
February 13, 2014 - CS Formal Set for Febuary

Formal Cyid Clothing

Seeming to flow through dimensions and space like an endless river, the Cyid is one of the most elegant Creatu. Pick up some this elegance with the items found in this basket. Careful, you will not be more graceful just by wearing it, you must also feel like a Cyid.

In addition, Fashion Galore is stocking brand new pants to match these lovely formal clothes. Wear them as a set or mix and match with other tops to make the perfect casual outfit.

Comments: 9

Speras - February 14, 2014
So in love with the Cyid dresses! <3
PreviousBlue - February 14, 2014
*___* so pretty must buy
pandanalina - February 14, 2014
The dress is horrible :I The headhgear is cute though. :P
octopusbaby - February 14, 2014
Dang, still no iluvu :/ these clothes are cute tho
dory - February 13, 2014
pretttyyyyy ~
wolfclaws505 - February 13, 2014
me too
kotawingz - February 13, 2014
aww i was hoping that the iluvu was out
Phos - February 13, 2014
wowowoow wcheck out those circlets
Setzer - February 13, 2014
Oh wow! That dress is gorgeous. ;o;