
September 22, 2023 - Autumn Equinox 2023

As the days grow shorter,

Summer's last heat meets Fall's first chill.

Calling for the breeze to dance and leaves to sing.

The Autumn Equinox is here in Rescreatu 🍂

With the turn of the season, all Natural-color Guardian Creatu that are now hatched during this time will have a Fall coat!

Heads up! 

Magical Grab Bag Value Pack

The next Magical Grab Bag Sale is coming up on November 24th, Black Friday! ✨

A reminder update with more details will be provided before the sale.

(Magical Grab Bag Sales will consistently occur on April Fools and Black Friday every year, unless stated otherwise.)

Comments: 1

Bluegore - September 22, 2023
Yesss, really looking forward to the magical grab bag sale!