
November 2, 2012 - Password Change
In a few minutes everyone logged into Rescreatu will automatically be logged out. When you attempt to log in again you will be prompted to change your password. Please do not be worried when this happens and kindly change your password.

There was a security breach which had allowed a cookie grabber to pass through our filters resulting in several accounts being compromised. Remember, all passwords saved on Rescreatu servers are encrypted and are safe. We are forcing all accounts to reset their passwords as a precaution. If your account was compromised from the cookie grabber it will be safe after changing your password. The security holes which allowed this have been patched. 

If you have any questions or need help please don't hesitate to contact a support staff member.

Comments: 26

TheDraliDragon - November 4, 2012
Well, you could just make a password with the character limit, then go into the prefences and change it again.
Riyo - November 3, 2012
The automatic create-a-new-password prompt upon login has a character limit on new passwords, but the one in the preferences - password page does not. Please remove the character limit when being prompted upon login to create a new password.
Flygon - November 3, 2012
Glad it wasn't me hacked this time.
DesertFever - November 3, 2012
My account looks fine thanks ^_^ I was gonna change my pass anyway xD
daddy456 - November 3, 2012
Thanks someone hacked my account
Albion - November 3, 2012
thanks ... so glad you are keeping up with the nasties when you are busy running the site.
Halloween - November 3, 2012
Ahh, i see.
7oby - November 2, 2012
uh-oh. Good job catching it before it did anything too horrible D:
chihuahuagirl3377 - November 2, 2012
JamesJamieson has got you covered if you have questions.:D
TheDraliDragon - November 2, 2012
post at same time XD
chihuahuagirl3377 - November 2, 2012
jenny17 read the comment below this one. :)
TheDraliDragon - November 2, 2012
Cookies are certain files that websites download onto yuor computer to make it easier to use those website. For example exiting without loggin out of Rescreatu means that when you returnt to the hompage on a later date, the website will remember your login details. I'm assuming this cookie grabber went around taking control of people's accounts that hadn't fully been logged out or by accessing Rescreatu's cookies in order to learn password details.
chihuahuagirl3377 - November 2, 2012
MissHalloween A cookie is a technical term, not the kind you bake in the oven. And a cookie grabber is like a tech spy. They rob the target's system and will sometimes make things run slower. But tech cookies are not safe. Thanks to the staff for rebuilding their security. Im glad my account wasnt a target but I feel bad for the people who where a target. :( sorry!
Phos - November 2, 2012
Thanks guys. c:
jenny17 - November 2, 2012
What was it that happened? Sorry if I'm asking cause I've never heard of a cookie grabber before and am not sure what it is they do. ^^'
Halloween - November 2, 2012
i donno what a cookie grabber is. like somthing that eats people files? i donno, what a cookie really is.
Lunchboxbaby - November 2, 2012
Thanks for the update and for your hard work.
lilindar - November 2, 2012
All I can imagine is the Cookie Monster button mashing all over peoples' accounts. XD
GreenKat - November 2, 2012
What did he cookie grabber do?
neomaemae - November 2, 2012
Do we have to keep them changed forever?
goldrose888 - November 2, 2012
I hope I don't have to change my password
Patrick - November 2, 2012
Unfortunately you will have to change it again ShadowStar, just because of how the system works. Sorry!
Star - November 2, 2012
I've already had to change my password today because I was effected by the Cookie Grabber. As well as several people I know on sb. D:
Host - November 2, 2012
Better safe than sorry.
Outsane - November 2, 2012
Thank you for your hard work.
neomaemae - November 2, 2012
But I always use my password I currently have. :C I really don't want to change it :C