
December 25, 2020 - Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


We hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
Should you check the Atqueen Forest, there is an Albino Omni lurking there, along with hundreds of other rare pet and color combinations. Over 1000 RWNs for pets have also been freed up - be sure to search for some before they're all taken!

The Narwi Egg Hunt began a few days ago and will close 1/1/2021 at 11:59:59 RST.


Iubui seem to be adapting well to the winter season. In fact, most of Rescreatu is absolutely frozen this year! It's been a very cold winter across the planets, and it's only getting colder. This leaves many citizens pondering - when will this cold front stop?

Comments: 12

Purgatory - December 26, 2020
Oooooh does this mean that the tunnels are going to be open soon? :D
crowflux - December 25, 2020
Happy holidays everyone! These hard times will pass <3
Shark - December 25, 2020
LOVE the frost light Iubui!! <3
Dan - December 25, 2020
Xerxes, it was clearly stated multiple times if you kept track of the news posts. On 12/12 we announced it would in 12/18 at reset. On 12/15 it was announced it would end, as a reminder, THIS Friday night, aka 3 days later since that was a Tuesday. It was never ending today.
TheBernMan - December 25, 2020
Feliz Navidad! Hope Everyone has a Joyous Holiday!
XerxesTexasToast - December 25, 2020
The Uilus egg hunt was going to end "Friday night" according to the previous post but it's only 1 PM Res time. Could we get more exact numbers next year? I missed the Uilus hunt.
Setzer - December 25, 2020
So cute!!!
Halloween - December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas everyone. And thank you dan for poping in pets unto the forest!
Otachie - December 25, 2020
I'm in love
Paradox - December 25, 2020
The frozen baby πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜
Rosette - December 25, 2020
matt - December 25, 2020
That Iubui 😍😍😍