
April 14, 2015 - Revamps

The Artists have been hard at work and have Revamped quite a few items!


Ice Pops:

Tesuri Cookie:

Flavored Stix:

Gummy Worms:

Christmas Smoothie:


Bunny Squishy:

Baby Vogar Squishy:


French Fries:

Candy Canes:

Box of Bandaids:

More revamps to come very soon! Be sure not to miss out on them!

Comments: 14

Lunasparkle - April 16, 2015
Is "Saving Spring" going to become available? I saw it on the sign on page. Looked it up in item data base and it says that there is only one. Will more be added and in the book store?
midnightstar - April 16, 2015
Awesome job on the books! And those ice pops made me want ice cream :)
Yoda - April 16, 2015
The reason things are revamped is because the art doesn't match the current quality of art that Rescreatu prides themselves on!
Janjanie - April 15, 2015
I don't see the point of revamping stuff no one uses or cares about. why don't u guys make an additional skin colour? something between beige and golden. Golden is way too dark and beige is way too light (for some people anyways). If u can't put an additional skin colour option then please revamp GOLDEN and actually make it golden! The Ice pops look great and all, but they were fine before. I prefer the past french fries and gummy worms. In fact, nothing here actually needed revamping!!
MaudPie - April 15, 2015
Cool! I don't really like the gummy worms though. Just because of the colors! =)
tayloi - April 15, 2015
The bunny squishy is super cute!! Good job artists!
Trenthepunkid - April 15, 2015
I'm not really a fan of the gummy worms either and some of the books look a little weird imho, but everything else looks great :) and I agree, the popsicles look very edible :Q_
Setzer - April 15, 2015
I noticed the ice pops while buying food yesterday. Great work guys! :D
Halloween - April 15, 2015
i will say,the ice pops..look really good! i mean it in an edible way...like i really want to eat them!
Lunasparkle - April 14, 2015
These are all truly wonderful!! I really appreciate all your hard work!
Merlin77 - April 14, 2015
WOW!!!! totally impressive - way to go team!
Wolf - April 14, 2015
That tesuri cookie omg
pmc - April 14, 2015
Halloween - April 14, 2015
wait you mean gummy worms arent in a bag anymore? :(