
February 7, 2010 - Myotis Squishies and Dress Pants

 Tommy's Toy Store now stocking brand new Myotis Squishies.
Get the set in all natural colors.
...meanwhile, Wilwarin continues expanding Fashion Galore, this time stocking a new line of smart Dress Pants! With 10 different pairs to choose from, there's one for everybody.
The following Collections have been added: Dress Pants, Myotis Squishies, Dye Color Myotis Squishies and Dye Color Uilus Squishies.
How quickly can you get them all filled?

Comments: 8

Mars - February 8, 2010
Thanks Xee and Raychol. ^^ This is pretty reassuring, and I'm sure saying that I could speak for plenty of users. Keep on, staff! c:
xeeroh - February 7, 2010
I'll give another 'behind the scenes' note of reassurance that focus is not intended to switch away from pets. The development team has not lost sight of the fact that this is a PET game. HAs will just be a new feature to enjoy, and hopefully allow users to become a little more immersed in the 'world'. These clothing releases are prep so that enough options are available to players when the time comes to apply them.
Punk - February 7, 2010
i like the myotis squishies :)
Oriette - February 7, 2010
I understand your concern Murgy, and I'm sure if I weren't o_o "behind the scenes" right now I would be having very similar feelings. But hopefully I can reassure you by saying honestly, pets definitely aren't going to be losing any value or focus. In fact, I think we've got something very unique on the way. Right now there's a lot of preparation to be done for everything that's coming, so mass uploads of stuff that may seem superfluous really are necessary. But please know that we're definitely reading and listening to all of the concerns and comments, and it's all being brought up with the rest of staff and there will be action, as quickly as we can possibly manage. I think everyone agrees that creatu should stay the main focus, but an avatar system was always intended to be part of the game too. I do honestly think we're on our way to a very good thing though, you'll just have to hang in there. ;) Anyway, I don't want to squash the feedback (because we really do appreciate it, even if sometimes it's hard to take) so please do continue to let us know what's up. And if you don't want to post it here, feel free to send me a polite rmail. ;) Thanks Murgy.
Nessie - February 7, 2010
I agree with Murgy, the clothes are nice and all but I'd really prefer a new pet or two then some avatars.
Mars - February 7, 2010
I know I complained in the last update, and I wanna say that I understand that clothes are much easier to just shell out than squishies or pets, or pet COLORS, or et cetera. However, we can't even USE the avatars yet, and I'm kind of scared to see Res go down that road, personally. Please, staff, I am fully aware that an avatar system is fun and that this is not your intention, but I am not exactly keen on the thought that Res is going to be turned into a fashion show. Once again, I know that your main focus is still on the pets, and I am almost positive that you are doing what you can with them, but...please, all I'm asking is that it doesn't build to a point where the avatars are the key focus. Don't get me wrong--I absolutely love those ties. o.O But I just don't want to see Rescreatu slowly turning into a Mara pets, because that site is...well, it's boring, honestly, not that I'm trying to offend the site or anyone who plays. But at Mara it seems the key focus is the avatars. I just hope and have the faith that you guys will keep your eyes on the pets over anything else. And one last note, once again, I do realize that clothes are MUCH easier to draw and release than a brand new creatu revamp, or new colors to a creatu. I understand, that's a tough job. Which leads me to my VERY last note (sorry for dragging on and on), it's not that I don't appreciate the artists putting their time and work into the clothes. I really do like them. I'm only concerned of the focus. ^^
Scourge88 - February 7, 2010
so much new stuff!!
Seffora - February 7, 2010
Just want to say great job to the staff for all the new neat things.