
April 3, 2017 - Derp Effect Glitch
trance adult
It has been brought to our attention that some Creatu who were hatched on the derp days but named on the third were not correctly hatching with their derp effect added. This has now been fixed, and any Creatu in your hatchery with a hatch date of 4/1/17 or 4/2/17 will correctly have their effect added when named from now on. If you did happen to hatch one on one of those two days and did not receive the effect after naming, please send an rmail to No and it will be fixed. We apologize for the confusion. Thank you!

Comments: 4

Fenikkusu - April 5, 2017
I released a few pets because of this. =( idk if it can be fixed or not haha.
Noir - April 4, 2017
Ah I was wondering what happened..thanks for the fix, I almost thought it couldn't be done anymore, and got rid of all the pets I hatched...so glad I didn't, whew =3
bunnies - April 4, 2017
This didn't effect me, but thank you for fixing it for people that had an issue. :)
Kina - April 3, 2017
10/10 staff work :D