
July 1, 2015 - Achromatic Update
July Achromatic Hatches


Saruka, Zenirix, and Quelis will be able to be hatched achromatic for the month of July.

In addition for this month, Saruka Eggs are now being sold in the Cash Shop!

Comments: 6

Halloween - July 1, 2015
i hated a achro squiddy-pie last year,it was so cool! Zenni's are cool this way,cause they look like huskies.
Voidbringer - July 1, 2015
achro Quelis ehhh? Thats going to be a tough one to get!
Rin - July 1, 2015
Merlin77 - July 1, 2015
exciting news...love saruka's
saphira1oo - July 1, 2015
Where is the cash shop?
Star - July 1, 2015
Mmmmm.... Achro Zennies~