
August 12, 2013 - Your Help Wanted!
Throughout the development of our new website our highest priority is giving you, our users, a strong voice in the future of your game. 

To do so we have opened up a suggestion box in which you can post your ideas, discuss them, and vote on the ones you like. This is specific to the new website currently being developed. You may still use the suggestion forums for suggestions for our current website.

We will strongly consider any idea discussed on the page linked above. If you wish for your voice to be heard, this is the platform for you to do it. We are relying on you all to thoroughly discuss and debate your ideas here. We wish for you to consider all the implications of a particular idea before voting on it. Our staff will be directed to participate in the dialog and we welcome a healthy debate.

When visiting our suggestion box you will asked to create an account. You may choose to be anonymous by using a different username than the one you use here, or you may choose to use your same username. It's all up to you.

I do hope you all take advantage of this great opportunity and I look forward to discussing our future with you all.

Again, please click here to make your contribution to the next Rescreatu.

Comments: 7

johomo - August 28, 2013
I can't access it now! D:
skiwi0426 - August 13, 2013
i was in the sb when pat and others were discussing this
Everly - August 13, 2013
Good idea! c: I hope people will take advantage of this and use it.
Kitty - August 13, 2013
Cool, I'm thinking of some cool things now!
Halloween - August 12, 2013
yay!! i put up a suggestion. been thinking about it.
Riyo - August 12, 2013
"This is specific to the new website currently being developed." ... The reason users want an anonymous suggestion box is because they don't feel safe (i.e. are afraid of being banned) for discussing problems with the website's MANAGEMENT, not its features or gameplay.
catz911 - August 12, 2013
Yay, an anonymous suggestions box!