
February 12, 2017 - Joel's News!

Hey everyone, Joel here! And guess what? I found an Iluvu egg this morning! It certainly is that time of year--they must be feeling amorous as well. I assume you can find Vaspi eggs as well. That means, it's safe to say you can begin your egg hunts now! Head on over to Reiflem and Relcore to start your hunts!

Comments: 16

Bowie - February 15, 2017
Thanks Snowpea! :D
Kalati - February 15, 2017
I forgot to mention this, but the explore art is really nice c:
Snow - February 15, 2017
Hammer it'll probably be open for about two weeks from the start date, so you should hopefully have time for at least one of your hunts during Spring break. Usually we get a warning a day or so before they close. ^^
Bowie - February 15, 2017
How long will the hunt be open? ^^ I want to give myself time to hunt, and a great time would be my "spring" break that starts the 24th of this month.
Dragrawr - February 13, 2017
*grabs an albino iluvu and struts around and rubs around a vaspi*
Halloween - February 13, 2017
REMEMBER..guys. to keep some eggs,vaspi or Iluvu. Because A shop might open where you can hand them in for clothing,tails and ears and stuff.
SecretsOfTheShadows - February 12, 2017
Yeah! I just love the iluvu event! :)
Snow - February 12, 2017
Here's a useful visual guide to egg hunting: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/general/helpandfaq/-quot-new-quot-egg-hunting-guide-with-pictures-/~page/1/
Nobody - February 12, 2017
1. Click the Seasonal Egg Hunt words. 2. Click the Begin Hunt words. 3. Click the Explore X words. 4. Click the Explore Onward button if you do not see an egg on the screen. 5. You will see a timer on the left and 0/0 above the timer. 6. The X/0 refers to eggs you have picked up. 7. The 0/X refers to eggs that you have passed in total. 8. The eggs will appear somewhere on the screen, but they might be hidden. 9. Use Command A for Mac or Control A for PC to highlight items on the screen if you want to see items easily. 10. Make sure you scan each scene before you hit Explore Onward, or you might miss an egg. 11. It is a thing of chance and it may take you 500 Explore Onwards before you even encounter one egg. Or it may take your first try. 12. May Lady Luck be on your side.
Dunsparce - February 12, 2017
S C R E A M S ! ! Can't start it yet but ahhhh I love this one.
katsutos - February 12, 2017
Don't really get how it works. Still at 0 egg collected. Will there be eggs for us to click on to collect or what? Anyone can explain?
Nobody - February 12, 2017
NOTE/WARNING!!!!! You have to click the Begin Hunt words on the first seasonal egg hunt page, if you haven't. It's not just a ti
tle. It's an actual button that starts the hunt, before you start exploring. That starts the timer countdown that appears on the explore page.
Kina - February 12, 2017
Yass!!! Btw an idea for the v-day site layout...rose petals falling down like the snow was ;)
Kalati - February 12, 2017
Just in time ^^ Gonna start this on Valentines, though.
Nobody - February 12, 2017
My fingers are already getting sore from exploring! :D
Halloween - February 12, 2017