
August 6, 2013 - A Personal Statement

Dear Rescreatu Community,

It has come to my attention that many of you are unhappy with the current state of Rescreatu development, specifically the lack of website updates this summer. I would like to take some time today to address these concerns, most of which are perfectly valid and understandable.

I would first like to briefly discuss my personal situation and try to give you all an understanding of where we currently are with things. As many of you know, I have been unable to devote as much time to Rescreatu over the last year as I've been able to in the past. Aside from the extraordinary personal and family matters I've had to attend to this year, I spend most of my time (upwards of 12 hours a day) working to try to earn enough money to pay the bills. I'm sure many of you can relate! I have not earned a salary from Rescreatu in over a year and every single penny Rescreatu earns goes towards site expenses.

With that being said, neither I nor any of the staff have given up on the development of Rescreatu. In fact it's been just the opposite. We have spent the entire summer preparing ourselves for the largest expansion and overhaul we've ever had. Not one line of code will be reused. The entire database will be redesigned from the ground up. All of this has required months of preparation. We've had to research and learn close to a dozen new technologies. We've been producing game design documents to ensure that each and every feature is coherent and expands upon the game in a meaningful way. There is a great deal of work happening behind the scenes that we simply cannot show you yet.

Rescreatu was created in 2005. Eight years ago the web landscape was a very different place. Even with a few updated versions of the site, Rescreatu is still largely based on the original code and database. This has seriously inhibited our growth and production especially during recent times. Producing new features and making improvements to the existing code is very difficult and time consuming, and to be honest, the primary reason for a lack of updates. We have decided that it is a better use of our limited resources to spend most of our time on the production of the new website that will allow us to keep competing in this new age of internet technology.

My favorite part of Rescreatu has always been you guys - the community. Together, over the many years, we have created a wonderful place here. Many of us have met lifelong friends on Rescreatu. We come here to vent, to chat, to relax and to enjoy ourselves. This is, and always will be, the best feature we have to boast. It doesn't matter how many features we have or how fancy Rescreatu becomes. I sincerely believe this.

I'm not going to lie and make promises that the new site will be coming soon. We have quite a ways to go. I do however promise that when it is here it will be of the highest quality you can find on the internet. We are not opposed to letting you all be more involved in the development of our new Rescreatu. We have just simply been unable to find an effective way to facilitate this. We would be happy to hear your ideas.

In the meantime, I do realize that you all need to see updates to the existing site. I will make a big effort to do that for you. We do actually have quite a few new things coming your way already. The next Comet Festival is coming relatively soon. We've got a special new set of quests that have been being planned for years with prizes that you will absolutely love. We've spent the last 3 weeks developing a prototype of the new exploration system. We will be releasing this prototype as part of a feature here on the existing site in the very near future so that we can collect your thoughts on it.

We will do our very best from here on out to figure out a good compromise between releasing updates to the existing website and developing the new one.

Looking forward to your input!


Comments: 49

Dragon393 - August 9, 2013
Thanks for the effort you guys put into this site. I find it's the only one I consistently come back to...
starcatcher - August 8, 2013
i am so excited about it and thanks for all the work you have put into this website
Vol - August 8, 2013
Maybe you could throw a new pet or two at us while we are waiting.
stringpretty - August 8, 2013
Thanks for the update Patrick, and thanks to everyone else's hard work that keeps the site going! :) I understand about working so much, I'm full time at my job but I'm only required 32 hours a week.. still exhausting! I'm sorry you have to work 12 hours a day! Thanks again and I'm sure we will all love the new site you guys are working on :)
narnianqueen412 - August 8, 2013
Thanks to everyone involved in doing all this t o update the site :) and maybe a user Beta test of the site to give feedback?
neomaemae - August 7, 2013
What? We're getting a new site?? That's amazing! I'm.... sort of sad and nervous, but I... It will be awesome, I know! I'm so excited, thank you for all your hard work! One thing, I just hope it won't be too different. ;) But whatever you are doing, I know it will be for the best <3
KrazyK - August 7, 2013
Thankx to all those involved and appreciation for the hard work
ElDiablo69 - August 7, 2013
Thank-you and all the hard work is appreciated.
Hugglepuff - August 7, 2013
Thanks for the update and good luck to you all!
Wolfie10 - August 7, 2013
This is exciting! Btw thanks for all the effort you've put Into this sight Patrick! Looking forward to seeig it!
kewlgurl - August 7, 2013
Thank you soo much! I found myself becoming less active withoutany new stuff happening, this is great! -kewl
WinterRoseStorm - August 7, 2013
Wow this has to be the first time truly glseeing this much from the boss. Haha. I must say I am excited and VERY bervous of the new site update. Having recently had an account on another pet site (lurapets / luraverse) (it was bought out with a promise of great things only for luraverse to be made as a base beta site and left to rot. You occially got an update of this and that but then nothing for year/two) this does concern me a little. I know its not the same situation so that eases me. I do look forward to it. Thank you for all your time and effort. Thank you for being loyal! :3
Fireelf - August 7, 2013
Thanks for the update Pat.
Albion - August 7, 2013
Thank you!! Patrick ... it is not really enough for all you do but knowing your intentions is very reassuring.
xXAlbiXx - August 7, 2013
Thank you so much Patrick <3
Mars - August 7, 2013
This update is promising, and I'm reassured that [at least now] the staff is not only aware of expressed concerns, but addressing them, whether it's what anybody "wants" to hear or not. And I appreciate that we have actually been told it'll be a while; it's better than saying "soon" or "sometime in the future" by a long shot. Thank you for still putting effort into this site, even with your own life happening offsite.
Halloween - August 7, 2013
I know you will fix things in time. It just takes time and care. but,for some reason i still cant seem to let my nattis or any creatu go, or throw away my eggs,or send my eggs. hope its a glitch,not my 2 computers doing this. cause it's annoying. i tried everything suggested, still nothing works. can't wait to see all the goodies and fixes!
Requiem - August 7, 2013
Praise the Guardians of Rescreatu, it's Patrick xD As others have said, I think we really needed to hear from you. This is some very exciting news, and I do hope that it causes much of the anxiety and drama to cool down. Can't wait!
blivious - August 7, 2013
I think you all are doing a great job really im more concerned about game equalization between players and staff it seems with fore knowledge and influx of credits there is vast inequality. perhaps staff should be in a different class.
Eiji - August 7, 2013
I completely understand, Pat. I haven't been on that much since my father's passing - your problems and emotional needs always, always come first. Don't be so hard on yourself, please! I'm VERY excited to learn about this new development taking place! I can't wait to find out more about it! Take care of yourselves, our beloved hardworking staff. Please don't feel like you're ever letting us down.
ThunderMouse - August 6, 2013
I personally don't have that much of an issue with where Res is right now, but I am always excited to see where Res goes in the future :)
TheSituation - August 6, 2013
Thank god for you Patrick. Thank god for you and your beautiful Update.
omnoms - August 6, 2013
Eeeeeeee~ Sounds exciting! Hoping that your personal worries will clear soon, too. Thank you for keeping us updated Pat! ;u;
Prism - August 6, 2013
So exciting. Thanks for sharing, Patrick! :)
Gemma7 - August 6, 2013
I'm very new here, and I like it very much. I haven't made any friends yet, but I hope all that will change. A site like this is not an easy task, and I thank Patrick and his team for all the hard work they are doing, and indeed will do as time goes by. I am happy expecially that there are no clubs and such like. I find they cause divisions instead of bringing the community together. Keep up the good work :)
Pretzel - August 6, 2013
We (at least me, or ppl with common sense) knows that you guys didn't turn your back on Res. I never thought of Patrick or the staff to throw money on themselves lol. Cuase holding a site is not free xD I joined myself last year one day before the comet festival ended, so i just got a really itty bitty taste about it lol Really looking foward to it. I have a really ambitious goal during it. So i really hope (i know you guys cannot make the dust rain on us lol) but i really hope that drop/find rates are higher than vouches for this current event, I have seriously found none and not only cause im selfish about myself not getting any... i mean the discount store was supposed to help you save money, but vouchers are so rare i have seen some of them go for 7m... and some prizes are not even worth 7m lol Just a piece of my mind there :P
Billark - August 6, 2013
I won't lie, I've made a lot of friends here and they're precious to me. Part of why I do still get on res. The community is great, the graphics are awesome the only problem is the repetitive events, it gets boring. I hope the changes will be for the better. Thanks a lot for the hard work and sacrifices you guys do for rescreatu and it's community, I hope everything is smooth sailing for you guys.
Silverstream94 - August 6, 2013
I've only been on this website for roughly a year, so I still consider myself fairly new, but I am so pleased of the way that everything is dealt with. This site is one of the best I have ever been on, and I mean that! There are constant new features and amazingly friendly an helpful staff! I'm really sorry to hear that you have been dealing with some rough things of late Pat, but I am amazed that you are still making sure that everything here is still in working order. I am super excited to see what lays in wait for this wonderful site. Keep up the extraordinary work Patrick!!
Riyo - August 6, 2013
Reassuring to finally hear some feedback, disappointed that it took so long and so much drama to finally get it. Not sure I believe every word. Cautiously hopeful about the next version, expecting tons of glitches which would be fine as long as they are addressed immediately. Not expecting anything from the comet festival. Good luck.
Bowie - August 6, 2013
Thank you for your hardwork. Though I still feel like I need to take a break for the community to calm down, and I will be back to see what kind of updates Rescreatu can have in store :3 Thank you staff and Patrick for trying your hardest, I know all of you are great people. Thanks again :)
DarkOmni - August 6, 2013
This made me feel happy for some reason, I don't know why but it put a smile on my face when I was reading it, because I've played res since 2006.
Everly - August 6, 2013
Thank you Patrick. <3 I'm more than positive everything will be worth the wait.
underthesilvermoon - August 6, 2013
Sounds awesome! :) if I did have to make a comment I know buying stuff gets kinda tedious because you can only purchase things one at a time
Macdp - August 6, 2013
Thank you and the staff for all the hard work. :)
AriaKaye1 - August 6, 2013
Thanks Pat. Still love Rescreatu, and happy to know things are in the works but still just love Res as is. Maybe because I have a full life outside of it... Sorry for the dig, sorta:)
thehippi - August 6, 2013
this would be cool. maybe you could bring back some of the other clssses of characters like the society class and expand on those to give some more depth to the sight. something like the ancient caves was cool to explore to get unique items and such.
TJorTerry - August 6, 2013
Sounds cool, hope it all comes together well, very curious to see how it works out. A video was mentioned in another comment. If that's not yet feasible, maybe you could post some teaser pics in the updates. That would keep everybody up to date on the progress of the new site.
Dust - August 6, 2013
I look forward to seeing it, but until then it'll be the same old site. Which is why I'm migrating to another site until then. I'll be back when changes occur.
Meg - August 6, 2013
Thanks for telling us this Pat, I'm super curious now though lol xD I have to agree, though we have our ups and downs, the community is a really wonderful part of this site. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!
JewelTheCatboy - August 6, 2013
i hope the make over will be fully compatable with all software so no-one always gets error msgs like {done but with errors} thing, that is causing me to not be able to view the egg market, and the constant public chat is annoying, it slows my com down whether I have it closed or open, it gets confusing cause of everyone talking at one time so you can't tell whats what, so you need private chat boxes for between friends only!!!! also what's with the spots that are only good for finding eggs/tu/objects, the parts of the planets where there are structures but you can't go there, and the areas that say {forbidden, permission neededto access}!!!! and the rarety ratings are confusing too, 100 should be rarest 100% means totaly, 100%rare, or just say common/rare!!!! just saying, but knows people who agree!!!! other than that, I hope to see the new site soon!!!!
skiwi0426 - August 6, 2013
Oz - August 6, 2013
Pat, you are awesome. Thanks a bunch for this. =D I think it may be what everybody needed to hear. xD
FluzzMe - August 6, 2013
Thanks a ton for this, Pat. I think this is exactly what everyone needed. //heart//
Juke - August 6, 2013
Patrick, you're a saint (haha St. Patrick's I'm punny) I'm incredibly excited about the future of Res! :D These features all sound very promising - especially that Explore thing. I'm curious now, dammit. May I suggest doing a preview vid of some of the features though, like you did with V3? I enjoyed seeing how each feature would be used and how they looked before doing it myself. Anyway, I think this is exactly what the community was itchin' to see. c: Thank you so much for the news!
Coolicepups - August 6, 2013
Really looking forward to the new site!!!! Got some great ideas!
fawn - August 6, 2013
Thanks Patrick, I can't wait! c:
abby4io - August 6, 2013
cool and me to
Llama - August 6, 2013
Patrick you still rock
Rayquaza - August 6, 2013
Looking forward to seeing it Patrick! Thank you