
January 20, 2017 - A Rule Update
It's been a while since the last time the Oval Office has changed hands, but that time is upon us once again. We know everyone has their own opinions on things, and discussion on this can sometimes get heated. Therefore, we are asking everyone to please avoid the discussion of any politics in the Shoutbox, on Forums, in Blogs, or in news comments, until the end of January.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Friday and rest of the month.

Comments: 21

Tiffany - January 22, 2017
A frank discussion lol But thank you Dess. I and I'm pretty sure others know the joke meant well. I personally didn't have a problem, just you know. Everyone see things differently. :)
BattleGamingQueen - January 21, 2017
I still don't know what was the issue with the original post, it seemed fine.
Eiji - January 21, 2017
For a second I thought you meant the Res Oval Office like we had one somehow and I was like oh ok
Geonightrose - January 21, 2017
It is a strong person who is able to joke during tense situation. Thank you for the jokes. Sorry that those offended caused you to remove them.
InfernoFire - January 21, 2017
Thank you
Dess - January 20, 2017
The jokes have been removed from the news post. It was not our intent to offend anyone. It is also not our intent to silence opinions. You are more then welcome to express your opinions through rmail or off of Res. Our intent is to keep the site conflict free and not everyone is capable of having a frank discussion without arguing.
LethalTorment - January 20, 2017
I enjoy this rule, it was a wise idea to keep conflicts to a minimum. But as this is such an extremely sensitive topic, I agree that it should have been presented as one. I can understand the desire to lighten the mood for it, but I think that's only going to cause more backfire than good.
Thestral - January 20, 2017
Thank you RES staff for implementing this rule. I think that was a wise decision.
Todoroki - January 20, 2017
Keep in mind this is a pet site, with a good portion of the user base being children. There's a time and a place to express these things, we are asking please not here.
Tiffany - January 20, 2017
I would say nice puns and tempt to light the mood, but to include it into a serious subject or when enforcing more strictly on rules may had not been the best idea. It's OK to be goofy and silly, but there are times where you have to be professional too.
Rin - January 20, 2017
Great puns 👌
Pie - January 20, 2017
In my experience, silencing opinions about such a world-affecting event is never a good idea. You can cover it with puns all you like but this is important to many people and we are capable of having a frank discussion without arguing
Excelscia - January 20, 2017
What puns?
Juke - January 20, 2017
Appreciate the sentiment but Illus is right ahah... Like some of us are genuinely terrified. :x
Zen - January 20, 2017
10/10 👏
WinterRoseStorm - January 20, 2017
Omg those puns haha
matt - January 20, 2017
Nobody - January 20, 2017
I absolutely appreciate that staff is ensuring that no conflicts break out. Thank you very much for putting this ordinance into effect! However, although I usually adore puns and love staff showing a sense of humor, I really do not think this is the time to be acting in such a way, especially when discussing something so important and tragic. I hope that staff considers taking the situation more seriously when it affects many citizens in the United States in such life threatening ways, as I have experienced firsthand already... Thank you for your consideration.
Albion - January 20, 2017
I belive "No Comment" is required here ......... and its is about " Oval Office has changed hands " USA 20 JAn 2017 for my fellow over seas players.
Todoroki - January 20, 2017
Skiski it means no political talk, with a few references to political figures.
skiski951 - January 20, 2017
Can somebody please explain this to me? Sorry I'm having trouble figuring out what this means.