
April 17, 2018 - Rule Update and Promo Ending
Rule Update regarding Pre-Ordering
Due to multiple occurrences of users failing to go through with purchases made in advance, Rescreatu Staff will no longer be resolving issues relating to pre-ordering items, eggs, CP, etc from another user unless we are contacted within 7 days from the time of purchase. If someone agrees to sell you CP, eggs, or other things that they don't currently have, and you do not receive it within 7 days, we will refund your TU or other payment. However, staff will not replace any lost TU or payment if the other user does not send it after 7 days unless you have sent in a support ticket saying that they have not held up their end of the deal. This means should you preorder CS eggs from another user that they will be sending you months down the road, it will be up to you to hold collateral from that user, or to trust that they will do as they say.

Should you take collateral and that user hold up their end of the bargain and you refuse to give back said collateral, it will be returned by staff.

As this rule is going into affect now, it will not affect how we handle situations for agreements made before this date. Should you require any clarification, please submit a Support Ticket.

If you have preordered something previously and not received it yet, please send in a support ticket if you have not already.
Cash Shop
The 2018 Retired Egg Promotion is now over.

The Omni, Liyure, and Kioka themed wigs are now Retired.

Comments: 6

Victus - May 1, 2018
They are literally saying don't Preorder from people. I don't know why people are trusting anyone they don't know physically to follow through that seems silly.
Dan - April 18, 2018
No, Pie. In response to an increase in occurrences of scamming, we are telling users that we will no longer support 'preordering' anything and cover it. The week buffer is basically there so that if someone purchases a hatch or CP and someone doesn't respond for a few days they'll have a week to report it, and avoid any loopholes someone might have with saying they 'preordered CP to be sold the next day so therefore it was at their own risk' or any other attempt to scam them.
Kalati - April 18, 2018
Makes sense to me tbh. Hopefully people will at least second guess user pre-ordering and stop risking their tu for an early chance at something. (Also I forgot to buy kioka wigs >.>)
Pie - April 18, 2018
So... just for clarification, you're responding to an increase in occurances of a rule being broken, by policing it less? How does that make sense at all? Its like the police noticing an increase in knife crime, and deciding that the best course of action is to only charge offenders within 7 days of committing the offense. I dont see how policing a rule less, purely because it is being broken more and more makes sense
Eclipse009223 - April 18, 2018
Sounds good to me!
Juke - April 17, 2018
Good rule change.