
November 4, 2016 - Spoopy Shadow...


After the revelation of there being two new keys, hopefully you've found them both, because Xoria is in need of your help at the graveyard! Help her solve this mystery of the rising undead creatu. If you haven't found all the keys again, now is the time to do so, because you have a strange feeling you're going to need them..

Notice from Staff:

Please do not share solutions to this Event in any public place on site. 
This includes: News Updates, Shout Box, Forums and Blogs.
If you need to ask for help, please request it from your respals privately so that other players are not exposed to spoilers. This includes the locations of NPC exchanges. Thanks for your understanding!

Comments: 10

Djinni - November 5, 2016
So what now? (after second set) Also it is extremely hard to find one entire set of keys much less two. I spent hours on explore and only found 4 types. I had to trade and buy the rest.
Billbee - November 5, 2016
I'm not able to find all these keys. Not liking this event to much.
zathoreon120 - November 5, 2016
So many keys.
Snow - November 4, 2016
CrystalMeow - feel free to rmail me the riddle you're stuck on and I can help you out :) This applies to anyone else who is stuck/confused as well~
Mondfuchs - November 4, 2016
Haven't found the first set of keys yet...
CrystalMeow - November 4, 2016
I'm stuck on a riddle.... This seems too hard
Kalati - November 4, 2016
I haven't even found the first set yet :U
Farfalla - November 4, 2016
Oh noes I don't wanna farm those keys all over again ;-; it will be so frustrating to drop the event now if I get nothing for my investiment later xD...
OMGZombehs - November 4, 2016
Definitely not enjoying this.
Juke - November 4, 2016
Y'all really gotta stop toyin' with my emotions, dang.