
April 19, 2017 - PAB returns!
Just in time for the Spring 2017 Event, the Publish-A-Book Contest has returned!

The theme for this contest will be:
Ancient Scroll of Spring
An ancient scroll has recently been unearthed on Scria, and we need your help to decipher it!

Send your submissions to No to be entered. Please remember that all writing must be kept anonymous. If you post your submission in forums or blogs, you will be disqualified. All submissions must be a minimum of 300 words, and must not exceed 2,000 words.

Deadlines for entries is May 7th, by 11:59 PM Res time.

Good luck to all who enter, and we look forward to reading your stories! Click here to view the PAB page and all other rules.

Comments: 15

Dan - April 22, 2017
Moments, you aren't writing about finding the scroll, you're writing what's on the scroll itself, the ancient spring story.
moments - April 21, 2017
So i really want to enter this contest and al but i have been wondering, Im a pretty good writer but i hate writing about people... Could i just use my creatu? I mean they could be the ones finding it and deciphering it or something... Is this ok?
Melmelawesome - April 21, 2017
Oh, okay. thanks! :D (Sorry I'm new to this so I don't know much)
Dan - April 20, 2017
I would say if you have a story about ancient spring, it would be focused on the ancient story, rather than the finding of it, as you're writing what's on the scroll itself.
Melmelawesome - April 20, 2017
Can you still write the prologue, or no?
Melmelawesome - April 20, 2017
Okay, thank you so much No!
Dan - April 20, 2017
That is a prologue. You're supposed to 'decipher' the scroll, or, type out the story that's on the scroll. The story would be paragraphed like any other story, if you happen to pick up some books from the book shop which have been published you can read some of those and see how they are.
Melmelawesome - April 20, 2017
Do you have to paragraph your story or not? (Sorry for asking so much questions)
Melmelawesome - April 20, 2017
Also, when it says on the bottom a theme, does it mean in your story you have to write the research team finding the scroll, or is that almost like a prologue? (I'm so confused right now, any help would be greatly appreciated)
Melmelawesome - April 20, 2017
Wait, is this supposed to be a narrative or something? I really want to enter but I have no clue since I'm new to these things. Please help...
rkane911 - April 20, 2017
@Link, thank you! I was so tired yesterday when I read this.
Link - April 20, 2017
@rkane911 if you follow the link to the PAB page, it gives background. All you need to do is write a story that is about spring. Whether it be celebrations, stories or a bunny that grew wings and invented the wheel. The topic is very broad, so be creative!
rkane911 - April 19, 2017
I would so love to enter this, but i'm confused on how to start or what it's even supposed to be about. Best of luck to those who enter (:
Kelpie - April 19, 2017
Don't think I'll enter, but I look forward to hearing the chosen story! =D
Juke - April 19, 2017
Mmm, I might actually try this one >>