
October 6, 2023 - Cash Point Bonus Sale!


Did you know

there's a sweet Cash Point sale happening throughout October?

Purchase any amount of Cash Points to get

a 10% CP bonus*! 

*Bonus CP may take up to 24 hours to be sent.

And don't miss out on your chance to win a free Drachid egg in our October raffle!

You can enter until October 10th when the raffle closes.

(You'll find it at the bottom of this news update.)


Comments: 4

crowflux - October 7, 2023
Or, I should say "worlds" hehe 😏
crowflux - October 7, 2023
We appreciate the feedback! Even if you're unable to make a purchase at this time, know that your support by simply being here is enough and truly means the world. ♥
Rowan - October 7, 2023
Exactly what Hallo said :/
Halloween - October 7, 2023
It's hard to afford anything due to inflation. I hear so many wanting to buy cp, but can't. No one is forgetting, many just cant.