
May 19, 2014 - Addition to the rules
Little rule update

We have recently become aware that the blogs have been turning into a sort of sales forum with many people choosing to advertise on there. As the main point of blogs is to write something about yourself and your experiences, and we have both the shoutbox and forums available for sale advertisements, a new rule will be implemented that disallows the sale of items or pets via blogs.

Please feel free to use the forums and shoutbox for your advertisements. We just want to make sure that the blogs are not drowning in so many ads when that is not their purpose. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Comments: 39

Wolf - May 24, 2014
Hey guys it would be appreciated if you could move this discussion into the forums instead. Update comments aren't supposed to be used to discuss off-tangent topics like this :) Thanks
octopusbaby - May 24, 2014
No, its not meant to be a discussion place. The subject at hand was partially relevant but its updates werent really for discussion haha
Shiny - May 24, 2014
Shiny - May 24, 2014
Has this become the new hangout, why didn't anyone told me? :P
Lunasparkle - May 24, 2014
In the cases i personally was refering to, there was no buy now price listed. If there was, then it would be fair to close and i would agree with you in those cases.
Kirby - May 24, 2014
There is also the off chance that you missed seeing a buy now price, if the auction reaches that it closes to the person who made the bid equal to it. Auctions can close for many reasons just assuming that it is favoritism without all of the facts isn't fair to the user who made the auction.
Lunasparkle - May 23, 2014
I actually do understand your point of view and respect your opinión, however i still stand by What i said. I think it would be good If we could out it to a vote and diplomatically let the majority vote rule. This is all hypothitcal of course Because things will probably stay the way They are. Thanx for your thoughts on the matter. It is always good to hear Both dices of an issue.
octopusbaby - May 23, 2014
I think its good to have it like it is now, if a player wants to sell for that much then they can sell for that much. Its not favouritism or anything, just a price they may deem acceptable.
Lunasparkle - May 23, 2014
That's understandable, but that's not the situation I have been running into at all. The stuff I have bid on in these circumstances keeps getting sold to what i can only assume are favorite players early. Maybe there should be a "sellers remorse" option for the situation you are referring to where players are expected to put their creatu back into their own inventory. Other than that, I feel auctions should run until the specified time to be fair.
Setzer - May 23, 2014
That would be nice to think about, Luna, but what about users who accidentally put a creatu in auctions? (like I've done lol) If I wasn't able to close, I would have lost my black jahra. o3o Also there are those people who decide they're too attached to their creatu to sell so then they close.(which I've also done) So I guess the ability to close an auction is both good and bad and unfortunately might be abused by some.
Lunasparkle - May 23, 2014
This is a little off subject(howerever it's still rule related) but I was wondering why it is allowed for people to close auctions earlier than the time they are supposed to end? I know it's allowed but it doesn't seem fair to everyone who is bidding.This has happened to me several times lately where I'm bidding on something and then it just unexpectedly closes. On Ebay and other real life auctions things don't close until the designated time. I just feel it would be more fair to all players involved if this aspect was revisited and discussed seriously by the individuals running this site as something that might need to be changed in the future.
Cylum - May 23, 2014
Haha, oh internet.
octopusbaby - May 22, 2014
And im saying it was stupid to debate about it in the first place any way LOL
emmaofhills - May 22, 2014
awkward when you were in the conflict as well/
octopusbaby - May 20, 2014
Was a stupid debate. Thankyou staff for making this update, advertising was getting a tad annoying <3
emmaofhills - May 20, 2014
@Elley... I doubt this is backlash... I know it's all the fuss for one spelling mistake, but people who are adding onto it saying that it's just one mistake and not to make fusses about it are making fusses about it themselves.
Outsane - May 20, 2014
We know. That's why we pointed it out, so you can fix it. (:
Shark - May 20, 2014
Yo guys. We're humans, too. We make mistakes :)
pandanalina - May 20, 2014
Z? O_o
Elley - May 20, 2014
Wow. The staff does something to make the game nicer, and they get backlash for misspelling one word? Harsh. @wolfclaws If you're going to bash on someone for misspelling something, try not to do it yourself. It's "which" not "witch."
Life - May 20, 2014
omg many thank and gosh is it such a huge issue that one word has been misspelt????
Setzer - May 20, 2014
YES thank. :D
PreviousBlue - May 20, 2014
Uh here in 'Merica we say "advertisement"; also I've never seen a "z" anywhere just saying
Lunchboxbaby - May 20, 2014
Thanks for the update. :)
Kalati - May 20, 2014
Thank you, staff C:
Titanium - May 20, 2014
octopusbaby - May 20, 2014
advertise or (sometimes US) advertize (ˈædvəˌtaɪz )
Outsane - May 20, 2014
It's the same for any version of the English language. Lol. Anyway. Thanks for the update. Always secretly annoyed me to see advertisements in the blog section like. Lol. I feel really deeply about this advertisement. Let me share it with you. Plus, it's nice for some more readily available reference to rule changes since it's nearly impossible to update the rule page. Thanks!
octopusbaby - May 20, 2014
American spelling guys <3
wolfclaws505 - May 20, 2014
Go no advertising, witch you spelled wrong but it is late so you must be tired!
pony161830 - May 20, 2014
o_O - May 19, 2014
You spelled advertisement wrong...
Halloween - May 19, 2014
that's cool,thanks muches.
Mars - May 19, 2014
Cheers wow thank you for this update :3
yummycake6 - May 19, 2014
Dustfeather - May 19, 2014
Glad to see this put in place! C:
Cougar - May 19, 2014
YUSH Thank you staff, this was a long time coming~
PreviousBlue - May 19, 2014
also thank you this was much needed
PreviousBlue - May 19, 2014