
October 28, 2016 - Spooktacular!
An eerie quiet is falling upon the planets of Rescreatu. With Halloween upon us, be wary of unfamiliar shadows and strange happenings as you explore. You never know what could be lurking around the corner...

Today begins the annual reign of the most terrifying Creatu known to man: the Ebilia and Jaaku are once again roaming Reiflem and Relcore! Brave the pitch-black forests and the Lava Caves to hunt for as many eggs as you can... if you dare venture into the darkness.

Make sure you click "Begin Hunt" underneath the pet you want to hunt so your 48 hour timer starts;
Your timer won't stop for anything, so make it count;
Where the pet is located is right under your timer, so just click on the planet and begin hunting;
Remember, you cannot find the pets by going to the planet and refreshing, you have to be on the actual Explore Onward located in Halloween 2016
Have fun, and if you have any problems please contact staff immediately! 

For those who prefer staying safe and secure indoors, the yearly Halloween Contests begin today as well! All users are encouraged to participate.  Be creative--this is your chance to show off your spooky spirit!

Amber Hatches
As an extra treat, all Creatu can be hatched in the color Amber until the end of November.
amber babyamber babyamber baby
SpoOoOooky Giveaway Results
Congratulations to AlexMassecre, Gammill
 and bunnydance, who were randomly selected to win a Drachid Creatu Egg! We hope you all enjoyed this raffle and be sure to be on the look out for more just like this one in the future!

All of these frightening events can be accessed from the Halloween sidebar. Don't forget to have fun and enjoy whatever may be in store for the next few days--and try not to get too scared!

Remember, you can access all of this from the side bar that says "Halloween 2016", as well as access everything here.

Comments: 14

bunnydance - October 31, 2016
Woah, thank you for the Drachid Creatu Egg! It was a real surprise! :D
Snow - October 30, 2016
tai - usually they're up for a couple of weeks so I imagine this year will be the same. I'm sure we'll get a warning a couple of days before they close though :) Seasonal eggs take about half a year to go old so don't worry about them spoiling just yet c:
taiiyuto - October 30, 2016
Hey, how long are the egg hunts going to be up and available to participate in? I've already been doing Jaaku, but I wanna know how far I can space out doing the Ebilia hunt so none of my eggs go bad in the meantime ^^;
Eiji - October 30, 2016
Good luck everyone!!
Snow - October 29, 2016
Oreo - make sure your hunt is activated and that your timer is ticking away at the bottom of your screen! Keep clicking "Explore Onward" and you should eventually find some eggs! Make sure you look carefully so you don't miss any that are hiding. Miss - the photography can be anything Halloween or Autumn themed. Check out the current entries for inspiration :) And I think the tab issue has been fixed now Universal - Once you've begun a hunt and the timer is ticking, keep clicking "Explore Onward" and look for eggs/items hidden amongst the scenery. When you find something, click it to pick it up :)
AlexMassecre - October 29, 2016
thank you!
Cursive - October 29, 2016
Favorite time of year!
UniversalWolf - October 29, 2016
This is a cool update. But I am confused. How does the egg hunt work?
Farfalla - October 29, 2016
The site looks super cool^^ Props!
LethalTorment - October 29, 2016
Halloween - October 29, 2016
I dont understand the halloween photo contest entries. i mean..if its not for maks and pumpkins..then..what are the pics for?? seems kinda silly.What do you take pics of then? Anyways..i think there is somthing wrong with the tabs..i cant see the words to get into a rancher or the stores or anything.
Oreo770364 - October 29, 2016
I am so confused how do I get the eggs non of them are showing up
Gozaimasu - October 28, 2016
YES. LET'S GO! -pumped-
Antiarctic - October 28, 2016
This all looks amazing!