
December 3, 2016 - Things Are... Warming Up?
Ah, my favorite time of year! I simply can't wait for the Narwi to return and for the people of Rescreatu to flock to Atquati to collect seasonal Creatu eggs. I wish everyone good luck!

You know, I feel the same way! It's been so warm, though... I don't know if the Uilus will know it's time to lay their eggs! 

I'm afraid you're more correct than you realize, Loyna...

Addison explains that he hasn't observed the Uilus or Narwi in the expected areas of Scria and Atquati. He has drawn the conclusion that they are not following typical migratory patterns. 

The areas that the Creatu are heading towards are uninhabitable by humans. Addison and the Guardians have no idea why the Creatu are doing this or if the people will be able to participate in the seasonal hunts!

This is simply terrible. What are we going to do?

I'm not sure. Creatu behaviors aren't my area of expertise. I do, however, have a cousin who has extensively studied the subject!

You simply must get him to help us. This event is so important to the people of our worlds. 

I'm certain he will--he's a citizen of Scria! Now, everyone else: fear not! I'll send for Elijah now. We will find a solution to this horrid problem and notify you immediately! Everything will be just fine. 

Comments: 19

omnoms - December 5, 2016
The last time I heard someone say 'Everything will be juuuust fine', everything was totally absolutely not just fine. xD
sitanomoto - December 5, 2016
Can't wait to meet Addison's cousin. He sounds cool XD
CrystalMeow - December 4, 2016
I agree with AnimalsRAwesome, that last halloween was tough, I don't know if my game was bugged or I just needed to search more, but I didn't find any jaaku eggs...
Anya5544 - December 3, 2016
...oh, great, global warming's found it's way here, too.
PebblePuff - December 3, 2016
Elijah will save the day! >.<
Dragonroar136 - December 3, 2016
Dragonroar136 - December 3, 2016
Dragonroar136 - December 3, 2016
Eiji - December 3, 2016
Elijah ouo
Starblade2014 - December 3, 2016
Mah Uilis eggs!!! :o.....
AnimalsRAwesome - December 3, 2016
I'm worried... what if this means that nobody can find Ulius eggs, or only players who can find certain items like last Halloween where everyone had to find all keys to finish the quest. :(
Kalati - December 3, 2016
skiski951 - December 3, 2016
I WANT EGGS!!!!!!!!!1
Halloween - December 3, 2016
oh my.
InfernoFire - December 3, 2016
Sounds like Scria is turning into Australia.
Juke - December 3, 2016
Palora and Loyna're cutes
Voidbringer - December 3, 2016
OooOh. Things getting interesting C:<
Avo - December 3, 2016
Ahhhh!!!! This seems interesting!!
Moss - December 3, 2016