
April 24, 2014 - Current Situation
To our users,

Please know, your concerns and ideas have not gone unheard. We are constantly reading and reacting to what you are saying. We discuss these issues as quickly as possible. We are all sincerely sorry to anyone that feels disappointed or neglected. We feel this disappointment just as strongly as you do, as we strive constantly to provide a better game experience and unfortunately, sometimes our expectations and ambitions exceed what we are capable of. We know that some promises were not kept, and deadlines have been missed. No one intended for things to go astray, and we are sincerely sorry for any disappointment this may have caused.

We value your input and your loyalty, which is why we want to address your concerns. As some of you have recognized, we too are human. But we want you to know - you have been heard, we have taken your words quite seriously and we are working to take action and improve as a team.

We want you to know that we are moving in a direction that should create some wonderfully unique and inventive content. We want to deliver events and items that are original to Rescreatu, and we want to diverge from past content that may seem tired. This means some events are going to be different - new. This means things will be surprising - hopefully in the best ways possible! It also means we will discontinue old, out-dated events in favor of new ideas. It also means that we will be changing the timing of events as well, so even if they seem late that doesn't mean they are not happening.

In the coming months, along with Seasonal pet releases, users can expect the anticipated Comet Festival as well as several other developments that have been whispered about. They have been labors of love within our creative team, and we are very anxious to share them!

We will be working to provide more frequent updates and more engaging activities. We will also be reviewing any past Staff Applications that may have remained undecided, and will open the applications again once we have done so. We know there are still prizes to be handed out for a few past events and we are working diligently to catch up on anything outstanding as well as continuing to develop new content.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your patience and understanding. We would not be Rescreatu without our community. We will continue to listen to your feedback as we move forward, and we hope you will choose to be a part of our future!

- The Rescreatu Team

Comments: 33

RainofStars - April 27, 2014
Thank you for this!
Witchy - April 26, 2014
Thanks for the (great) update. <3 We really appreciate it!
Oriette - April 26, 2014
Thank you to everyone for being so awesome and understanding! =)
Riyo - April 26, 2014
so update. such grateful. very blessing
Lunchboxbaby - April 26, 2014
Rescreatu wouldn't be what it is today without the staff and the help of its userbase. Thanks for updating us on what is to come along. It all sounds exciting with the new content! Surprises are fun! :) Thanks for working really hard, staff!
Noir - April 25, 2014
Yay thank you!, can't wait for the updates =3
AgentTruffle - April 25, 2014
Thank you for this, as well as all of your hard work!!
Setzer - April 25, 2014
Thanks for putting this update out guys. I've seen staff in the SB trying to assure users that their voices have not gone unheard but it seems to just start more conflict. Hopefully new with this update out users will calm down and be patient for just a little longer. ^^
pandanalina - April 25, 2014
Ehhhh thanks? I only read the first part xp
meowmeow01 - April 25, 2014
I love having new things! Don't worry, I will stay loyal and keep on Res for a LONG time. Thank you!
yummycakez36 - April 25, 2014
Thanks Res!! <3
Thowra - April 25, 2014
Thank you :)
OmegaGrox - April 25, 2014
To the hard working people on Res ~ Though I did join not too long ago, I dont know how else I would entertain myself, get excited, even smile at an act of kindness without knowing that this Site and the people on it brought me those wonderful feelings, and one day, I promise I will donate even a little bit of money, effort and support into making this beautiful site even better. ~ :3
CVizzle - April 25, 2014
Props to all of the staff for working so hard. I'd like to think I understand how much work goes into maintaining a site such as Res. I always enjoy logging on to to do my dailies and sometimes even chat with the community. (Though not very often because I'm a mole)
Syaraa - April 25, 2014
Res always has been my second place to feel home and comfy after my in real life home and it shall always be. All mysupport and love to you Res staff.
AlexMassecre - April 25, 2014
i've been playing this game for a very long time,and have watched it change. i recall the pets appearances,and the arrival of the first new pets.I'm happy to say i still get excited when something new happens,even something viewed as miniscule as new clothing. You've put so much work and effort into enhancing the site, thank you very much.it lets us know you care <3
Albion - April 25, 2014
rescreatu has come so far since it began and its great to be going forward ... so much to do, it must take loads of effort and time ... thanks for being here for us.
Dogzdream - April 25, 2014
Aww =3 this community is amazing and I know U guys on the rescreatu team do all that U can for me, my family and all the people on res and I love you guys for it <3 thank you for this oppertunity to play such a kind and tight knit game where I feel like I am important and I have made so many friends in doing so. Thank you
firehop - April 25, 2014
<3 you all, res staff! c:
Shiny - April 25, 2014
GG - April 25, 2014
Res 4 Life-
Popette - April 25, 2014
even though I just started, thank You so much for the update. I will be looking forward to new and better things to keep me playing. ! !
Halloween - April 24, 2014
oh,cool. i am excited for new things. I hope to be here, to see them all this year.
iheartjimmypop - April 24, 2014
I love You guys! <3
Azrael - April 24, 2014
I really appreciate all of the work put into Rescreatu, This place is amazing. Thank you for all that has been done, and I'm excited to see what's to come!
PreviousBlue - April 24, 2014
T h a n k Y o u
LadyIvyTheLostOne - April 24, 2014
I think this was well written and im excited to see what happens as a new user! Thank you for this update, ^_^
zombieater - April 24, 2014
AWESOME I personally can't wait to see what genious idea you put behind this seed event. Also thanks for all you have done I love visiting this site its always an enjoyment.
Cougar - April 24, 2014
<3 Love you staff! Thank you for everything you have done for us and everything you will continue to do. Can't wait to see what all you guys have planned ;3
Zoe - April 24, 2014
Thank you so much, this should be more than enough to calm all the drama down :3 //clapclap for Res Staff
kainorbitall - April 24, 2014
Thanks for the information update! I'm excited to see what'll happen with Res this year.
fawn - April 24, 2014
god bless this. thank you, staff, for taking the time to reassure us all. you guys are fantastic. 8)
Pretzel - April 24, 2014
Thank you so very much.