27, 2010
Res just keeps improving itself! I am happy.
Twintkitty - July 27, 2010
Kir asked me for an Albino Tesuri. Thank you, not.
Life - July 27, 2010
lol i got asked a cream sirleon. XD
maverick - July 27, 2010
Perhaps it would be easier to just remove just seasonals from the quest? Or just albinos? Since getting certain seasonals/ablinos is just going to become impossible.
layamaria - July 27, 2010
Out of ten quests, it asked me for a black ebilia, a silver iluvu, a silver aukira, an albino ahea, and now an albino draqua. That's particularly ironic seeing that out of two iluvu seasons I've been here, I've hatched only three good coloreds, and that I've just spent three months hatching an albino ahea. At this rate I'll be spending all the proceeds from my shop till with nothing to show for it, not to mention paying by the hour for my internet time. Going on hiatus for a while. Maybe I'll be thinking more clearly when the worst part of this madness is over.
mewmewberry - July 27, 2010
does anyone have a black ardur that they will trade ><>~~~<><
Foo - July 27, 2010
I don't support any "reset" options as I agree that people would just skip all the hard ones, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF RES-GOD make it stop asking for so many albino seasonals. ;-;
Foo - July 27, 2010
I've got no problem turning in pets costing up to seven-ten, or hell, even 15 mil....but I seriously can't keep turning in albino seasonals. e_e That's just silly. We're gonna run out of them things.
ColdCaptivated - July 27, 2010
Of course this is a long term goal. o_O Right now the prize shop contains - 25 "rewards". Which totals 400 points, this means you have to turn in 400 pets, just to get one of each Reward, and of course, surely, we all want more than one. So yes, this won't happen over night, but you can't just leave people with NO WAY to progress in the quest
ColdCaptivated - July 27, 2010
Sorry, but no. Rare pets?? There's 1 Albino Jaaku for sale. 28 Million. NO ONE WILL GET ANYWHERE, like this. I have turned in Rare pets. And will continue. But there needs to be a reset of some kind. Maybe at reset res time, So, if you can't get the pet, you can't do the quest that day. But you can't just tell everyone, sorry....maybe you'll do it in a year or two. I need support from my fellow Players...here. http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/general/support/kir-039-s-quest/~page/1/
Geonightrose - July 27, 2010
This is supposed to be a long term goal, guys. Not an OMG, I got it! Thing. Take it easy, relax, and work your way towards it. Kir isn't going anywhere.
Geonightrose - July 27, 2010
No skipping. That would defeat the purpose as no one would turn in rare pets if that were possible.
LadyMargit - July 27, 2010
This quest needs a reject, or redo like all the others.
ColdCaptivated - July 27, 2010
Pet quest..good idea. That aside. There needs to be a way you can quit a quest, if you can't get the pet. PERIOD. There can be a limit on how many you can quit. Perhaps a daily limit on how many you can quit. Because I get that it would be too easy to just quit every hard quest. Because I have spent near 2 million, on just 3 pets, and have only gotten 9 pets turned in. SO, I have still just lost money. Not made it back yet.. o_O BUT, this thing wants an Albino Jaaku. It took me 2 years to get one for ME personally. So...there's GOT to be a way, to quit a quest. PERIOD. There's no way 95% of the people here, can get those kind of pets.
LadyMargit - July 27, 2010
I'm not going to buy a Silver Easero for 1.5 mil and turn it in for 100k and a point
LadyMargit - July 27, 2010
Quest is unfair. Asks for high end seasonal colors all the time. I thought the point was to get rid of unwanted pets not high priced ones.
haleyhorror - July 27, 2010
First thing pet he asks me for......cream Ebilia. Oh man thiis is gonna be hard.
haleyhorror - July 27, 2010
First thing pet he asks me for......cream Ebilia. Oh man thiis is gonna be hard.
sugarboy1 - July 26, 2010
This is not good. Whyis he doing this.
Muirgen - July 26, 2010
Oh and the only problem I have with it is that you can't reset what creatu he is asking for. Some of the creatu that is asked are too much. o.o
Muirgen - July 26, 2010
Cool! I want the special color! I need to save points! :D Thanks!
ssgarcia97 - July 26, 2010
This is soooo cool!
petzareawesome - July 26, 2010
This is awesome. A brilliant way to get pet prices back up, and people who long to sell some pets a way to do so. I really enjoy the new creatu as well. Thanks so much, staff! ^0^
kitten0822 - July 26, 2010
i need a ginger valabex. for less than 200k perferably.stupid overpricers.
Marrhet - July 26, 2010
No it does not reset and it can be any stage. :)
Falzon - July 26, 2010
Oh; two questions. Does it ever reset, and does it have to be the EXACT stage he's given you? O.o
Grimoire - July 26, 2010
Sooo cuuuttteee... o3o This is perhaps the best idea ever.
Jemi - July 26, 2010
Cool, I wondered if this was going to happen
Kariachi - July 26, 2010
Awww! 'e's so ugly 'e's cute!! Only 138 more creatu until I can get one in the special color...
Funlover6 - July 26, 2010
Micheila - July 26, 2010
I wish I hadn't of bought that black Ezahni now o__o
milomouse - July 26, 2010
Oh my God. :D I love that pet. So creepy!
zebez - July 26, 2010
It is kind of creepy D: but I like it's legs
shadowolf - July 26, 2010
;n; Oh man, it's beauteous.
xeeroh - July 26, 2010
A lot of work was put into this game and we really hope players enjoy the benefits of this new feature! Thanks to all staff for their outstanding contributions!
Zenirix24 - July 26, 2010
Uhm it said the prize shop has trojan? O.o
Zenirix24 - July 26, 2010
The new pet scares me o.o
JessiKorpse - July 26, 2010
That's a cute creatu. :D I love it!
larkspurlane - July 26, 2010
Thanks for the awesome new game. Whoever thought of it must really love us ranchers Alot!
psychosilver288 - July 26, 2010
Does anyone have a ginger Ebilia I can borrow? -_-'
psychosilver288 - July 26, 2010
It's adorable. X3
epica10 - July 26, 2010
silver malal....dont feel like buying it. how many points do you need for some eggs???
Falzon - July 26, 2010
Tis the weird shadow? O_o Wishes I had more colors to sell xD
Mars - July 26, 2010
MagicalDaniPantz - July 26, 2010
Ohmygabor. Im sooo in love with that thing. I wanna collect dem alll >:3 <333
Yoshi - July 26, 2010
D'awe. The Ivik's silhouette was super creepy, but it's actually pretty cute. xD
Marrhet - July 26, 2010
Woots for being a horrible pet seller!
nononolick - July 26, 2010
I don't have the money for this. D: But the Ivik are so cute. o_o
Darkfire62 - July 26, 2010
Okay, I gave you the gingers, the blondes, and even some silvers, how in the world can you expect an albino from me?!? I'm out for now.
HoshikoYoukai - July 26, 2010
i want it.
RainofStars - July 26, 2010
This is fantastic! I wish I had stayed a rancher now :p Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: silver Ebilia Crud @_@ Will this ever reset?
HoshikoYoukai - July 26, 2010
hey that pet he has is that silhouette we have been seeing around!
Darkrai1324 - July 26, 2010
luv2eatTacos - July 26, 2010
This could be pretty awesome.
Kitty - July 26, 2010
Ew no. He wants a silver Uilus. I'm out of the game now. ;-;
Funlover6 - July 26, 2010
woah! this is so cool! i need a blonde myotis. this is giving a lot of business to ranchers and users selling pets ;D
xchezzehx - July 26, 2010
Gah, I LOVE this idea. But it wants a silver Easero. D:
Dustfeather - July 26, 2010
Completely agree with Air. Oh my god. This is incredible. O__O
Kitty - July 26, 2010
Take all the Drindians, plz.
Punk - July 26, 2010
no not my beloved creatu!! D: lol this is all really cool though
Darkfire62 - July 26, 2010
OMG. We were right about the aliens 0.o Also, awesome!
Air - July 26, 2010
Whoever made this is a genius, and absolute genius.
Yoshi - July 26, 2010
Demotional - July 26, 2010
Interesting... o.o
Witchy - July 26, 2010
Weird 0.o
Rodendi - July 26, 2010