
April 12, 2015 - New Items!

A large shipment of different items have been received by the NPC's of Rescreatu!  They all have a fresh new style and came straight from the manufacturers!  We hope you enjoy the variety and quality as much as we do!

Planet Cans of Soda:

Now restocking in the Beverage Store:
(Can of Atquati Soda was formerly Can of Classic Soda)

Loose Ringlet Curls:

Look as fabulous as our model Fey with these new curls for your Avatar:

Dyed Loose Ringlet Curls:

   +      =   


         Now restocking in the Squishy Shop:


Now restocking at a variety of food shops:

Revamped and now have HA art:

Blue Bunny Ears, Pink Bunny Ears, Yellow Bunny Ears, White Bunny Ears, Orange Bunny Ears, Death Bunny Ears 

From Past Event:
Easter Bunny Ears

Comments: 22

Lunasparkle - April 14, 2015
We can all thank kaytreanna for the following information - To get the dyed ringlets, you take the white ringlet and the small bottle of whatever color dye to the cooking basin. So, for anyone that was frustrated about how to do it, that's how!
wolfclaws505 - April 14, 2015
Do you dye the ringlets in the cooking basin? I've tried wearing it and selecting the dye and not wearing it and selecting the dye and my ringlet won't change. Am I supposed to do it in the cooking basin or something?
Lunasparkle - April 14, 2015
I have a question about the stick of butter, where do I find it? Is it in healthy food, baked goods, candy or what? Not sure which store to keep an eye on.
pmc - April 14, 2015
i have a question where do buy the curls?
Kittykat - April 13, 2015
aaahh, the bunny ears are wearable now <3 Thank you c:
Halloween - April 12, 2015
wait,i gotta say.. that murren looks like the godfather. haha. cute.
Halloween - April 12, 2015
GUYS! check out the bunny ears! you can put them on now!
RainofStars - April 12, 2015
Cool items! And thanks for the recipe!
Halloween - April 12, 2015
omg,that aerix,umm fruit,is so cool. and the gondra soda,i loves,and the achro draqua..omg! you guys really did and outstanding job on thoes! im impressed. Details,shadows,and color texture.
Kitteness - April 12, 2015
I love all these items, but the best bit for me is easily the art for the zenirix biscuits. They're so nicely drawn! They look like proper dog biscuits omg
Dunsparce - April 12, 2015
Oooo new items! Thankx guys ;3;!
pmc - April 12, 2015
Lunchboxbaby - April 12, 2015
I wish that Otachie cake was real. I'd eat the mess out of that, haha.
Pixiestyx - April 12, 2015
so where do you get the ringlet curls? Is it in a shop or ?
Lunasparkle - April 12, 2015
These are all fantastically awesome!! I really, really, really want a blue ringlet for my hair!!! Great job on the new re-vamped look and new items!!! Thanks so much!
Setzer - April 12, 2015
Yay cool new items! :D Thanks guys~
Trenthepunkid - April 12, 2015
Unicorn - April 12, 2015
Thank you cm's and artists :) <3
Aufheben - April 12, 2015
Was gathering squishies for quest stock yesterday, ran into the achromatic berroks before this update even came out… Got curious, checked the item database, was stunned to find that I owned the only two in the game X) Thanks for working so hard guys, it's always appreciated
Snom - April 12, 2015
Can I just love on staff for a bit for adding new wearables? Thank youuu
Syaraa - April 12, 2015
I love those new items <3
octopusbaby - April 12, 2015
Oh man i was the first person to own quelis cakes, trust