
October 3, 2016 - New Calico Creatu Squishies!
Calico Squishy Spectacular!!!

Kayla and I just couldn't wait to tell you our exciting news! We've received an unexpected shipment of brand new Calico Creatu Squishies, just in time for Autumn! I know, aren't they adorable! We thought you'd be just as excited as we were; you'd better hurry though - if you're looking to collect the last squishies in this set - we're running out fast!

Calico Meragon, Paor, Vogar, Vaspi, Skaldyr, Drindian, Ebilia and Leverene Creatu Squishies are now available in the Squishy Shop!

Random Contest!!!

In celebration of these gorgeous new squishies we are giving you the chance to get your hands on one of three very rare 'Calico Jelly Beans' which will turn any pet other than CS (yes, it even works on Uldavians) a beautiful Calico color! To enter this contest please leave a comment on the update telling us your favorite Calico Creatu and why!

This contest will end on October 10th at 11:59pm RST. The three lucky winners will be announced on the next update! Good luck.

We're still hiring in the Artist, Assistant

Support and 


 departments! Please send your applications to rescreatucontact@gmail.com. Good luck to everyone who applies!


Those applying for Artist should refer to KiraraNeko's tutorial on Rescreatu-style art.

Comments: 178

Narwhal19 - October 6, 2016
The Calico Narwi are the sea's breeze, when it comes to calico pet's not only are they atquati's meragon of the sea but they're just so pretty!
Redrock - October 6, 2016
I like the calico vogar
NARUTO - October 5, 2016
i love calico tesuri the most <3 they're like little fluffy winged african wild dogs, which are one of my most favorite african mammals.
DesolateSky - October 5, 2016
My favorite calico pet is Iluvu, they are my favorite creatu over all and I think the colors stand out better on them than others.
Hannibal - October 5, 2016
My favorite calico pet is definitely a goiba- I love the complementary color choices (blue and light orange/yellow) with the speckles- it's just so pretty!
T0bii - October 5, 2016
My favorite calico pet is a Veram because it is so pretty and reminds me of an aussie WITH WINGS!
Spottoxic - October 5, 2016
Calico Mirabilis, it is the most festive looking bird I've ever seen and the calico just brings out the natural colors of the wild. The beautiful browns and the nice red proves to be a native bird.
Kryptica - October 5, 2016
I like calico ebilias, because they are my favorite creatu specie in general, but also because they look like one she-cat we use to have, but we had to give away
Tiffany - October 5, 2016
Even though Valabex isn't my favorite Creatu. I just love the Calico Valabex out of all of them. It reminds my of a cow and that's what I find funny and cute about them the most.
Emmique1 - October 5, 2016
Galta is awesome in calico because the pattern is wicked
twixet - October 5, 2016
Calico Iluvu's are super adorable!! the adults look exactly like my Mishka at home with the mottley colours!!
Dan - October 5, 2016
I like calico galtas btw cause galtas obv
Shiny - October 4, 2016
I adore Calico Uilus'. The colours are nice, and the eyes are really pretty.
Tsuzumikin - October 4, 2016
I will be totally honest.. I adore all of the Calico's.. calico animals or.. calico / tricolor anything has always been one of my most favorite fur types / patterns in the world. But since I HAVE to pick... I would say that the Calico Ebilia is my most favorite. I absolutely adore the marking placement and colors!~
Kitten3 - October 4, 2016
I love Calico veram because they are my favorite creatu already and the spots make them even more adorable.
RainofStars - October 4, 2016
I love calico Otachies because they're colorful winged kitties. What more reason do you need? lol
Farfalla - October 4, 2016
My fav one is Aukira^^ I just think that you guys picked great colors and pattern to mix today, it looks beautiful.
Star - October 4, 2016
Zennies all the way! Calico Zennies are just so beautiful.
UniversalWolf - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico Creatu would have to be the Iluvu. Even though I do not have one, they are super cute with those blue and green eyes.
ParthenonBoy - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico Creatu is Paor. It has the most unique calico coloring in my opinion; its color, spacing, and beauty all captivate my and I truly admire the way Paor looks, regardless of its color. Calico Paor is truly my favorite calico Creatu.
Coven - October 4, 2016
my fav would have to be otachie, because it reminds me of my beautiful kitty Truffles. otachies are ardorable even in a nattie shade, but calico really makes the unbearable!!
Krigare - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico creatu would have to be the Iluvu. It's like it's brindled, piebald and it has two different colors for their eyes. Altogether, calico Iluvus look rather exotic.
EmuCat - October 4, 2016
Calico Ebilias: I love ebbies, and the calco pattern on them makes them even more striking! :)
Caramel3 - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico squishy ever has to be the calico tesuri. It has a cute little body with the adorable wings that I absolutely adore! The reason I like it is because of it's cuteness and the little wings. The paws are also sooo cute!!! :)
Seraph - October 4, 2016
I love Calico ebilias because not only are they ebilias but they just honestly remind me of my old cat, and its a really nostalgic and memorial feel whenever I see the baby/adol stages.
Kalati - October 4, 2016
(I meant new squishys omg)
Kalati - October 4, 2016
I'm loving the me squished. I needed to finish my collection! OwO Calico Gondra will always be my favorite though. They're like little dalmations!
abell45 - October 4, 2016
My favorite Calico Creatu has to be the Calico Ebilia because at first it looks like a cute little calico kitten and turns into a calico undead cat
Dogzdream - October 4, 2016
Calico Kayoki's are my favorate because they look like school teachers when they are babys
rufksab - October 4, 2016
Calico wyrae. Ooze looks beautiful and the colors are just spectacular
CallingAllDestroyers - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico is definitely the zaphao. They look like little spotted clouds! ^-^
Blackgothfox - October 4, 2016
I love calico ebilia's because ebilia's are my favorite creatu and they just look so beautiful<3
KlothoJetres - October 4, 2016
My favorite's the calico ivik. The main colors work well together, and the spots look nice. I also like that orange-ish-tan spot on the right eye.
Todoroki - October 4, 2016
My favorite are Calico Tesuri because they look like African Wild Dogs
Kitty - October 4, 2016
My favorite calico is Kayoki because I love Kayokis anyway and their coloration reminds me cookies and cream. 83
Destrius - October 4, 2016
MY facourite calico is the tesuri. Why? Because it's based off the markings of an African wild dog. Such a smart, cool and beautiful design.
Ashe - October 4, 2016
My favorite Calico Creatu would have to be the Malal, because its just so cute! Ivik would be a close second due to it looking somewhat like a Dalmatian.
Quest - October 4, 2016
Calico Zenirix! They remind me of a dessert. Super cute!
Notorisch - October 4, 2016
My favorite Calico is the Galta, without a doubt. The Calico on them is really unique and it really shows how interesting they are as creatu. The Calico Galta is really a show stopper on all accounts.
rayann34 - October 4, 2016
My favorite Calico is the Zaphao. Zaphao are my favorite species, and the calico color just looks really good on them.
Drow - October 4, 2016
Calico Ahea or Galta are definately my favorite!
budderlover3 - October 4, 2016
Sirloin because IT SO CUUUUUTE
Noir - October 4, 2016
..the calico cream is the best..but it's a close tie with the iluvu and the vogar...so pretty
Taka - October 4, 2016
Calico Draqua are definitely my favorite, because they look like little chocolate truffles with powdered sugar on top and it's adorable~
Kikenie - October 4, 2016
Calico Iluvu because it reminds me of my beloved calico cat I had many years ago. I had her since the day she was born (we had her mother), and she was my best friend for 12 years. She was the best cat ever. <3
bahearts - October 4, 2016
calico wyrae is my favorite cause the calico color makes it like pop....makes it look amazing
Midna - October 4, 2016
Uilus because the heterochromia and just overall it looks so pretty ;v; but also tesuri bc they look like African wild dogs!!
Fireelf - October 4, 2016
Calico Gondra - why? It looks like a Dalmatian or Frisian cow, they are awesome
Isographe - October 4, 2016
I love calico Goiba, because look at these colors! It's such a cool match of blue and orange, it's brihht and looks so good that I can't stop loving it more that any other calico creatu coloring ^^
VickyM - October 4, 2016
i love the calico Wyrae. they look like living lava :3
SongbirdX - October 4, 2016
I love the calico Valabex, they've got that adorable white blaze/stripe thing on their faces
Silver - October 4, 2016
I love the meragon it looks slightly like a butterfly. Reminds me of a butterfly I had as a pet when I was a kid (for like a day before it flew away, oh child hood). Ahhh... Flashbacks...
Gammill - October 4, 2016
That Calico Meiko is so cute :D Looks nice and toasty!
Albion - October 4, 2016
Yay ~ no 125 ~ nice to know so many other people have been on. Jaaku look great.
evilbloody - October 4, 2016
Veram <3 i find them very adorable ..hmm i think the pattern looks great
Meowmix18 - October 4, 2016
Calico Gondras are my favorite. They look like dalmatian dragons!
taiiyuto - October 4, 2016
It's a very difficult toss-up between Iluvu, Tesuri, and Aukira for favorite calico. Iluvu because of the heterochromia and piebald patterning, Tesuri because it looks like an African Wild Dog (plus it looks extra gorgeous on the revamp), and Aukira's just beautiful. I love the color scheme, the steely blue is unique and beautiful. c:
gemmalambe - October 4, 2016
I have to say iluvu XD they a just love the 2 different eyes ^_^
omnoms - October 4, 2016
The new squishies are really nice, love the ebilia one especially, so growly, much bone, very ded. As for calico creatu, Kayoki (sorry ahea!) has been my fav ever since it got the colour, the palette makes me think some sort of a chocolatey dessert with vanilla frosting. Many calicos have kind of over-texturised (probably on purpose, I get it) calico pattern, but Kayoki has it nice and smooth and natural-like. Love iiittt
PrevPersephone - October 4, 2016
Galta by far. I love them because they're different and they look beautiful!
Mimikyu - October 4, 2016
Well, after taking the time to sift through the Creatu Directory, I've gotta say that Calico Roditore are absolutely gorgeous. They appear to be pure white little fellas that that just so happen to have met a rather enthusiastic artist.
Veram - October 3, 2016
Veram of course, 1 cuz I love em and 2 they make me think of collies.
MidnightRunner - October 3, 2016
I love the calico Goiba because of its cute blue freckled pattern!
kaymeg - October 3, 2016
Veram, especially in baby form. So cute and I think the pattern is perfect on them <3
CheeseLiker - October 3, 2016
I love the pattern of the calico Galta because it looks high tech and it's very different from all the rest.
LoveDroid - October 3, 2016
Calico Iluvu! Because let's face it, the Undead effect on one is TO DIE FOR.
Ceiyru - October 3, 2016
My favourite Calico creatu is the Calico Ebilia. Reasoning, I love Ebilias and I love the colours and patterning of the Calico Ebilia.
fyrekit - October 3, 2016
I don't have one yet but I'm fairly obsessed with getting a calico Iluvu. They are just too adorable and I need one.
mshoemaker456 - October 3, 2016
I think my favorite calico creatu is the meragon. The white orange and black is a true representation of the calico colors. It also reminds me so much of autumn withe the leaves changing and Halloween. Those combinations really bring me into mythology and reminds me of a hippocampus or a kelpie!
Corvid - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is the Meiko because it reminds me of a roasted marshmallow
Shakura - October 3, 2016
I think my favorite calico Creatu is the Veram. I might be a little biased, since Verams are my favorite Creatu anyway... But they remind me of the coffee flavored Jelly Belly jelly beans. That right there probably says more than I would like about who I am as a person. But ya know, honesty is the best policy. And Jelly Belly works on them.
Witchy - October 3, 2016
Oooo my favourite....I really like the Calico Galta....but I also really adore the Calico Kurrabi! I'll have to go with Kurrabi, because I have a Calico Kurrabi named Hotdog. She looks like a hotdog. That's what's good.
wolfspirit25 - October 3, 2016
Zaphao because they're basically awesome. Perfect balance of light and dark calico.
OMGZombehs - October 3, 2016
Favorite Calico is Galta! Though the blue is odd for calico, it's brilliant! The pattern even seems more organic compared to its default patterning.
Nativegal - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is the Ivik because it's just so dorky looking! <3
ayeni - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico would have to be the Iluvu! They remind me so much of my late calico cat, and their eyes are beautiful as well. Go Iluvus!
Bowie - October 3, 2016
Favorite calico is Drindian, I think. I like the subtlety of the calico on them, and it suits the airiness of their design, at least to me. (Plus, I do have a Calico Drindian named Windmaster and I love him a lot so I might be biased...) Runner ups go to Tesuri and Galta!
puppyluv91 - October 3, 2016
My favorite has to be the tesuri! They are beautiful. I absolutely love dogs and arctic foxes specifically is one my favorite animals and this creatu reminds me of both meshed so perfectly into one. Just to top it off with the wings just reminds me of an angel very elegant. Love them!
griffdog77 - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is the calico Iluvu because of the elegance that the 50/50 proportions give off. I love the fact that it's half white.
Phos - October 3, 2016
Pudgy Leverene
Beyonders98 - October 3, 2016
The calico is my favorite color so the choice was so hard! I really love the Myotis though because of its spooky Halloween colors, it also seems very festive for the season right now.
XAllurcore - October 3, 2016
That is a hard choice, my number one favorite Calico creatu would be Mirabilis. A close tie for second would be Iluvu, Kayoki, Galta and Easero because I absolutely love all their colorations. So stand out ish and unique and really really adorable. Love them! Thanks for the chance.:)
Jxue - October 3, 2016
The calico Galta, because it gives it an ethereal look.
Synthia - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is a calico Iluvu because it reminds me of the cats that live in my neighborhood, not to mention that they just look so gosh-darn adorable! A close runner up though is a calico Kayoki because they just look so cute and I find the calico pattern very beautiful for the creatu.
Hessanite - October 3, 2016
The Veram on its own is my favorite dog-like Creatu, and it has the most adorable calico coloration in my opinion. The black patches over those bright blue eyes make me think of red pandas, one of my favorite animals.
Geonightrose - October 3, 2016
Calico galta, both silver and blue; is etheric and beautiful, you know this is true. The calico meragon, so colorfully painted; is free like the wind and too lovely to be rated. But the calico creatu which has most stolen my heart; has eyes that promise to never depart; One green like an emerald, the other topaz blue; they never fail to tell you Iluvu!
Moss - October 3, 2016
I love the calico narwi. They just look so soft and adorable it warms my heart seeing them!! :"")
Fireflowers12 - October 3, 2016
My favorite its the Calico Kayoki. Its so fluffy and looks like the cutest cat. I really like the color scheme of it. But there are also so many other cute Calicos!
Mic - October 3, 2016
Calico Wyrae are my favorite, because they remind me of cheese. Like, a really gooey, hot and melty thing of mac n' cheese. im hungry lmaooo.........
Makkuro - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is probably Galta, actually! I'm an artist ( not digital, that would look like scribbles ), and I really like the color scheme and paint splattered look.
Lunasparkle - October 3, 2016
Calico Vogar! They rock the calico look!
Wheeljack - October 3, 2016
Oh man, it's so hard to choose. Calico is such a pretty colour on every pet! Cali Veram were close to the top, but I have to go with the Cali Vogar as my favourite. I love the white crest and paws in contrast with the mix of browns!
Masked - October 3, 2016
I love my calico Tesuri, Wallenda. She's named for the famous tightrope walking family and the colors look very acrobatic on her.
Redwolfvirus1 - October 3, 2016
I think calico myotis look lovely, because of their coloring making them look Halloween-ish and with it being batty, the look suits it <3 c:
Asher - October 3, 2016
Calico Malal are fabulous imo, because they look a lot like a soft lemon cream tart or something. (: Their light tones are more on the gentle side of the Calico color.
LethalTorment - October 3, 2016
My favorite has got to be the Kayoki. They are, as is - adorable and really pull off almost every color. In a sense, they almost remind me of a Fennec Fox - and as a Calico, they look like a little Bandit. Thank you for this generous contest.
SullivanDruid - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico Creatu is the Veram. Why? Because in all honesty, the colorations of the calico effect on the Veram suits it's species, and brings out beauty that draws alot in, especially Myself. The coloration go so well with the calico Veram,let alone it reminds me of one of my favorite dog breeds, The Australian Shepherd.~
OutoftheShire - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is the calico tesuri because the coloring reminds me of an African wild dog. I just really love the colors and patterns together, and it looks really cute on the new art style!
Jelicia - October 3, 2016
Oh, calico meragons, how I love you
Halloween - October 3, 2016
I like the ebbi calico..because its so-halloween.
RwqTheCyancu - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico creatu is most definitely the Calico Meragon! The brilliant array of colors and their majestic wings make for quite a display! The colors on the calico meragon are more saturated then some other creatu so it makes them pop! Meragons have always stood out to me and spoken to my heart but the calico goes above all! I'd have to say it's probably one of my favorite creatus and my dream is to have one in the future!
Pumpkin00 - October 3, 2016
If I had to choose one creatu, even though I'm a Zenirix collector, I would have to say my favorite calico is the Vogar(adolescent). This is because it just looks awesome. The Iluvu is a close second because of the heterochromia eyes.
GamingWolfChic - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico will have to be a Calico Iluvu. It's just so cute and makes me want to get a calico cat.
Voidbringer - October 3, 2016
I'm in love with the Calico Draqua x.x
Pheonixfeather101 - October 3, 2016
I love calico mirabili because they remind me of my friend's chickens! :D
Dragrawr - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu HAS to be calico Meiko! It has tiny little speckles and that's ADORABLE and a MUST have!
Undertaker - October 3, 2016
Calico galta is certainly the best calico out there. It's not the traditional calico and the blue and white is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen
Antiarctic - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is split between the calico tesuri and calico veram because they're both basically cute splotchy dogs with wings. Though if I had to chose I'd choose a calico veram because it has cute bat wings.
FluzzMe - October 3, 2016
Definitely the Iviks, just because of how off they look. I love them.
DelilaEnderborn - October 3, 2016
A Calico Meragon is the best
Peatals16 - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico are Myotis, because it looks like something from halloween.
SecretsOfTheShadowsOld - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is a otachie because it reminds me of my calico cat named Cali at home!
Kogenta - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is the Iluvu because they remind me of my beloved cat Garaa who has heterochromia eyes and a white spotted coat with specks of brown.
Taiko - October 3, 2016
Calico Quelis, because they look so much like an octopus using its cool shapshifting skills to disguise itself.
Kelpie - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatu is a levreene because they are just so darn cute =U
Oreo770364 - October 3, 2016
I love the calico easero they look so cool and amazing and majestic
Waya - October 3, 2016
I love calico derp Zaphaos. They remind me of a cat-dog mix and they're absolutely adorable!
heybay - October 3, 2016
Calico Iluvu, because they're cute and have heterochromia.
Bunny - October 3, 2016
I love the baby calico Valabex ;0; they're just too adorable<3 also awesome update!
AppleSmithers1042 - October 3, 2016
I like the calico ebilia, and even though its really morbid, it's my favorite because it reminds me of my dead cat Calico. Not even joking. We named our calico cat Calico. What was that dont hug me im scared thing? "Calico is not a creative color?" Yeah thats it.
Dan - October 3, 2016
Link - October 3, 2016
Gondra because it looks like a flying cow :)
Snow - October 3, 2016
Such a tough choice, I love lots of calicos! I'll go with kayoki, just because I particularly love their calico colouring ^^
AlexMassecre - October 3, 2016
Vogar, because it looks like a tiger
StormfootTheDemon - October 3, 2016
Calico Otachie, it reminds me of my cat molly and I just love otachies
Melmelawesome - October 3, 2016
I think Calico Meragon looks the best because the color looks very pretty.
Disconsolated - October 3, 2016
Calico Easeros because BIRDS! <3
Corvus - October 3, 2016
Calico Galta have been a long standing favorite of mine!
Lolli - October 3, 2016
Tesuris because tesuris are bae <3
xXSnufflesXx - October 3, 2016
Since I've only been on the site for two days now, I don't know much, but I really like the Calico Murren Squishy because I really like how intricate the design is
winkiegirl48 - October 3, 2016
Undead Calico Myotis! The striking combination of orange and yellow spots on the white bone lead to a beautiful pattern, and this calico´s pose is simply menacing! It looks fantastic!
tuutifruty - October 3, 2016
calico paor. The colors really bring forth the whimsicalness
Yasha - October 3, 2016
Zaphao! I love the blue electricity with the mottled browns. So pretty.
Mars - October 3, 2016
Gondra bc cow dragon
AwesomeTosh - October 3, 2016
Calico wyraes are CRAZY gorgeous! The body is colored wonderfully, but the ooze around them looks delicious... in a visually and artistically appealing sense of course.
yoshi3357 - October 3, 2016
My favorite is the Iluvu because they have heterochromia.
Glennda - October 3, 2016
The Calico Meiko is my favorite because it just looks so very natural and amazing on the meiko creatu. (:
Gozaimasu - October 3, 2016
My favorite is the calico veram. They're so cute and remind me of kitties <3
jayni - October 3, 2016
The wyrae, becauss the colours in its acid are amazing!
XFlameWolfX - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico Creatus are the Mekio and the Vernon because They both look really cool!! I love to draw them, but the calico mekio I had I lost in a bid...;( but their all so Cool!!! Those are just some of my favorites :3 ~Wolf
Ambitious - October 3, 2016
Zaphao for me!! *V*
WinterRoseStorm - October 3, 2016
Mine is Tesuri. Because it looks like a African wild dog. Beautiful.
CrystalMeow - October 3, 2016
Calico Tesuri because they look so adorable!!!
Judge - October 3, 2016
I like the Ulius because of the two different colored eyes!
Katie - October 3, 2016
Calico Meragon and the best because calico just looks like a nice color for them!
ZiggyStardust - October 3, 2016
Vogar...because they look like Angry dog cats
lilie - October 3, 2016
Definitely iviks!! They look so cuuttteee especially their eyes O>O
Melo - October 3, 2016
I like calico Paors, look how cute they are *o* Effects la
yer nicely with that colour, especially Jade Stardust to match with it's eyes~
Pipsqueak - October 3, 2016
It's so hard to pick a single favorite...but aukira has to be my number one with the lovely color combination!!
exazo - October 3, 2016
I love so many of them! Mirabilis, Iluvu, Kayoki, but my favorite is Veram.
Silverstream94 - October 3, 2016
I love calico Zaphao. They have been one of my favorites since I joined :3
Merlin77 - October 3, 2016
For me it is the Wryae and the Galta. The Galta has a majestic and exciting look it gets no other way and, the wryae is so cool calico goopy.
bufkin - October 3, 2016
My favorite is the calico zaphao because zaphao is my favorite creatu
Chaos - October 3, 2016
I love my calico ahea and my calico ardur. The contrast of the colors of my calico ahea are so lovely. And I love how shiny looking my calico ardur is. :) Actually, I also love my calico Uilius and my calico Meragon. Calico seems to be my all time favorite color. <3 But if I'd to pick, ahea wins out for gorgeous contrast. <3
TheSituation - October 3, 2016
Gondras!! They look like cows :3 In fact I have much own Moodra names 'Cow' !! S'cute. <3
Setzer - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is definitely the veram owo looks like an Australian Shepherd
Mercy - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico must be the zenirix if only for sentimental reasons. I was around back when the calico color first came out (and by around, I mean, I was on res at the time of the update) and managed to bean the first ever calico zenirix on site! *holds up Dust proudly* He is my child and I love him.
tututu - October 3, 2016
Calico sirleon because of the smile and one black eye.
Steampunk - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico creatuis the zaphao because they're my favorite non-cs creatu and the specific calico patterning on them make them look extra special!
NikalaExlann - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is the Otachie. My calico Otachie was my very first calico, and was the fourth creatu I had ever hatched after joining this site. She was hatched on 5/11/14 at 12:30:30.
Gaige - October 3, 2016
I love the Calico Jaaku because it resembles a patched up doll!
turntechDreamhead - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico Creatu would have to be Jaaku because it looks like it has a cute little angry face on its belly!
Pegasus - October 3, 2016
I love calico tesuri because they remind me of African Wild Dogs!
BattleGamingQueen - October 3, 2016
My Favorite Calico Creatu is the Veram, it is so sweet looking with bright blue eyes and the Veram in general has been my one of my favorites since I joined Rescreatu. They look so playful and lighthearted!
Requiem - October 3, 2016
Probably Zenirix because they look like cute little mutt dogs like the one I used to have
Trenthepunkid - October 3, 2016
That calico meragon squishy is beautiful! My fav calico creatu is the wyrae--the fact that it's mostly black makes it look so mysterious and evil >:D
Snom - October 3, 2016
Hello yes my favorite calico is Jaaku because the adult looks like it has a kitty face on its tummy
Ruse79 - October 3, 2016
My favorite calico is between the ahea, kayoki, and gondra. But imma go with the gondra. I mean, who doesn't want a cow dragon?
Inari - October 3, 2016
I absolutely love the calico ebilia one because..well because ebilias are awesome as they are and squishies are totally adorable and calico is one of the best coloures on ebilia...and the calico ebi squishy combines all of those atributes *o* its intimidating, majestic but also lovely and cute at the same time :] well done whoever drew those!
Kyogre - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico is Wyrae, because they remind me of flames for some reason. XD And they're pretty.
Sagitaurus - October 3, 2016
My calico Vogar owns my heart~
Meg - October 3, 2016
Gotta love calico Gondras, because who can resist a cow dragon?
Riyka - October 3, 2016
Calico Jaaku! Just look how the colors blend and mix on this pet. Its perfect for the season. A mix of a little scary and cuddly!
Bulbasaur - October 3, 2016
My favorite are calico ebbies cause they remind me of calico cats so pretty
sitanomoto - October 3, 2016
My favorite Calico creatu has to be the Galta. The way the splotches on the Galta appear make it look like some sort of peaceful sea cow. At least, I think it does.
Snakefly - October 3, 2016
My favourite calico creatu is the calico Drindian, since the colour looks a lot like the 'brindle' colouration that dogs sometimes have. :)
Dead - October 3, 2016
Calico Mirabilis are the best because they are so beautiful and unique!
matt - October 3, 2016
first ;) good job sin!