
November 15, 2012 - Introducing the Drachid!

The Drachid is a reclusive, solitary Creatu. Although brightly colored they can use their spellweaving abilities to move undetected through any environment. Their spells are cast into webs that can control part of the consciousness of any human, Creatu, or animal in contact with the strands. Even a single thread of silk touching skin allows them enough control to make themselves undetectable. Although they are often impossible to find, these Creatu are highly sought after as a source of magical energies.

Many eggs are laid in a clutch but most will not make it to maturity. Discovered eggs are often eaten or harvested for the latent magic within. Hatchling Drachid do no weave spell webs and have undeveloped magic; they rely on self-disguise spells and speed to remain safe. As they grow, their speed slows slightly but their weaving abilities develop at an incredible pace. When fully grown they can weave webs large and powerful enough to trap a grown human and send them instantly into a deep slumber filled with dreams woven into the web. Spell webs are also used for communication. Drachid can project the impression speech though their silk without making physical sound.

Drachids must be raised around humans from birth if they are to be kept as companions. They usually only connect with one or two humans and will often drop a thread or two on guests to keep themselves hidden. Keepers of Drachid enjoy nights full of wonderful dreams. Drachid can weave any dream their owner desires into their webs to be used as blankets. If mistreated, they will warn their keepers with unpleasant little surprises in dreams. When made extremely unhappy, Drachid have been known to wrap the source of their displeasure in a cocoon of spell silk, trapping them in a world of nightmares. Treat this Creatu well and keep them away from crowds and you will never have another restless night.

 black adolescent gold adult

The Drachid will be available momentarily in the Cash Shop for 200 cash points.

The Drachid is also available in the undead effect!

Comments: 35

VivienneLilith - December 3, 2012
THE HORROR! Alright, they are awesomely drawn and great job on it, but you can't fight arachnophobia, or at least not mine. :#
Oriette - November 17, 2012
Ffffff these are only the most epic darn spiders EVAR. Seriously this is some gorgeous artwork, hope I can get my hands on one! :3
neomaemae - November 16, 2012
Jei - November 16, 2012
The Drachid cannot deny it's children fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into their midst. ^_^
Snowstar68 - November 16, 2012
awwwwww cash shop :( love this one
WinterRoseStorm - November 16, 2012
I will say (although I hate spiders) i love the art work and colours! ....just hate how (almost) everything is cash shop. It would be ok if the points weren't so darn expensive!
Vetani - November 15, 2012
-Frown- Eet's a cashpoint pet! D8 Adorable, though. -Attempts to figure out how to get one without buying it from the cashpoint shop-
underthesilvermoon - November 15, 2012
I like big butts and I cannot lie~ (song reference btw >.>) but haha on a less concerning note although I'm not big on spiders I do love the artwork for these guys :D well done!!
neomaemae - November 15, 2012
Ooh... Biiiiiiig butts... Me likey
Ecotro - November 15, 2012
I hope they make an armadillo creatu :P
Grimoire - November 15, 2012
7oby - November 15, 2012
WoW gosh these are really super cool. Good job, artist(s) that did these!
Noodlez - November 15, 2012
Me gusta... -runs away-
Shinrai - November 15, 2012
Cell - November 15, 2012
I'm so going to buy the nest Saturday morning. keep then hatch, sell one, give away
TheDraliDragon - November 15, 2012
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You tried to cover it when you released the spider outfit! but i was right!!!! I am defeat conspiracy!
Halloween - November 15, 2012
Just wanted to come back..and say,that i love its natural color. bright pumpkin orange! that is cool.
Halloween - November 15, 2012
I knew it!!! i knew it,it knew it!! Ptt,tryin to fool me..see.. see! Spiders.. *pokes* ^.^ now,how to get one.
Klingensturm - November 15, 2012
wow, so beautiful.... too bad I can't afford it...
Smuh - November 15, 2012
Creepy as hell. Well done, artists. lol And all you staffies fooled me into a false sense of security. And I blew all my cash points. Not nice, man. I mean, they're creepy and I don't want one. But in order to accomplish my "One of every CS in G&S" goal... I'll have to get one.
Ivy2533 - November 15, 2012
Uh....this will be one creatu I'll avoid getting....
Eiji - November 15, 2012
...I'm not sure whether to be terrified or excited. Regardless, the story for this creatu is brilliant and beautiful. :3 I'll have to get some eggs of my own.
Pavnix - November 15, 2012
Finallyyyyyy. <3 I've been waiting for something like this. Credit shop? Pah, this pet is mine regardless. >D
Midna - November 15, 2012
YES NEW CREATU- .... . Credit shooooop (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Ahwell. Keep waiting >u>
Destrius - November 15, 2012
I kinda want to.. lick their butts. o3o
PeasOnEarth - November 15, 2012
by far one of my favorite CS creatu! besides cyids, of course.
Horrificus - November 15, 2012
Looks delicious.
XAllurcore - November 15, 2012
So the spider creatu I've been waiting over a year for, is a CS creatu...so saddening..;/
WinterRoseStorm - November 15, 2012
Oh lovely. New pet "Yay existed!" ....credit shop... "Noooooo!"
bkat99 - November 15, 2012
Wow! I know what my first credit purchase will be. Soon as I save enough credits anyway...
Cell - November 15, 2012
:O I'm so going to buy myself one or four
Ecotro - November 15, 2012
I hate spiders (but these look so cute ^_^ ♥)
Lunchboxbaby - November 15, 2012
I must have a G&S one. MUST. :|
DlenIsolde - November 15, 2012
Arachnids!!!! So wish I could get. <3
Tarrin - November 15, 2012
Yay spiders.