
April 25, 2016 - Publish-A-Book Mix Up

Publish-A-Book Spring Contest Mix Up

There was a mix up in the Publish-A-Book Contest with our winners. Our real winner was Meg! You have been awarded your prizes, and your story has now been published to The First Easero for everyone to enjoy! 

Our honorable mentions were Loki and Castiel. Congratulations to all of you, and sorry for the mix up.


Comments: 9

Akechi - April 27, 2016
Hello! Several unnecessary comments were deleted from this update. Please keep in mind that while CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is completely acceptable, being passive-aggressive about it or harassing staff or member users for any reason is NOT. This is the only warning that everyone is going to get. Mistakes and accidents do (as surprising as it is!) happen among the staff. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you!
Eiji - April 25, 2016
We're all human so we all make mistakes! ^^ I'm personally really happy to see that everything was handled so graciously. You guys rock, and congrats Meg! <3
Link - April 25, 2016
To anyone saying that this is Godric's fault, or that the staff accepted a bribe, you can go away (because I don't want to tell you to do things that will get me banned). This was not the fault of any of the staff. It was human error. And the fact that I was changing my name after submitting a story didn't help at all. They realized the mistake after I informed Godric that the story was not mine. Not because Meg offered them money to switch it. It took so long to sort out because I made the mistake of making the subject of my rmail "Publish A Book" so Godric just thought it was my next entry. Regardless, the items have been given to the deserving winner, and everything is sorted out now. I am not angry that I did not win. There will always be another PAB. So everyone give Godric and everyone else on the staff a break. Thanks
Owl - April 25, 2016
Either way, the mistake was fixed and it's over. People have actual lives outside of Res, so don't forget that. :) congrats to Meg & the honorable mentions <3 and Godric, don't feel bad over something simple. You're a great CM & person. don't sweat the small stuff!!
Meg - April 25, 2016
Please don't be upset at Godric, guys. He certainly wasn't bribed, it was just a mess up that was caused by Castiel's name change in the middle of the contest (I originally read the rmail I received wrong and said a different story in the sb. I corrected it as soon as possible and am saying again now that I am derp, hear me roar). I never would have even noticed it myself, except Castiel decided to bring the mistake to light, which is honestly super amazing and noble of him. Neither Cas nor I are angry or mad about this, and if we aren't angry, then please don't be either. I was just an honest mistake.
Dess - April 25, 2016
There is no need for comments making someone feel bad for making a mistake. Judges do not see the author of the entries. The story in the book was the winning entry. The username was just incorrect. When Castiel realized it wasn't his entry he alerted us to the mistake. (Thank you Castiel) We checked the rmails to see who had written the winning entry. EVERYONE makes mistakes. People who admit their mistakes and fix them end up learning the most. Congratz Meg!
Link - April 25, 2016
Congrats Meg! Sorry it took so long to get everything back to you, but I'm glad we got it figured out and got credit due where it was deserved :)
Halloween - April 25, 2016
lol,how do you mess up? I guess people make mistakes..so..Congrats meg!
Jei - April 25, 2016
Congratz, Meg!