
April 4, 2013 - Easter Event Quests

Hey there, friends! It's been a really long time, hasn't it?

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Karrie; pattern-keeper and shiny-collector extraordinaire.


It's turning out to be a fantastic spring this year! I'm just itching to get my hands on some smooth, gleaming, sparkly items.

Toby and his grandmother Phyllis are also around for the Easter fun! Toby is an amazing artist and is offering to paint your Creatu eggs, while Phyllis is asking for flowers to make pretty bouquets; she's having some trouble getting all the ones she needs this year since it's so cold.


Why don't you come on by and visit us during this year's Easter event?

It'll be a lot of fun, I promise!

Comments: 5

Dusk - April 6, 2013
Yay! Can not wait!
Everly - April 4, 2013
Drudd, you purchase them from Karrie's prize shop. c:
druddig0n - April 4, 2013
where do we find the egg painting kits?
RainofStars - April 4, 2013
Yay! I would love to see some NEW items in the prize shop ;)
Halloween - April 4, 2013