
January 3, 2018 - Beans, Eggs, or Beans and Eggs?
Well the weather outside has been frightful, and as this has affected the hatch rates of Albino Creatu, those who seek out our special favorites to sell in the Cash Shop have come together to offer you a chance to buy single Cash Shop Creatu Eggs! In order to not deplete their stock of eggs too much for their regular rotation, the eggs will be available until Sunday, January 7th, at 11:59:59pm.
But in case you're also in need of a little color for your regular Creatu this winter, should you purchase at least 500 Cash Points from the Cash Shop, you will receive a Calico Jelly Bean!
Please keep in mind that you must purchase at least 500CP at once to receive this promotion, and each purchase can only count towards one Calico Jelly Bean - for example, purchasing 1000CP will only result in one Calico Jelly Bean, but purchasing 500CP twice will count for two. Once your purchase is complete, either send in a Support Ticket or Rmail Isolation in order to receive your Calico Jelly Bean. This promotion will be available until Sunday, January 7th, at 11:59:59pm.

Comments: 5

Kina - January 4, 2018
Like it says in the update, Game. You have to send in a Support Ticket or Rmail Isolation in order to receive your Calico Jelly Bean.
gamechanger9898 - January 4, 2018
I bought 500 but I confused how to get the been can someone help me please
XerxesTexasToast - January 3, 2018
Halloween - January 3, 2018
Wow,500. At least maybe people might sell the beans.
Hyprus - January 3, 2018
Hey, thanks a lot for the tweak! This makes this even so much more fun! 8D